Submitted by Captain Qahn on

"The ancient Greeks had two different words for the concept of time — “chronos” and “kairos”. The word “chronos” (you probably recognize this one as the root for the English words “chronological” and “chronicle”) refers to measured, ticking, quantitative time. Chronos is the forward propelling time that we measure with clocks, on watches, and by the evolutionary phases of the moon. But time does not end there..."
"A moratorium on fracking was put in place in England in 2019 following concerns over earth tremors."
Elemental Mapping:-)
"If the Earth was not tilted..."
"When the day the Sun is exactly above the Equator, it makes day and night of equal length."
Investment Zones
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"Such a resignation, which a government source confirmed is being considered, is normally used for projects like roads and power generation schemes."
“The cottage is thoughtfully furnished with references to local artists and culture, reminding us of the region’s rich mining history.”
"“It’s a great cycle – as more businesses locate themselves here, we’ll have more funding to improve our towns, in turn attracting more companies, generating even more cash for regeneration."
'The Trajectory in Yields'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"It’s easy to always think that people do things with malicious intent, but what if there were a different reason?"
"Sterling skidded by more than a cent against the dollar to below $1.10 after the Bank’s governor insisted the £65bn scheme to purchase UK government bonds would not be continued beyond the deadline on Friday."
"They don’t hesitate to buy things for themselves, but they take advantage of everyone else’s generosity."
"Threadneedle Street said on Tuesday morning it was taking action to prevent a “fire sale” of UK government bonds – or gilts – by pension funds caught out by the sharp increase in interest rates in the past two and a half weeks."
"As far as I’m concerned, the monetary price isn’t worth the confrontation – but I’d just like to understand what makes them OK with this behaviour. They also offer to help out with chores but then don’t follow through."
"The IMF said the Bank and the Treasury were “like two people trying to steer a car in different directions”... “He’s actually got to now produce a set of projections which add up.”
"It has been estimated that taxing generators such as wind and solar farms could raise eyebrows."
"Sorry, folks, there’s a slight anomaly in the engine. It’ll just be a few moments.”
"Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter."
"They should’ve sent a poet.”
It’s Not Boring
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"They’ve got pace, they’ve got pathos, they’ve got suspense and dread, they’ve got a heap of intergenerational struggle..."
"Distress calls were going off like the twilight barking in The Hundred and One Dalmatians."
"Topping the list as the UK’s best county to head to for the best guarantee of getting a good night’s show, is Yorkshire. The county not only registers the highest number of unique locations from which the Northern Lights have been sighted (4) but it also boasts the best choice of observatories and most dark-sky locations in the UK."
"Lower your shoulders as far down as they’ll go, then do the same with your upper and lower arm, one side at a time. Finally, exhale and relax your chest, then move down to your legs, starting from the thighs all the way down to your toes."
'The Guggenheim Effect'
Submitted by Captain Black on
""Our proposed project aims to deliver new onshore pipeline infrastructure to transport the captured carbon emissions from the region's industrial emitters for safe storage in the North Sea, and enable industries to fuel-switch from fossil fuels to low-carbon hydrogen," a spokesperson said."
"Talking about the consultation, which runs until the 29 November, he added: "It's vital for us to understand what local people think of our plans, and we look forward to meeting communities along the proposed route to share more about the project, answer questions and receive feedback."
"Things cause huge shadows when you have a torch on. For example, a small spider's web can make a huge shadow and then when it moves in a draft it can be quite unnerving..."
"When this happens I tell myself to pull myself together."
'Peak Plants'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"There are wind chimes, geraniums in boxes, wheelie bins and the occasional cat sitting on a gate post. The only unusual feature is the number of windows displaying an A4 poster with the words “Power Station” printed in the font used by polling stations."
"It is common practice for people to leave their parked-car doors unlocked so others have somewhere to run to should they encounter a wandering bear."
""So, from a scientific perspective, there is a beautiful relationship between how much we emit and what that means for the sea-ice and for the bears.""
"An agreement closed the gap "considerably" between workers at Rolls-Royce and its competitor Aston Martin."
'Self Achieving'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"The organisations which had sorted out bins, benefits and booze simply ceased to be in North Yorkshire. They were ex councils."
"In total defiance of its schedule and nocturnal “do not disturb” setting. We tried to turn it off remotely, but it kept whirring until I stamped on it, like in the old days."
'Collective Belts'
Submitted by Captain Colombo on
""Of course we want to go on! Who wouldn't want to be part of the biggest music party on the planet?" he said."
"All of this is not the best marketing tool for a 4,500-acre development that remains crucial to the area’s economic prospects. You can imagine big companies hesitating when taking in some of the recent reporting."
""It's impossible to walk away from. It touches your heart in a way that is totally surprising but extraordinary.""
'Fringe Ideas'
Submitted by Captain Black on
""At the moment we don't have any beans that are grown here that are suitable for baked beans, our climate isn't right for producing this type of bean.""
"“Well, people do sometimes have a tickly cough and the venue is a bit dusty.”
'Chest Out, Chin Down '
Submitted by Captain Black on
"This being the fight game, the wildly opportunistic Ultimate Fighting Championship president, Dana White, already claims to have spoken to both Musk and Zuckerberg, and professes them “dead serious” about the fight. “Mark hit me up first and said, ‘Is [Elon] serious?’” related White. “And I said, ‘I don’t know, let me ask him.’ I asked him, and he said, ‘Yeah, I’m dead serious.’” On every rational level the match seems about as likely to actually happen as big tech regulating itself – then again, rule nothing out with guys who can’t feel."
"That's an eight- minute dance. It's full of jumps, jump splits, cart wheels, somersaults, backwards walk overs, frontwards walk overs."
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"A step too far for some on the left. But a necessary step along the way for Blair and Starmer. They are a similar breed. So they are more than happy to share a stage together, basking in each other’s reflected glory. They both somehow validate each other. They look into one another’s eyes and feel the power and the pain. The knowledge that the sacrifices were worthwhile. It’s almost as if the years between 2010 and 2019 never happened. Hell, more than that. We could almost forget Gordon Brown as well. The true bloodline runs from Blair to Starmer. The divine right of lawyers."
"... allegiances can be short-lived and all that matters is winning."
A dangerous conspiracy theory?
"Guess it’s dinner time! I’m going to need a bigger pot and a boatload of butter."
Sleep Tight.
Recommendation for Approval:
"for the Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Democratic Services to draft up proposed warding arrangements for Scarborough Town Council to be 15 single member wards"
Ergo one member one ward. With boundary changes due within two years erm, no Town Council? Wasn't that the whole point ... clearly some people ideas of Socialism are extinct.
Quite fancy a Cornetto... ;-0
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
""There is no short cut that will get us there. I tell you what will: listening, campaigning and persuading."
Mr Flynn is expected to give the conference's opening speech, saying: "We are asking the Scottish people to put trust in themselves - to take powers and our future into our own hands.
"We are offering the opportunity to build a new, independent Scotland.""
The Tight Lipped.
'The Chronicles'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"“We never actually had our eye on the ball in the first place.” Try not to confuse the government with one that actually gives a toss. In any case, children seemed to be learning well enough with masonry falling on their heads"
"This summer, members of North Yorkshire Council pushed through a motion that aimed to revise the wards and the number of councillors that would be elected in a future town council. This is set to delay the creation of a Scarborough Town Council by at least a year until 2025.
North Yorkshire Council will also undertake a third public consultation regarding the town council’s creation which has been criticised by some charter trustees, some of whom see new consultations as unnecessary and have questioned the related financial costs."
"At the meeting on Friday, members of the public will have an opportunity to speak if they contact North Yorkshire Council by Tuesday, October 17. The meeting will be held at Scarborough Town Hall at 2pm on Friday, October 20."
'Zzzz Inco'
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
"Mining activity in Cornwall and Devon dates back to the Bronze Age but tin mining peaked in the mid-nineteenth century and died at the end of the 20th century.
A revival looks to be on the cards, however, after Sir Mick Davis, the former Conservative Party treasurer who was the driving force behind Xstrata PLC (now part of Glencore), agreed to pump £25mln into Cornish Metals Inc, which is looking to resume mining at the South Crofty tin project in Cornwall."
"Edison said, "Anglo’s problems were related to logistical issues at mines in Peru, Chile and South Africa, as well as “operational underperformance”."
An interpretation?
The Mean & Lean...
S'pose you want a toon...
"“The ones that talk back are the ones that the labels sign,” he said. “And at that point there’s very little risk because the public have already spoken.”"