Submitted by Mortal Mindy on

The Town Team consultation on Eastborough held at Market Hall hosted by the Academy of Urbanism .... when? Over the week-end 16/17th Jan 2016, held their review of 'results' last night 19th.
Staggeringly - they 'won'!! - Unanimously with 100% consenus on their MasterPlan for the regeneration of Eastborough together with their redevelopment plans for the Market Hall. Amazing, incredible ... 100% consensus?
Brilliant, if that isn't news then I don't know what is.... light a fire... get those fireworks !! Erm, Who won what? Rags to Runes.
The people - over 2 days 160 to 170 people participated in the public consultation. About 70 of those people attended the 'result', presented by the Town Team's back slapping double act Nick Taylor and Graham North ... (yes there are four or five) a few stumblins in with the Fab Four, or Infamous Five in attendence, the duo actually, eventually, delivered - hi five!! They even got the clap a cheer and a general seal of approval ... from the people. Quick someone call the Knighted Hoodies.. Ohm ohm Ohm. Knight the Nicked.
No, seriously, this was a significant 'event' purely because of its impact on real people, local people, residents, community groups, one man bands, small enterprizes and the hub that draws in the ordinary, extraordinary, eccentric, ecellesiastical, the many proud and diverse people of the Old Town community. Skarthi. Skardiburg. Skardiborgvegas.
OK, what was the plan? The Academy of Urbanism has Academicians, however it was left to the Young Urbans to do the groundwork:
"the Young Urbanists are teaming up with ScarboroughsFuture on a great project to improve the connectivity between the Scarborough’s town centre and the area considered as the principle tourist area, namely the beach and harbour. The street that links them is called Eastborough, and whilst there are some examples of pleasing architecture, there are parts which have a rundown feel. Businesses and accommodation standards vary from poor to amazing. Furthermore there is soon to be a £2.7m refurbishment of the market hall to bring it up to date and engender a sense of vibrancy with a 21st century market place. The area around here is mostly quite deprived yet with some lovely examples of historic buildings and a medieval streetscape." (yep I left that link in because there is where the fun begins, should you choose to get lost)
GN welcomed everbody, including the former Chair of Yorkshire Forward ... "We can make our own mythologies and our own futures, we can be re-made by our passion and our dreams" Ya. Right on ... see here, Beryl :
The Town Teams skatalogue - The Castle (lights), Sandside - (lights & seating), The Spa - (lights, seating, bar), Woodend - (lights .... ah yes electrics) Electric Chair ... Trafalgar Square (play it safe) and The Scarborough Ambassors Project. And here's where it all gets a little 'lost'.
Errors of ommission or fast track or fast forward? Yorkshire Forward. Defunct. Didn't they own half the Futurist? Defunct. Wot didn't you follow the links? OK, what did the Urban Space Group say about the Futurist: see here: "1. Any development of the Futurist site as defined above should respect and enhance the existing pattern and character of Scarborough....
Do all roads lead to Rome? ... No no no, not the Foreshore ... tis built on sand ... so is the RNLI house ... a soft topography ... to the Harbour !!! Boats n Floats!
Abridged - Nick Taylors main points - to lead people down from Westborough into Eastborough by creating a visual and inviting journey to the Bottom End and Scarborough's finest Asset, the Harbour. How do they intend to do that? Action! Physical improvements, shop fronts, create a central urban space, use influence and market forces and not regulation, orientation - how do people get around, how do they interact, accessibility, pedestrianisation, improve pavements, lighting, more planting. Build on the Heritage, culture, art & sculpture drawings on the residues of the past, create a hub and focul point in the Old Town, .... the Market Hall. Deliver an artisan approach, traffic calming, divitation, introduce chaos, interest and interaction. Murals ... local people should have ownership of regeneration.
Wow man... wot is he on ? Tis like the re-invention of the wheel ... Ah yes, Urbanism. An Academy for Academecians ... some very notable people, founded in 2006, but in effect about networking ... a web. Wheels. Wheels within wheels, who needs wheels ...
Water into wine, liquid into gold ... Alchemy, the Academy of Alchemists, lets turn the Market into a Magnet. Aye but not quite Marakesh goats, mules, camels... fags, wheres the fag shop.
Ah, yes, "Post-stick democracy" great. Who needs gobs when there are Sticks. The Coastal Community Fund. Work on the Market Hall starts in March thanks to an investment of £2.78mil. The CCF is funded by North Sea operators of 'pipelines','cables' etc. To extract the funding from CCF you need to create a Coastal regeneration team. How handy is that? Reinvent the wheel ... the Town Team is now the Coastal Town Team. Magic.
Why the rush ... applications for further funding need to be in by end of January, great wads, squads, squares up to a 'Town Scape Heritage' fund, along with a conservation appraisal.... Yep, all Hands went up. Unanimous - 100%.
Re-invent the wheel? Yep, OK. Chaos Rules. Fine. Must be all those green lights ...
Paddle faster ... Fee fi fo fumbs. Drums.
Ooh I smell a blood bath ;-)
Organic. Oscars :-//
Migration Heritage
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
Base lines?
One Way Ticket
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
"Money will be applied for from the Coastal Communities Fund - and it's hoped some of these could happen in the next few years.
Investment Manager at the Borough Council, Nick Taylor, said:
The 70's, medieval?
Marketing The Market Hall
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
An open event for Tues 22nd March 3.30 pm at Scarborough Market :
"Scarborough Borough Council and group ginger are working to rejuvenate the Scarborough Market Hall building to develop employment and enterprise opportunities. The Market Hall currently employs in the region of 78 people and supports around 48 businesses.
The Market Hall is a grade 2 listed building situated in the midst of a heavily populated area in the historic old town. It was constructed in the 1830’s to replace the overflowing market area and improve hygiene and appearance."
Ginger ...
Hmmm ... Whitby
"Carrie Reichardt is an artist who describes herself as an anarchist, but she knows the day to day business struggles of small shopkeepers all too well.
Her workspace in Chiswick, west London, looks like a shop, but she actually isn't allowed to sell anything there. Unable to afford business rates, she had to convert her shop into the home of an arts collective."
The future of Eastborough? Not quite the Lanes...
Brighton ... cream teas and tattoos :
Ah, so ... most of the funding is gonna be spent on a mezzanine floor to house tinternet and IT hubs outlets digital inclusions etc etc ... drones.
Wot not :
Xcept the BT line tinternet junction box is run off one very old cable down Eastborough ... BT > best get digging.
Yup, Ginger can sort BT out ...
"The increasing trend to shop in smaller more personal spaces would be achieved, along with the availability of an on-line shopping service"
best not mention those wifi blocking devices in operation .... ooops. imports.
BT in denial :-)
tis an aquired taste ... Goose n Gander
Marketing - The Market - Vaults
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
An open event for Tues 22nd March 3.30 pm at Scarborough Market :
"Scarborough Borough Council and group ginger are working to rejuvenate the Scarborough Market Hall building to develop employment and enterprise opportunities. The Market Hall currently employs in the region of 78 people and supports around 48 businesses.
The Market Hall is a grade 2 listed building situated in the midst of a heavily populated area in the historic old town. It was constructed in the 1830’s to replace the overflowing market area and improve hygiene and appearance."
Ginger ...
"Carrie Reichardt is an artist who describes herself as an anarchist, but she knows the day to day business struggles of small shopkeepers all too well.
Her workspace in Chiswick, west London, looks like a shop, but she actually isn't allowed to sell anything there. Unable to afford business rates, she had to convert her shop into the home of an arts collective."
BHS & Liquidating
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
"It buys them time, but the fundamental issues still remain."
Of interest :
BHS Trends
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
BHS the largest charity shop on the high street?
Pensionor shops...
Outside Inn
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"Nick Taylor, Scarborough Council’s investment manager, believes Marks & Spencer is a fundamental part of Scarborough’s town centre.
He said: “I moved here around 30 years ago and I was surprised to see such a big national retailer in a small seaside town. It was actually the final piece of the jigsaw in me moving here. People are moving in to online shopping and it is a shame to see a big retailer closing down stores. It would be a huge loss to the town to lose its Marks & Spencer.
“It is a big employer with very friendly and attentive staff during my visits and it is vital it stays in Scarborough.”
M&S said it will close around 30 of its 304 full-line stores – selling clothing and home as well as food – and downsize or replace around 45 shops to Simply Food outlets.
It will also relocate some other outlets, while opening other stores in so-called under-served areas.
The site of the Scarborough store was where Edward Harland was born in 1831.He later went on to become a shipbuilder and the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast made the Titanic."
"Development firm MRP has bought up the Argos store in Newborough and wants to demolish it to house a five-screen complex.
Speaking to The Scarborough News, the firm said the town “could not support two cinemas” – putting it in direct conflict with waterpark developer Benchmark’s plans for a seven-screen mulitplex on the former Atlantis site in North Bay.
Benchmark responded by announcing that it had agreed a deal with The Light to run its cinema, with work starting in the New Year.
But Richard Anderson, director of MRP, said the firm has had discussions with the council and the tenants of the building and hoped to submit the full planning application in the New Year.
Mr Anderson said the firm was aware that Benchmark has planning permission for its cinema but said that would not put it off.
“There is nothing we can do about the other cinema. All we can do is put together the best plan possible for this site and put it to the council. The size of Scarborough I would say that it could not support two cinemas of this size
“Our plan is to demolish all or part of the building and have the cinema on the first floor, below there will be five restaurants, national names that you would expect to find alongside a cinema like this.
“We have been in talks with operator Savoy, which runs cinemas in Nottingham and Worksop, and they are very keen.
“Although I can’t give any names the restaurant chains we have spoken to also seem to be excited by a town centre location such as this.”
Benchmark said that MRP’s application “changed nothing” with regards to its plans.
A spokesman for Benchmark Leisure said: “We believe appointing The Light is a real coup for Scarborough and is the final piece in the jigsaw to delivering this exciting project.
“The Light is a massively growing brand in the cinema industry and offers something very different to the traditional operators. We are proud to be able to bring them to the town. The chosen contractor for the construction will be announced shortly.
“Following the opening of the water park, this represents further investment into the regeneration in the North Bay and will be great for both residents and visitors.
Keith Pullinger, chief executive of The Light added: “We have pioneered a change in the cinema experience and this will be a new cinema for a new era.
“It’s a very exciting development and we look forward to bringing this experience to Scarborough.
“Talks have been taking place with Benchmark for many months now and we are confident that this development will be a hugely successful.”
MRP said that if its cinema plans do not go ahead then it had a back-up scheme to renovate the building and to let it out once more.
• Which plan would you prefer ... North Bay or town centre? Email with your views."
tis like D Day innit ....
An if anyone shows me that effing Lewis ad I'll punch their lights out.
Town Team Nesting
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"People in Scarborough are being invited to have their say on the town's future.
It's the latest meeting of the 'Town Team' on Tuesday night, and it's taking place at Coventry University Scarborough campus at 7pm.
Among the items on the agenda are the High Street resurfacing, the Market Hall redevelopment and the Alpamare waterpark.
Nick Taylor, Scarborough's town centre manager, said:
On Dry Dock?
Don't spose the anti frackers calculated the full environmental costs of importing GAS from Qatar etc etc etc ...
YCC 'Exciting & Bold'
Submitted by Captain Black on
Wtf? Sparks without the Marks.. M&S reveal new City store?
"A "bold development" using 15 brightly-coloured shipping containers as a base for street food and new businesses has been approved.
Spark:York has been granted a three-year lease by councillors to develop an empty site on Piccadilly in York city centre.
Separate planning applications for the plans will have to be submitted before the scheme can go ahead.
It is hoped the project could open in spring 2017."
... wot a fr*cking site for York Minster!
tis a Cracker jack.
Mind the neighbours...
A Licence to Thrill
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"... A century earlier, one visitor complained of Scarborough’s lack of “diversion”; and even as late as 1722, a traveller reported that the town had no public assemblies, only private balls. Yet three years later, there were at least two assembly rooms, one modest in Low Westgate (now 11 and 11A Princess Street) and a second spacious and grand at the far end of St Nicholas Gate (now St Nicholas Street). The latter was to become so important to Scarborough that for a time it gave its name to the whole street.
By the 1730s, According to a contemporary guide, “nobility, quality and gentry” were flocking to Scarborough, not merely to take its medicinal spa waters or for its organised sea-bathing, but for “the company”. Here, it seems, was a place at the seaside where normal social and moral restraints were relaxed or even ignored: here you could enjoy yourself in ways that might be considered impolite or unseemly at home. Here there were widows wanting husbands, impoverished younger sons looking for heiresses, and young, frisky gallants hoping to misbehave with impunity..."
Mulgrave Ward By-election - TUESDAY 29th August 2017 Persons nominated:
John Armsby (Ind), Lee Derrick (TYP), Hugo Fearnley (Lab), Marion Watson (Con)
Good Luck Awl
As diverse as ever :-0
"In late 1944, Major Hunter Reinburg, commanding officer of 122 Squadron of the American Marine Corps, had a hankering for ice cream.
Not surprising perhaps, since he was posted to the sweltering, jungle-covered South Pacific island of Peleliu.
So Hunter set his resourceful team of aircraft engineers to work on Operation Freeze.
After some trial and error, they found that by mounting a large can filled with milk onto the underside of each wing tip of their fighter planes, attaching a stirring shaft to a wind-driven propeller, and then undertaking a training sortie at 30,000 feet, they could supply 100 servicemen with a helping of ice cream every day, whilst simultaneously provoking the Japanese to waste a few shells trying to bring them down.
Hunter was, however, missing a trick.
If, instead of flavouring his favourite treat with army-issue cocoa powder, he'd cast his eye around him to see what fruits and spices the South Pacific had to offer, then he really would have been ahead of his time.
He could have tried lychee, coconut, cardamom, nutmeg or ginger - flavours that ice cream makers are now starting to experiment with..."
Prohibition, Byelaws & Discretionary Orders.
Hmmm ...
Tuesday. Ticked.
Poetical Sketches...
Ah, so ...
thats the 'gift' sorted.
Ding Donna Dongs.
Neon Lights
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"The Unblinking Eye: 55 Years of Space Operations on Fylingdales Moor presents new research on the history and effects of RAF Fylingdales in local, national and international contexts.
It also highlights the North York Moors’ integral role in international space monitoring and cultural legacy of the iconic ‘golf balls’..."
"We ride on the Millenium Falcon, fly to Alderan, drop the droids ''Have these droids'', grab the princess, hole up in the Mos Eizley cantina, have glass of blue milk and wait for the Empire to be defeated."
I hear squeaking ...
Just in case you missed it ;-)
"The site of the Scarborough store was where Edward Harland was born in 1831.He later went on to become a shipbuilder and the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast made the Titanic."
Big Ears.
A Traction Rally
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
".. during a visit to Scarborough's Market Hall, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn also expressed his commitment to fund investment in the North.
Mr Corbyn said: “I’ve supported the power up the north campaign from the very beginning. First of all we need much better transport infrastructure hence a cross rail for the north."
To the Dragon Boats!!
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"... employed by the York BID (Business Improvement District) to be a high profile presence in the city centre: deterring criminals, helping police with things like shop-lifting and antisocial behaviour, liaising with businesses and the BID's own street cleaning team to ensure litter is picked up and the streets kept clean, and giving directions to visitors."
"Deputy chief magistrate Tan Ikram said Vidler had "attempted to stifle [the MPs'] legitimate political views" and undermined "the free democratic society in which we live"."
Chews Wisely.
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
Lizarding to Lingering :-0
“There is only a bicycle lane there now,..”
Mind the Gaps...
'The Distinguished'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"The Pegasus Quantum is a recreational aircraft with three wheels and an open cockpit able to seat two people. It has a hang glider-style wing and a rear propeller."
""It was subsequently tracked by radar as it flew over the coast north of Newcastle and flew out to sea," it said."
The Art of Invention.
Not on your Nelly.
"Perfect for holiday entertaining, the cheeseboard is complemented with accompaniments that celebrate ingredients from the Piedmont region."