Submitted by Captain Qahn on
It appears that offering an opinion leads to a few back lashes, whilst irritating to a few, words that fall out of foolish lips can often be misinterpreted, masked & mistaken.
Stolen words are the weapons of the deviant trolls, using your words to imitate a virtual existance. Carbon copying or cut and pasting expressions creating a false image of the 'trolled'.
Any mild intimation soon escalates into intimidation.
Qalypso expresses Actions over words. It is a craftily created minefield of Data, purely for recording events & environment. With particular focus on the development of the York Potash Project and the altenative hydrualic fracturing industries that are dipping their toes into our waters. As a standard using that good old tool politics, economics, social & technology though we may wander into legal and environment and any other areas of interest. As confidence in project has grown so too may have our expression of interest and strength of opinion. Should any offence be taken our contact details are or any 'hint' via the usual media will suffice.
Qalypso Captains do not venture into opinion on other websites, be they the local Snooze, social media, LSE or III (tho we preserve their stuff regularly) to make cooment within our own pages. Neither do we push or promote our website (twitter got a bit messy) (nor sails btw) tho occasionally we forward contained links regarding subject matter that may be of interest or pertinent to a local event. Should you view Qalypso as a useful tool or otherwise, sobeit ... tis often a hard swallow tho gone a little soft of late.
Crystalising our position, any opinions expressed (via images, squawks or other 'language' links) are of the quiller or the Captain on deck. Should Qalypso poke its noses & hooks into the business of Sirius Minerals, Cuadrilla, Ineos, Siemens, branches thereof any large Corporation that shows an intent to step into, develop, impact, trample or transform our hometown, botanically or otherwise, then Qalypso reserves the right to analyse, compare, research and draw the facts to inform an opinon. Qalypso did and does not seek venture into their homelands and peeling their onions.
Actions speak louder than words and at this critical conjecture in what is considered to be one of the most transformational developments in our area Qalypso withdraws from opinion. That's going 'Black' btw, locked down, but not out.
Virtually speaking in modern terminology, Locked, Stocked with Two Smoking Barrells ... strapped to a portside cannon.
In plain English, Qalypso will not be imitated or initimidated, and likewise will not imitate nor intimidate. Though we reserve the right to the odd irritation.
YCR: Sea Bed Mapping
Submitted by Captain Black on
"7:01am 9th October 2016
The second phase of a seabed mapping project is taking place off the coast of Bridlington.
The work began in 2011 with the completion of the first ever detailed nearshore survey to be carried out along the East Riding coastline. The results, when combined with the East Riding council’s upper beach data, now provide a complete record of the shoreline region, as well as being used to update the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office’s charts of the area.
The initial 2011 survey showed for the first time what the seabed off the coastline looks like, picking up previously unknown bedforms that show a diverse and complex marine environment.
This new follow up work will resurvey key sites of interest such as the sand banks off Bridlington and Spurn Point, as well as smaller sand waves and the extensive barren mud flats that lie just offshore, to determine how these observed seabed features change over time. Analysis should then show how deep water sediment is transported along our shoreline and whether there is any interaction between this and upper beach supplies.
This knowledge, when combined with the council’s onshore beach and cliff erosion records, should then help the council and other agencies to understand how important these offshore sediment stores are to the coastal processes at the shoreline.
Neil McLachlan, senior coastal engineer for the council, is excited about seeing the results of the survey. He said:
The study, which has been commissioned by the council using Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) money, will produce an accurate map of the seabed from Flamborough Head down to Spurn Point - from the shore up to 2km out to sea.
Results of the survey will be an important addition to the council’s shoreline management plan, as engineers are currently working with only limited knowledge of what is actually happening beneath the waves.
To complete the study, which is known as a ‘bathymetric survey’, sound pulses will be transmitted to the seabed and collected by a survey vessel. These signals are then used to build up an accurate 3D map of the seabed.
Work is being co-ordinated by Pell Frischmann, a national consultancy firm, and carried out by specialist seabed survey company, Titan Survey. It is hoped that the survey work will be completed by the end of the year."
Bit more to add :
""Did you know that the council operates three wave buoys along the north east coast, two of which are located off Scarborough and Whitby?
If you’re curious as to what the sea is doing, day or night, real-time wave data from the Scarborough and Whitby buoys can be viewed here: (click on the directional arrow for the relevant buoy and the link to view charts)"
"The report can be found here You can also find a post storm inspection report of coastal defence assets and coastal slopes for our frontage.
The 14-15 data report is currently being finalised and should be on the website in the coming weeks."
More on this later (once I get me head around it) but did you know SBC is the Specialist Authority on collecting wave data from Scotland all the way down to .... thats our North Sea that is ...and SBC are keeping a very special eye on it .... they have proper experts ya know ;-))"
Cousins ... evil twins too :-)
Fusion Reactors
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
Oh Dear....
Oh heart beat Still ... another day another dollar
pah. People that really p*ss me off don't exist.
Do carry on .. tis all entertaining
Oh Oh Oh bit of enco?
better things to DO.
Make my Day.... ;-0