Submitted by Captain Qahn on

A Public Information Event via Communications Officer at Scarborough Borough Council : 18th October 2016 "Onshore Oil & Gas the Regulators Event in Scarborough"
The Environment Agency, Health and Safety Executive, Oil and Gas Authority and Public Health England staff are hosting an informal public information session on 18 October to explain how they regulate the oil and gas industry to protect people and the environment.
Everyone is welcome to come along anytime between 2 - 7pm on Tuesday 18 October 2016 at the Scarborough Bowls Centre, Peasholm Road, Scarborough, YO12 7TT.
As regulators and agencies involved in assessing the impacts of the oil and gas industry our role is to ensure that any exploration and development, including fracking operations, is done in a way that protects people and the environment.
Local communities rightly look to us all to provide reassurance that health and environmental risks are being controlled and managed properly, and to hold oil and gas operators to account. This session will be a great opportunity for us to meet with local people, explain our respective roles and to discuss some of the key issues before sites are identified for development.
I also hope you may be able to help us publicise the session to local people by displaying the attached poster on any information boards you may have, or by forwarding this email to interested parties. We very much look forward to seeing you. Regards, Oil and Gas Team"
Grid Locked On Coal
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"...In addition, National Grid has a separate reserve of 10 old coal and gas power plants that are not operating in the market but will be paid £122m through an emergency scheme to stay open in case they are needed as a "last resort".
These backup plants will bolster the overall margin to 6.6pc, compared with 5.1pc last year when National Grid also had last resort schemes in place.
The plants will be paid millions of pounds more to fire up if they are actually required.
Two of the reserve plants are coal plants, which require more than 24 hours' notice to warm up before they can start producing power. "As a result, we will need to issue start up instructions to these generators up to 48 hours ahead," National Grid said.
Unless there is another mild winter, it is understood National Grid expects it could have to instruct the coal plants to start warming up about a dozen times over the winter, when it fears there could otherwise be a shortfall in coming days.
Last year National Grid only needed to tap its last-resort measures once, in November.
However, recent winters have been unusually mild, with "winter 2015/16 one of the mildest in almost sixty years", National Grid said.
The company said it anticipated that it would need to "use these services this winter to help us balance the system".
"...The committee said the government should redesign the capacity market to encourage energy storage, which ranges from lithium batteries to pumping water uphill and releasing it through turbines when power is needed.
This technology could save billions of pounds for consumers, it said.
Ministers should also consider a subsidy system to speed up the deployment of storage, given its importance for storing and using power from renewable energy to make the most of the clean technology.
They should commit to making the UK a world leader in storage and set a procurement target for 2020, the committee said.
However, a spokesman from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy said: "The Capacity Market ensures that our families have a secure energy supply at a fair price that they can rely on.
"We are fully committed to a low carbon energy future and the potential benefits that new technologies such as storage could bring to this.
"However, for the Capacity Market to work effectively it relies on flexible technology that is ready to be deployed"..."
Erm... wos it a mild winter last year?
Oh yeah, silly me :
Mind, I bet those Belles kept ringing:
Ooops ...Trigger
SInking ... Section 40
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"...there could be “chilling” consequences should Section 40 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013 be implemented.
Martin is a mong several editorial chiefs to have spoken out about the planned law change, which could see publishers forced to pay both sides’ costs in libel or privacy actions even if they successfully defend a case in court....
Said Martin: “The effects of the costs sanctions triggered by the recognition of Impress and the bringing into force of Section 40 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013 by the Government would be particularly chilling for small independent publishers like ourselves.
“It’s plain it could represent the final nail in the coffin for local papers championing local democracy by holding those in authority to account.
“I’m appalled the regional press, exonerated by Leveson, faces being the victim of flawed and heavy-handed legislation based on misguided ideas from politicians who should be defending grassroots democracy rather than the architects of its destruction.”...
"said Neil: “The impact of these costs provisions would be felt by each and every one of our regional and local newspapers and the business as a whole. It would fundamentally change the way our editors approach publication because they would have to consider the possibility of being financially penalised even if a judge had ruled that every word of their story was true.
“Enacting these cost provisions would represent an attack on local journalism and fundamentally undermine democracy at a local level. The Government must not do this. Instead, Ministers should be looking at ways to support a vibrant local news sector which challenges authority and holds the powerful to account.”..."
SNoooze Wakes Up : Context
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"The phone hacking scandal which engulfed the News of the World shocked the nation.
But the subsequent inquiry entirely exonerated the local press and said newspapers like this one should not be penalised by any processes designed to prevent a repeat.
How laughable that promise now seems.
Although we have willingly signed up to the toughest independent regulation through IPSO - which rightly consumes an enormous amount of journalists' time whenever a complaint is made - it seems politicians are still not satisfied.
How can that be right and fair - to win a defamation action and yet be burdened with both sides' costs?
And it's not just limited to libel.
It could stop or chill a legitimate investigation run on your behalf. A local authority might fight a newspaper on breach of confidence grounds and we would still have to pay their costs even if court held that we were in the right and publication was in the public interest.
Were we to join a regulator approved under 'Royal Charter' it's true we could evade such penalties.
But no respectable national or local newspaper is prepared to sacrifice our independence to represent you in this way.
It is a bedrock of free speech that newspapers should never run the risk of political intervention or some element of state overview.
If the Government proceeds with this costs threat, the real loser will be you.
It will inevitably mean, local papers will become bland and cover prices will be pushed even higher. Our ability to represent communities without fear or favour will be hugely diminished.
In an internet and social media age where there are virtually no controls and anything can be said - all too often in the most demeaning of language - the font of impartial information provision, your local newspaper and its websites, have never been more under attack.
We trust that culture secretary Karen Bradley and Prime Minister Theresa May will not endorse such a brutal attack on free speech nor erode the principle that those who win in court should not be made to pay the loser.
If you agree, please ask your MP to back our cause. They will be supporting your right to know."
Oh. Have they asked him?
Wriggle jiggle.
YCR: O&G Public Drop In
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
Alex Bowls Centre ... formally the Floral Hall : -)
Mind that Multiplex ...
Chalk n Cheese ? Another wee gem :-)
"... The site is now occupied, of course, by the Scarborough Bowls Centre, a building Mr Seymour described as a "dreadful, faceless brick shed object" – and, he added, a cheap shed, at that.
The Floral Hall was an unlikely theatre, it must be admitted. It was always more of a vast conservatory.
The site got its start in entertainment almost exactly a century ago when pierrot shows were presented in the open air in what were then the new Alexandra Gardens.
A glass roof was very soon erected above the arena, and then the covered area was extended until the place became a full-blown theatre.
By that time it had in fact ceased to be a "floral" hall at all, since huge areas of glass in the roof had to be painted over to help with stage lighting effects, and nothing would grow in the place any more..."
Forge Valley... hmmmm.
"Despite its chequered early history, the Floral Hall was a very successful theatre for many years. Just about all the big names in British entertainment appeared there, if only for Sunday-night shows during the summer.
The place pulled in very big crowds in the decades after the Second World War, but by the 1980s Scarborough had lost a lot of holidaymakers to foreign sun-spots. Soon, the town had more seats for summer entertainments than visitors to fill them.
The Floral Hall's death-warrant was signed in January 1987, following its last summer season the previous year. The borough council said the place had serious structural problems, with main metal supports severely corroded.
There was clearly little official desire to save the place.
Councillors balked at spending the half-million pounds reckoned necessary to put it right, so down it came, in 1989. And that left the North Side without any large public hall."
And the last big show was?
... Glass Ceilings
lol ;-)
Tskks... a great conservatory, aviary at Barcelona Zoo... left me camera in the back of a taxi ... darn it.
Oh well.... Oh OK it was on the way to the Zoo we walked in the pouring rain past and through an old palace, with broken steps upto a wee tower with gargoyles and just behind, there it was hidden all stoney and dark .. great cuppa tho.
Ah,so ... good olde google :
Oh, OK just to be totally pedantic:-)
MIT Nuclear Fusion
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"...Successful fusion means getting more energy out than is put in and this requires the combination of pressure, temperature and time to pass a critical value at which point the reaction becomes self-sustaining. This remains elusive but the MIT record shows that using very high magnetic fields to contain the plasma may be the most promising route to practical nuclear fusion reactors..."
Yep, go forth & protest ... ;-)
Ooh that feels better.... laters X
M&WJP: Draft 'Frack' Plan
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"... The final Joint Plan will be decided upon by the three authorities in February and March 2017. It will then be subject to an independent public examination by a planning inspector before it can be formally adopted.
To find out more about the plan, visit"
"... The report's author, Rob Smith, told councillors: "The expected increase in commercial interest in gas in the Plan area in future years, including shale gas, together with the highly sensitive nature of the environment in large parts of the area covered by new and existing development licences, presents a significant challenge.
“An appropriate balance has to be achieved between provision of a degree of support and flexibility to enable development to take place in appropriate locations, and the need to provide a high standard of protection to local communities and the environment.”.
Odd Bods:
Lanterns ...
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"...Materials will be provided at at the workshops but participants are asked to bring a two-litre plastic drinks bottle to form the basis of the lantern."
That should cheer Ineos up...
Do not inhale.
New Dawns
Submitted by Captain Black on
"The gas network in Withernsea, East Yorkshire, was damaged in an 'incident' on Saturday evening - leaving thousands of homes without power.
By Sunday morning, residents of the coastal town had been without gas for over 12 hours. Buildings affected included hospitals, retirement homes and the town's swimming pool, which was forced to close.
An incident room has been set up in the Hull Road sports hall for those who need advice on emergency cooking and heating arrangements. Electric fan heaters are being handed out to vulnerable residents.
Northern Gas Networks regional manager Ian T'Waddle said:
“We’d like to apologise for the inconvenience caused and we will be working hard to restore the gas supply to all customers affected as soon as possible and will be providing customers with regular updates on our progress.
“We may need access to all of the properties affected to turn the gas back on and will let customers know if we need to enter their homes..."
""Given the age of the population of Withernsea, most will have no clue what's happening..."
Meanwhile ...
One is not amused.
Cava leah's...
Chews wisely;-)
Withernsea Gasps
Submitted by Captain Black on
"Northern Gas Networks confirmed that there was no guarantee Withernsea's gas supply would be restored before Monday after water entered the pipeline on Saturday evening.
The breach is suspected to have caused the entire system to shut down for safety reasons, leaving 3,000 homes in the town without gas for cooking and heating.
Once the supply is switched back on, there could still be delays due to the need to 'bleed' pipes in individual properties.
The gas company's CEO, Mark Hoarsley, is in Withernsea and released a statement on Sunday afternoon.
“The main governor feeding Withernsea shut itself off around 6pm on Saturday. We think it was due to the adverse weather and water getting into the gas system and so the actual equipment was doing the right thing and made the whole network very safe.“What we are currently doing is investigating the cause of that before we can even think about turning the gas back on and so we are in that planning process at the moment.
“It is important that customers do turn off their gas at the gas mains. We will be dropping a note through every customer’s door, instructing them on what actions to take when we do switch the gas back on. Hopefully, it is going to be today, but I really can’t make any promises at the moment, until we have investigated further.
“We have established an incident centre and anybody who has neighbours with any issues of vulnerability please come round to the centre.
“We are giving out heaters, but we need to be careful as if we give heaters to everyone we may have problems on the electricity network.
“Northern Powergrid are supporting us extremely well at the moment to manage this situation as well.
“Our teams have been working through the night, all my board of directors are out here as well and we really are concerned to get this back on as quickly as we can.”