Scarborough Borough Council (SBC)

Off Shore Wind

Mortal Mindy's picture

"Following an open market tender process held during the summer for a lease of a proportion of the Endeavour Wharf, Dalby Offshore Services Ltd was selected by a joint evaluation panel made up of members of the Whitby Harbour Board and Scarborough Borough Council." says the Whitby Gazette


The Gold Rush ...

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Friends of the Earth, (FOE) have published "All that glitters..." (June 2014) stating that 'Current regulation of unconventional gas and oil exploration in England is inadequate'

FOE put forward their role;  'As part of this work, over the last three years, we have been closely tracking the regulation of the unconventional gas and oil industry in the UK' and have a local, national and international knowledge and influence base in which to help local communities.


The Futurist - Dreaming ...

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Time is running out for the Futurist Theatre,  a decision is due to be made by full council in 9 days on Monday 12th May.   The 'Save the Futurist Campaigners' have as yet failed to deliver a business plan or submit any formalised alternative.  Led by Cllr Janet Jefferson who opposes the closure and redevelopment of the Futurist site the Campaigners were given a three month window to put forward a viable plan to the Officers and Cabinet in December 2013.  Item 6 of the Agenda : http://democracy


The Parallel Universe

Mortal Mindy's picture

Scarborough Council’s cabinet has given its unanimous backing to a new £10 million University Technical College proposed for the town.

The plan for the centre for 14 to 19 year olds was first proposed earlier this year by business leaders in Scarborough.


Branded - "The Yorkshire Coast"

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Scarborough Borough Council have just released its latest public consultation exercise "Building A Future" , focused on the Tourism Industry it is full of jargon and superficial soundbites and claims its vision is "To Be The Best".    A "Visitor Economy Strategy" to achieve "Renaissance by 2020" .  What does it all mean ??



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