Submitted by Benefitz Betty on

Scarborough Borough Council is voting to merge Yorkshire Coast Homes with Country Housing Association Ltd:
Details of which can be found on the Borough's website:
The Leader of the Opposition ?
Erm ...
1. Why was there no wider public consultation?
2. The transference of assets is the Borough's social housing stock
3. Mistakes have been made in the past.
Wax Work Models?
Inward Investment
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"A crisis of cosmic proportions is brewing: the universe is expanding 9% faster than it ought to be and scientists are not sure why..."
"The proposed Commercial Strategy seeks to build upon the firm foundation of success already achieved by the Council and,importantly, to provide a framework under which all corporate commercial activity can be drawn together and managed, with a consistent 'One Council' approach."
“This is a temple of intelligence and I am its high priest,” said Unamuno. “You are profaning its sacred precincts. You will win because you have an abundance of brute force, but you will not convince. To convince, you need to persuade, and to persuade you need something you lack: reason and right in the struggle. It seems to me to be useless to ask you to think of Spain"
"I’m taking delivery of my painting"
YCH Merger ...
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"A report, that went before the authority’s Overview and Scrutiny Board, last month, noted: “The council’s ongoing strategic support is important for YCH to ensure that the aims and ambitions of the new entity (for example the development of new homes along with investment in services) are achieved. They have therefore requested that the council gives its backing to the merger and specifically gives its approval for the constitution of the new organisation.”
Iain Sim, chief executive of Coast & Country, said that it would not be a case of people from this area being housed in Redcar and vice versa and that YCH would have offices in Whitby and Scarborough should the merger go ahead.
He told councillors: “You have your housing list, we have ours and we are happy for it to stay that way.”
Among the proposals from YCH going forward would be for the charity to build its own homes for general sale."
“It was surrounded by barriers when I saw it so I couldn’t see how deep it was, but I could hear water running under it.”
"Tomorrow there will be one council worky with a shovel pouring dirt down the hole whilst eleven council managers, supervisors, highways staff, safety officers, diversity awareness officers, ethnic support officers, pscyhologists in case the staff are traumatised by having to work. and of course a shop steward."
Shady Acres
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"... The most common response to denialism, though, is debunking. Just as denialists produce a large and ever-growing body of books, articles, websites, lectures and videos, so their detractors respond with a literature of their own. Denialist claims are refuted point by point, in a spiralling contest in which no argument – however ludicrous – is ever left unchallenged. Some debunkings are endlessly patient and civil, treating denialists and their claims seriously and even respectfully; others are angry and contemptuous..."
The Ineosphere
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"There ARE new houses being built and there ARE opportunities out there."
Reduced to rubble and ash by the devastating explosions, with new research suggesting blasts disturbed the ionosphere hundreds of miles above Earth?
"Speaking at the party's annual conference in Liverpool yesterday (Monday 24 September), Mr. Fearnley said:
The ionosphere, which extends from an altitude of about 50km (31 miles) to 1,000km (620 miles), is electrified by radiation from the sun and space, and its charge was significantly weakened at the height.
"His statement that there's been no housing built is actually factually wrong. Over the last five years, between 2013-2018, there's been a total of 656 new affordable homes developed across the borough."
The atmosphere had been altered during the conflict after comparing detailed records of the raids.
Staff at the Radio Research Centre fired a series of shortwave radio pulses 100km (62 miles) to 300km (186 miles) into the air.
Echoes from the radio signals bouncing off the ionosphere layers revealed information about their height and electrical intensity, but the scientists had no idea the data they were recording bore a chilling hallmark .
"Over 80% of these homes have been for rent. It amazes me that were only talking a few months ago about Scarborough Borough delivering 203% of the expectation of new homes as laid out by the government."
The work routinely analysing the height and intensity of these layers to understand how they vary, but what they didn't realise at the time was that they actually contained the signatures.
The images of neighbourhood raids across Europe reduced to rubble due to the destruction that can be caused by man-made explosions.
It is astonishing to see how the ripples caused by man-made explosions can affect the edge of space. Each raid released the energy of at least 300 lightning strikes.
"We've delivered one of the highest in the country, yet still Mr. Fearnley decides that this is not right and we should be doing more.
I really fail to see how much more we can do at this time."
Across a single raid, as many as 2,000 tonnes of explosives could be dropped.
Scientists already knew that the ionosphere could be strongly influenced by solar activity and natural phenomena such as thunderstorms, eruptions and earthquakes, but the revelation regarding the bombs provided "a real quantifiable way of assessing how much energy is required to make the "ionosphere wobble".
The electrical properties of ionosphere affects radio communications, GPS systems and radio telescopes, and so early warning radars would have been impacted by the raids."
Air crew involved in the raids reported having their aircraft damaged by the bomb shock waves, despite being above the recommended height.
Residents under the bombs would routinely recall being thrown through the air by the pressure waves of air mines exploding, and window casements and doors would be blown off their hinges.
"In July, Shadow Housing Secretary John Healey claimed that "not a single new social rented home was built in this area last year."
The unprecedented power of these attacks has proved useful for scientists to gauge the impact such events can have hundreds of kilometres above the Earth, in addition to the devastation they caused on the ground.
"Responding at the time, Councillor Chatt said that "142 new affordable social housing was developed in the Borough in 2017."
Almost 2.7 million tonnes of bombs were dropped... It reported that 3.6 million dwelling units were destroyed or heavily damaged, with 300,000 civilians killed, 780,000 wounded, and close to 7.5 million made homeless.
Last month, information provided by the Local Democracy Reporting Service, showed that the borough was in fact exceeding its estimates for building new homes under current government policy.
The research from Reading was published in the European Geosciences Union journal Annales Geophysicae."
I congratulate him on being successful in what I know has been a rigorous natural selection process.
Partisan Ship
Submitted by Captain Black on
"Conservative MPs have been urged by a party colleague to put partisan interest aside and back the mission to wrest powers and money from Westminster for a region-wide Yorkshire mayor.
A Yorkshire Post survey of the region’s MPs today shows that a majority of respondents backed a One Yorkshire devolution deal but were split on party lines, with Labour far more in favour.
Despite 18 out of 20 councils, including all Tory leaders, backing One Yorkshire, the party’s MPs tended to either oppose the idea entirely or remain unconvinced, with many preferring smaller city-based deals.
Robert Goodwill accused Tory colleagues of opposing the plans because they fear Yorkshire becoming a Labour “safe seat”.
"But on the eve of the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham, the Scarborough and Whitby MP said only a Yorkshire-wide deal would see the region having a “Premier League” mayor like Manchester’s Andy Burnham and West Midlands’ Andy Street.
He told The Yorkshire Post: “Too many seem to be focused on electoral arithmetic and political gain.
“I want to see Yorkshire reach the critical mass needed to sit at the top table with mayors from London, Manchester and Birmingham.
“We need to be in the Premier League and only the One Yorkshire solution, as backed by most councils, can really deliver that.
“In 1999, I was elected to the European Parliament for the whole One Yorkshire region in an election the Conservatives came first in.
“One Yorkshire creates a real democratic unit which is not a safe seat for any party.”
"Meanwhile, Greek former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis backed calls for more devolution in the North, arguing that the Northern Powerhouse has gone from an idea that “excited people magnificently” to a “source of discontent”.
The councils that support One Yorkshire, along with Sheffield City Region Mayor Dan Jarvis, have found their efforts to secure a deal rebuffed by Ministers, who want the South Yorkshire deal to be properly implemented before even discussing a regional plan.
They are due to soon present an economic case for a deal to the Government, saying devolution could benefit Yorkshire residents by up to £5,500 a year.
Mr Varoufakis urged the Government to take devolution proposals seriously.
“London is never going to be able to express the aspirations, concerns, worries and hopes of people in Leeds, people in Hull or people in Doncaster,” he told The Yorkshire Post.
Northern Powerhouse Minister Jake Berry said he would look for the One Yorkshire economic case to show a plan that will drive a “step change in economic growth”..."
"Labour MPs were far more in favour of One Yorkshire, with 22 backing the proposals compared to just two Conservatives.
Only nine MPs were completely opposed to a Yorkshire mayor, but six of these were Conservatives, putting them at odds with the council leaders from their party who are among the 18 backing the plans.
The rest were vague, undecided or did not prefer one model over another.
Of the Tories that replied, only Shipley's Philip Davies raised concerns about a Labour mayor, arguing someone “nominated by Unite the union” and elected as a Labour mayor would “end up with businesses fleeing the region, not flocking here”.
Morley and Outwood MP Andrea Jenkyns also expressed concerns about the potential calibre of candidate, arguing a One Yorkshire deal could only be done in stages to attract the right kind of leader.
“If someone who had been the CEO of a big company wanted the job that would be fantastic,” she said.
Brigg and Goole MP Andrew Percy described himself as “100 per cent against this damaging and silly proposal”, warning East and North Yorkshire would end up being dominated by cities.
Tory supporters included York Outer MP Julian Sturdy, who said he would back a North and East Yorkshire deal if it was “the first step towards a larger devolution agreement further down the line”.
"Pudsey’s Stuart Andrew simply backed any kind of deal that can garner support, including One Yorkshire, saying he was “extremely anxious” about being left behind the likes of Manchester.
"For Labour, several MPs highlighted the cross-party unity of the region’s councils, and said a deal would allow Yorkshire to punch above its weight, develop regional business hubs, improve transport links in line with local needs, become a player on the world stage and better mitigate the effects of austerity.
Several of the party’s big hitters backed the plan, including Doncaster MP and former leader Ed Miliband who said it would allow Yorkshire to “punch above its weight”, and ex-Cabinet Minister and West Yorkshire MP Yvette Cooper who stressed the importance of getting decision-making back in the region and away from a Whitehall machine that “doesn’t seem to be listening at all”.
Another ex-Cabinet Minister, Leeds MP Hilary Benn, described the proposals as a “unique opportunity” to unite the community to “increase Yorkshire’s voice, take more decisions for ourselves and fulfil our potential”.
“Give us the tools and we will do the job,” he said."
But some MPs from Sheffield and Rotherham, where the councils oppose One Yorkshire, said they did not back a region-wide deal.
Wentworth and Dearne MP John Healey said One Yorkshire “falls far short” of what is needed for his seat, while Sheffield’s Paul Blomfield said he would prefer a “network of city regions working together across the North”."
“The word ‘bespoke’ has been devalued over the years. I’m trying to preserve the art and craft of true tailoring.”
Random Roof Splat
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
Somthing fell on the roof ... it kinda went splat and the place shook.
Hmmm ....
A Compulsory Purchase
Submitted by Captain Black on
"On Monday 24 June, we will host a public information event to mark the launch of our new Town Centre Strategy for Scarborough.
The event will take place at Scarborough Library on Vernon Road between 6.00pm and 7.30pm. A presentation about the new strategy and its associated action plan will be given. Information on how to get involved in the delivery of the strategy, including how to apply to be on the independent Town Centre Strategy Team, will also be provided.
The event is open to representatives of town centre businesses as well as other Scarborough businesses, the voluntary sector and the general public who are interested in supporting the new strategy and being involved in the shaping of Scarborough town centre in the coming years.
The strategy was signed off by our Cabinet in March following consultation with local businesses, stakeholders and residents in the winter of 2018.
Scarborough is facing similar challenges to other town centres of its size across the UK, including the withdrawal of national retail brands to consolidate in larger cities, as well as the ever growing trend of online shopping. The strategy sets out that key to future success is to examine how the town centre can be reinvented to create an inviting environment that includes shopping but has far less reliance on it.
The focus of the activity will be making the town a mixed use environment; encouraging a diverse offering through festivals and events, incentives, planning, licensing and regulation and building on the town’s cultural and heritage assets. It will also look to capitalise on the town’s growing university student population, introduce SMART town centre infrastructure, encourage a collaborative and supportive town centre community and maximise the Scarborough ‘brand’ through enhanced marketing and promotion."
"Scarborough has not been shortlisted"
Capital Employed
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"The Council will not be obligated to proceed with the building acquisition if the completed development will not achieve rental income that delivers a minimum net return on investment of 0.5%."
"Since the Council report in July 2019 the Developer has purchased the former Argos building on an unconditional basis "
"3.8 When the Market Square proposals are coupled with the student accommodation scheme it is considered these investments act as a clear catalyst for wider regeneration in the Town Centre and wider Scarborough area through demonstrable civic leadership."
3.9 Critically MHCLG recently reviewed the Council’s draft application for Future High Street Funding (FHSF)to regenerate our highstreet. The FHSF application is based on the themes of the Town Centre Strategy and identifies the student accommodation scheme as the catalyst investment to lever £10m of additional funding from MHCLG. Essentially turning this £22m investment into a £33m.
If successful this will enable the Council and the TCST to deliver a wide range of regeneration activity over the coming years as identified within the Council’ Town Centre Strategy."
At a reasonable rate of return...
Gerta Grip :-
Sound & Vision.
Grated Cheese
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"In the early hours of Sunday 31 May, senior officers aboard the oil tanker Willowy were called to the bridge to be told that their ship and four others in its vicinity were mysteriously sailing in circles, unable to steer, and on course to converge.
It must be easy to panic at sea. The immediate presumption was that strong currents were pushing the vessels around, but there were no such currents where the ships were sailing in the south Atlantic Ocean, west of the South African city of Cape Town.
Ships appearing to sail in circles have become an increasingly common and mysterious phenomenon near a number of ports on the coast of China, especially near oil terminals and government facilities - but nothing had been seen where the Willowy was."
"Other suggestions which have been put forward include making Whitby the ‘capital of quirk’ – utilising the town’s varied claims to fame...
As well as upskilling, conserving heritage and promoting tourism, the idea of the ‘capital of quirk,’ is about projecting Whitby’s unique character, festivals and history – such as the Goths, the Abbey, Captain Cook and the Dracula story connections."
"Researchers monitoring these bizarre circles near the Chinese coast believe they are probably the result of systematic GPS manipulation designed to undermine a tracking system which all commercial ships are required to use under international law.
Known as AIS (automated identification system), the technology broadcasts unique identifiers from each vessel - along with the vessel's GPS location, course and speed - to other ships nearby."
""GPS interference can have serious consequences, with half of all casualties at sea linked to navigational mistakes," as Sue Wilkinson told Sky News, although such interference targeting other vessels rather than the AIS tracking system is highly uncommon.
There are suggestions that GPS jamming has been used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps to dupe commercial vessels into entering Iranian waters, and Chinese electronic warfare capabilities have been proposed as a potential cause for some ships appearing thousands of miles away from where they really were."
Enjoy: -0
"“The role of the gamekeeper too has changed so much. They are now modern moorland managers and their conservation and biodiversity knowledge and skills are hugely important in protecting wildlife.”"
Princess Bridge? ffs...
tis always the little things that wind you up.
Keep Smiling.
"Mr Shuttleworth said that only a small number of the toys, which include a ‘Become a Star Wars Bounty Hunter’ sticker, were released before the line was pulled."
"“With all collecting markets it’s about regeneration and bringing back childhood and memories of that.”"
Sleep Tight.
Red Flags ...
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"Looking at this thread, anyone would think that Woodsmith was the only asset Anglo American had. Seems there's a lot of ex-Sirius nostalgia going on here. You should be looking at Anglo as a whole and not as just a North Yorkshire potash mine.
When Anglo bought Sirius the effect on Anglo's share price was almost nothing. Anglo dig up diamonds, copper. platinum, coal and nickel all over the world. The ex-Sirius polyhalite project is about 2% if Anglo's portfolio. I bought Sirius at 14p and sold at 26p so made around 80%, but I bought Anglo at £2.37 in mid-2016 and I'm still in there waiting for £23 early next year.
Maybe it would be better to focus on Anglo's core businesses, and their accounts and annual reports and a share price that has gone up by 9x in four years, rather than wistfully dreaming of the good old days of Sirius - a company that failed ."
Erm... that is not quite true.
Grrr ...
"The Post is descended from the Leeds Intelligencer, a four-page weekly founded in Leeds, Yorkshire, England, by Griffith Knight in 1754. When it was purchased by a group of Conservatives in 1866, the Intelligencer changed its name to the Yorkshire Post and went to daily publication. It soon won a reputation as a serious newspaper interested in developments beyond the borders of Yorkshire."
Keep Busy ;0
A Squash Academy
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"“We hope that by giving people the opportunity to speak to someone who is ‘one of them’, the flow of information and feedback will improve, views will be more representative of the wider community and a greater sense of community pride will be achieved.”"
"The committee said there were "implications for public policy and the public purse"
""The plan is for the mission to take place in 2023, but we are working with several different lander companies, which could result in an earlier launch date," Lunar Outpost CEO Justin Cyrus told the BBC.
Colorado-based Lunar Outpost, a robotics firm, will be paid $1 for collecting moon rocks from the lunar South Pole.
But the fee is not the motivation for these companies. There are expected to be many scientific benefits to the mission such as allowing firms to practice extracting resources from the lunar surface."
Keep Busy.
“There's not enough words in this world to say how much they've helped me and if people are suffering like me, get in contact with Community Bees you'll never regret it, you will not regret it at all.”
Broom, Sticks.
"“It is so lovely to see you each week, telling me how you're getting on and what you have achieved.”"
'A Story for Another Day'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"The many snakes that decorate the pottery for everyday use and rituals, and the funereal finery discovered buried with the nobility that began to be excavated at the turn of the 20th century, symbolise the dark damp subterranean world, a place of the afterlife yet also where seeds are sown and germinate, a place from which all life springs."
"And we'll never forget that Quality Street advert."