Submitted by Captain Qahn on

""There you go," Danny says to the man. "You've got options."
No council housing assessment, no red tape, no hesitation. At least for the night, the man will have a roof over his head."
"At 6pm on the Saturday, the navvies assembled for pay-day, with their thoughts no doubt on the amount of alcohol they could buy with their gold.
However, midway through handing out the pay, contractor Mr Adamson became unsure of how much work the navvies had done, and declared that he was going to cease payment until Monday when he had measured their progress.
“Hearing this, they (the men) grew very excited,” said the paper. “One of them, a pitman, made a rush at the gold bag as it stood on the table. He was protected by his comrades, who hustled Mr Adamson and his assistants, and he got clear off with the bag."
""The idea of missing a 1953 event is unthinkable. We'd see it a long way off. "But however high our defences are, there is always the chance that there will be a storm that will overtop them.""
Downwarping & Durham
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"There were three reasons for this. First, water levels were rising. By the 1950s scientists had known for a generation or so that the climate had been warming for a century, and that this was causing glaciers to melt.
Second, the phenomenon of tilt: the north-west and north of England was gradually rising and the south-east was gradually sinking – or downwarping – a notion that had some popular traction, especially in East Anglia. Downwarping compounded the effect of higher water levels and was also caused by climate change. At the end of the last ice age, glaciation had reached as far south as the line from the Bristol Channel to the Wash. With the weight of ice no longer acting on northern Britain, a gradual correction was taking place – and continues to.
Third, was the idea that changing weather patterns made tidal surges more likely. Sou’westerlies dominated the weather patterns of the region, but strong northerlies were becoming more prevalent, possibly as part of a 200-year cycle. For all these reasons the east coast, and London particularly, faced an increasing threat from the North Sea."
"Since the end of the last Ice Age 20,000 years ago, land and sea-levels around the UK coastline have changed in response to the retreat of the ice sheets. As the ice melted, the release of this enormous weight resulted in the landmass slowly tilting back up in the north or down in the south, a process called isostatic adjustment."
“The rate of uplift north of the River Tyne to Scotland increases because the ice sheets there were thicker and heavier. The action of the Ice Age on our landmass has been like squeezing a sponge which eventually regains its shape. The earth’s crust has reacted over thousands of years and is continuing to react...
“Subsidence and rising sea levels will have implications for people and habitats, and will require action to manage resorts, industrial sites, ports, beaches, salt marshes and wetlands, wildlife and bird migrations.”
"Durham’s new map and model also takes into account Newton’s law of gravitational attraction and ‘the Geoid effect’. Melting ice has affected the relationship between the ice, sea and land, and the mass inside the earth’s mantle. These changes have produced a gravitational effect on the surface of the water in the planet’s oceans.
Prof Shennan said: “When a huge mass of ice melts, the land readjusts over time but there’s also a response in the earth’s mantle and this affects the shape of the surface of the earth’s oceans. Changes in our oceans and land uplift and subsidence will continue to have a significant effect on our coastlines this century.”
"But if climate change was understood to be a factor in the growing threat to the east coast, there was little suggestion that any of it was caused by human activities. Instead, scientists pointed to the shift in and out of ice ages that occurs naturally over many thousands of years. Climate change, considered a force of nature, had yet to be politicised, even as it became a factor in policy making...
The threat climate change poses a given population depends as much on the capacity of the state to build adequate defences as it does on geographical good fortune. The debate of the 1950s and 60s also throws into sharp relief how politically significant anthropogenic notions of climate change have become.
Then, it was a question of defending vulnerable people and infrastructure against apparently natural phenomena, now the question of causation has hugely complicated and politicised possible government responses. This raises profound questions about environmental justice at both a national and global level. As the terrible flood of 1953 and recent events throughout the world have shown, it is poor, marginal people who drown in floods, whether in Britain or elsewhere."
Dawn Warping
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"there might be a festering, steaming, auk-filled hole somewhere just up the road?"
'Boulby ICL, the area's largest employer, wants to continue mining its polyhalite product until infinity & beyond the 2040s 50's 60's etc
"Global firm ICL stopped mining polyhalite in 2011, investing £300m in the "costly and challenging" transition process after supplies of its previous potash product ran out in 2018.
Boulby mine's general manager Andrew Fulton said: “Following our successful move to polyhalite production, the planning application is the next phase in our ‘Building Boulby’s Future’ strategy...
Boulby ICL will hold a month-long public consultation programme from Tuesday, in advance of lodging its application to the North York Moors Park Authority for a 25-year extension.
The exhibition will "help visitors understand the background to the mine and outline improvements to above and below ground operations", ICL says."
Oh Dear ...
"A by-product of processing potash ore is a saline effluent that also contains naturally occurring clay minerals which are insoluble. This effluent is discharged to the North Sea at a distance of 1.8 km from the cliffs at Boulby via an underground tunnel.. The effluent contains small quantities of List 1 and List 2 substances as defined by EC Directive 76/464/EC (mercury and other heavy metals which occur naturally in the ore)...
In Pursuit of Happiness .. ;-)
"October 1, Hinderwell Village Hall, 2pm-8pm October 2, Mulgrave Community Sports Centre, 2pm-8pm,October 4, Loftus Town Hall, 2pm-8pm, October 9, Staithes Village Hall, 2pm-8pm, October 10, Skinningrove Village Hall, 2pm-8pm, October 12, Skelton Civic Centre, 9am-2pm, October 15, Mickleby Village Hall, 2pm-8pm, October 26, Marske Leisure Centre, 9am-2pm"
"The occasional formation of a froth is not considered to constitute a significant adverse impact in terms of the amenity value of the coastline."
Bill & Ben
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
"In 2013, there were heady promises that gas extracted from fracturing shale rock with water under high pressure could revolutionise the UK energy industry.
A technology that had changed the US energy industry and geopolitics with it could provide a bonanza of benefits to the UK.
As the gas from the North Sea dwindled, fracking would step in to make the UK less reliant on foreign imports that make up 60% of our gas supply.
This home grown resource would see prices fall and security of supply rise. It would provide tens of billions of new investment and tens of thousand of jobs in areas that desperately needed it and all this could be done safely and environmentally responsibly..."
"Britons have become more socially liberal in the last 30 years, but don't believe that politicians are good people, according to a new study..."
Insert your own 'context'...
""We were asked to find out if there is gas there, is it good quality, is it produceable. The answer to that is yes, yes and yes. It is up to the government to decide how it wants to exploit that. If people don't want it, they don't want it.""
"With an election round the corner and the cries of Extinction Rebellion ringing in the ears of voters (particularly younger ones), putting an end to fracking might be a tempting policy for a party keen to prove it can not be trusted on the wider environment."
'A String of Sounds'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"The Ring disclosure comes as Amazon is facing broader antitrust scrutiny in Congress about its e-commerce business, and accusations of undercutting merchants that sell on its platform by making “knock-offs”, or very similar products, and boosting their presence on its site."
"The research, which uses sound waves, is being carried out to determine if the seabed contains suitable geology."
"I remember nothing. I don’t remember the film we watched, or going to bed, or the cups of tea we just must have had. We were English people in a tough spot, after all..."
The mundane doesn’t stop... ;-?
Focus on the bigger picture...
Informed Decisions
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"The great white continent of Antarctica has been awash in dazzling pink and plum hues, thanks to the “afterglow” effect of the Tongan eruption."
"Bild, the powerful German tabloid, pounced on the story as what it saw as evidence of a modern kind of censoriousness. “People are being prescribed how they should talk, how to write, and now how to party. This prudish nannying of the politically correct brigade must stop. We are heading for an anti-fun society.”
"Scientists working in Antarctica reported the phenomenon to New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospherics (Niwa) after realising the same thing was happening in the southernmost region of the world."
"A spokesman for Kirkbride Airfield declined to comment and said while there was speculation that Tom Cruise is in Cumbria, “it’s a very big county.”
That's one less shed to worry about... ;-0