Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"Visitors to a beauty spot have been warned it is "not a certified camping site" after concerns about an increase in numbers."
"190/23.3 Received & noted letter from Mayor of Pornic [circulated with agenda], and Clerk’s holding reply of 14/12/23. Agreed decision of 11/10/23 [ Minute 151/23 refers] to terminate the Twinning Charter be upheld. There was no reason why the twinning exchange visits between Pornic and Scalby could not continue – they would simply not involve this Council. Clerk to reply to Mayor of Pornic.”
“197/23.3 It was noted that a member of staff and an ex-councillor had held unauthorised and unofficial meetings about the hub with two parties (one of which had given Council a substantial grant). Further noted that one of the parties had been spoken with and it had been explained any further discussions must be with Council via the Clerk/RFO. Cllr. Thompson to write to the grant-giving party with regard to the unauthorised approaches and asking for a meeting at the earliest opportunity.”
“Staffing – a letter dated 26/1/24 from a solicitor and Council’s reply of 29/1/24 were noted. The deadline for a response by 2pm today (2/2/24) had passed without a reply. Resolved no decision to be made be made on the content of the letter of 26/1/24, the matter would be re-considered in the future if necessary.”
“30/24.2 NY Unitary Council – NY Cllr. Sharma reported 1] Locality budgets for 24/25 were not to be cut; 2] charges for households taking rubble to the HWRC’s were to be dropped for 24/25. He also expressed concerns that there had been no Public Open Forum on tonight’s agenda and spoke at length about matters at the hub despite the Chairman asking him to restrict his speech to matters pertaining to events at NYC as they affected the Council. A member of public interrupted the meeting with an outburst regarding the lack of a public open forum before leaving the meeting. NY Cllr. Bastiman read out a statement prepared by NY Legal dept. in respect of the support he had given to the hub via locality grants.”
“49/24.3 Media report in the Yorkshire Post [Minute 45/24.3 refers]. Despite a solicitor’s letter being sent, an article based on the confidential report by Castle HR had been published. Council considered various courses of action. Resolved that legal advice be sought in this matter. Resolved that a councillor who is quoted in the article be reported to the Monitoring Officer of North Yorkshire Council (by the Clerk to Council on behalf of the Town Council).
49/24.4 Press releases [Minute 45/24.3 refers]. It was noted that local news and the BBC had carried details of the Police being called to the “sit in” staged by the public at the Council meeting of 14th February. It was noted that press releases issued y the Council, containing the correct facts, had been sent to the relevant media as well as being put on put on Council’s website, Facebook page and noticeboards.”
“58/24.4 Complaint dated 5/3/24 to Chairman about Clerk. The Chairman gave details of the complaint and the advice he had received for the Council from the YLCA. Resolved YLCA advice be released to Cllr. Smith for her to draft a response on Cllr. Thompson’s behalf and our solicitor be asked to write a strong letter to the complainant in respect of their use of confidential Council documents in their possession."
58/24.5 Defamation costs. Resolved the advice from NALC via the YLCA be noted.
58/24.6 The initial response to a two-part complaint dated 19/2/24 from a parishioner had not been accepted. The matter would now be referred to full Council but advice was pending from the YLCA as to whether the complaint needed to be heard in private session in accordance with section 7 of Council’s Complaints Policy. ~Proposed Cllr. Thompson, seconded Cllr. Shepherd and resolved Clerk to write to complainant explaining date of Council hearing deferred until advice was to hand.
"ZF24/00495/FL Widen existing vehicular access, 445B Scalby Road, Scalby (Council is applicant)."
"When room is laid out for meeting of full council (13 councillors plus Clerk), there should be no more that 23 persons in the public area."
'Counting Sheep'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"Europa Oil and Gas has lodged planning documents with North Yorkshire Council over its ambition to drill a lateral borehole from a site of best and most versatile agricultural land off the A165 Coastal Road, near Burniston, towards Scalby, “for the purposes of conventional gas exploration”."
"The firm says it does not believe an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the proposal is necessary. The proposed site is about 800m from the North York Moors National Park and within the North Yorkshire and Cleveland Heritage Coast Management Area."
Yawwn ...
"In order to determine the potential reserves of gas, the firm states it would be necessary to undertake “a proppant squeeze” for up to 17 weeks."
Sounds like a Plan...
Trading Standards.
Mind it would be good for Tourism, if you like that kinda thing.... ;-0
Wind Up Merchants.
When you're in a hole stop digging. ..
Know your Limits.
'Not Many Can do That'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
Newby & Scalby Parish Poll Results: 96.71% said YES, 3.29% said NO. Turnout was 7.14%. Total votes 577 (558 said yes, 19 said no).
Don't spose they they could join up with the Scarborough Town Council in 2025 just for the fun of it...
As a matter of fact that's more votes than any of the unopposed standing councillors received.
"This would be a substantial change to what was previously consulted on and agreed and would take a considerable period of time (at least two years). Such a proposal would need to be raised, for example through a public petition with the relevant number of signatories. "
The 'Glorious Twelth'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
The Spirit of Free Enterprise... ;-0
"“It feels like they’ve forgotten they are a public authority and publicly-funded and their role is to protect and support the community, not themselves, not whatever financial interests they have. They are acting like medieval overlords.”"
"“Why even bother with the charade of consulting when minds appear to have already been made up?”"
"Scarborough Town Council will take effect from April 2025 with elections set to be held in May that year."
".... there would be long term benefits to the new town council having a larger footprint and absorbing some of the neighbouring parishes, he's put forward a hypothetical example of how the outlying parishes might feel left out if the new town council introduced resident parking concessions."
How Convenient.