Scarborough Borough Council (SBC)

Fracking - Jurassics

Benefitz Betty's picture

The 'fracking' presentation hosted by SBC on the 21st November open to the public was an invitation not to be missed. Frack Free Scarborough were in good form and expectations of  a pitch by a Cuadrilla,  INEOS or  any T-Rex 'fracking'  team were dashed when, the mysterious 'surprise'  presenter turned out to be the NYMNPA Director of Development, Mark Hill.    

Why Am I here? he asked. 


Devolution - Dissolved & Distilled

Captain Qahn's picture

SBC have a closet decision on Tuesday to adopt the Yorkshire Coastal Growth Plan:

In short, Scarborough Borough, York, East Riding  & Ryedale will form a devolution area that will together with the North Bank Partnership (Hull) take a begging bowl to Govt. for economic support under the UK's  'Devolution' scheme. 


Harbours, TIC's & ET's

Benefitz Betty's picture

There may seem some irony in that the Welcome to Yorkshire team are selling off local Tourist Information Centres, strategically placed at Whitby and Scarborough, harbourside.  Though there is little 'strategic' evidence to find of thought process,  thou  to suggest that an opportunistic, erm, knock off exists at these here shores.   Aye tis is a shore thing that SBC are sure to sell off wot it can to keep its financial vaults, flowing outward and inward. Tidal.


KM8 - 'The Truth Will Out'

Benefitz Betty's picture

In the words of Third Energy's OD,  John Dewar 'The Truth Will Out' believed to be ascribed to Winston, "A lie will gallop halfway round the world before the truth has time to pull its breeches on'. 

Breeches, beeches, brooks n the final furlong. The Barbed:


Roofs n Chimney Pots

Benefitz Betty's picture

Home is where the heart is,  flagged up by Sadiq Khan's election as London Mayor  L-)

Congratulations to London, the most multicultural Capital in the world. "Hope over fear, and unity over division..."   To dream an impossible dream, mebbe though  'Housing' was no doubt a top priority for many in casting the vote. 


Tour de Purdah?

Capt. 'Bob''s picture

Tour de Yorkshire has received £500,000 Tory Government funding and £140,000 from Scarbrough Borough Council, as well as services from within SBC's own departments.  Other than the 'cuts' being made to frontline services due to budget & austerity measures, the fact that the Tour de Yorkshire is held the week-end before any usual election date, questions need to be asked.


OESG - Lines in the Sand ?

Captain Qahn's picture

The OESG Conference at Scarborough's Spa turned out to be quite a Pantomine:  Villains & Masquerades, Dame Twanky,  audience participation, among the chills and cheers there was Chivalry abound... 

Oh Dear, where to begin,  Buttons  undone?

OESG  Scarborough was Chaired by Glynn Williams of Clear Solutions... who?


Town Team - 'Lost'

Mortal Mindy's picture

The Town Team consultation on Eastborough held at  Market Hall hosted by the Academy of Urbanism .... when? Over the week-end 16/17th Jan 2016, held their review of  'results' last night 19th.  

Staggeringly - they 'won'!! - Unanimously with 100% consenus on their MasterPlan for the regeneration of Eastborough together with their redevelopment plans for the Market Hall.  Amazing, incredible ... 100% consensus?

Brilliant, if that isn't news then I don't know what is.... light a fire... get those fireworks !!   Erm, Who won what?  Rags to Runes.



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