Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
'Fed up with always being in the slow queue? '
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Whether it is lining up to pay for your groceries, making a bank transaction, or waiting for a table at a trendy restaurant, time costs money. As businesses become aware of the direct and indirect costs of waiting, they are looking at innovative ways to reduce these expenses by "designing out" queues...
'People are not ships' ... Unfortunately, unlike ships, people enter queues randomly, which creates a problem in providing optimal service. Companies cannot control this type of customer demand. For example, people don't consistently arrive at the supermarket checkout area in five-minute increments, with exactly six items."
"Corporate broking — where small teams of highly-connected individuals with close ties to the top brass in UK Plc vie to offer intelligence and strategic advice — is often done for free. Firms compete to act as a ‘trusted adviser’ for companies in the hope of being the bank of choice when they pull the trigger on a deal."
"“Welcome to Yorkshire are very supportive and Sir Gary Verity (the CEO of Welcome to Yorkshire) has been kind enough to write a letter of support, which is on the planning portal.” ...“It’s a hidden secret. It’s a beautiful site. The plan is to develop it out as soon as we get planning consent so we can assemble all the development funding. “The holiday homes will be effectively self catering. A lot of self catering people will obviously use local businesses. It’s got great potential.” A Welcome to Yorkshire spokesman said: ‘We are always happy to support our members in their ventures to create exciting new developments that will attract even more visitors to Yorkshire as well as creating more local jobs.” The application is due to be discussed by Scarborough Borough Council’s planning and development committee on June 7. Officers are recommending that permission be granted for the scheme, subject to the consideration of comments raised during consultation which included concerns about ecology and landscaping."
"Plans for a new Premier Inn hotel in Scarborough have been submitted. It's set to be situated on a vacant plot of land within The Sands development, where the Alpamare Waterpark currently sits. The report states the hotel would sit between the Generous George pub and the waterpark itself.."
“We’re seeing more pitches coming from companies which have not put their brokerships up [for rival bids] for a number of years,” said Kunal Gandhi, head of corporate broking at Barclays...“It’s viewed historically by some of investment banks as something of a cost centre despite its relationship value,”
Inn or Out?
K : B&B/Resident: The North Bay is a distinct area with a family feel. The PA obejctions include S106 & the alterations to car parking.
CM: PI are resubmitting their application. This will be a full new application
R1: Consider the height of the police station
R2: If forced to reduce height will leave a bigger foot print (will not reduce bedroom sizes)
CM: In-hoc with Benchmark who have so far failed to deliver the Cinema
K : There is a question of validity. Benchmark is in default of S106 re Waterpark
R3: What about the PI 80+ bed extension at Huntriss Row. The facade looks like it is going to fall down.
R2: How can SBC allow another PI when they don't have a good record?
K : Do Benchmark need to complete what they are doing before adding further development?
R3: Is PI to abandon the town centre development?
CM: It will be next to fall down.
R1: It looks like it will fall down.. (The Old Conservative Club)
K: Research Scarborough Water Parks Ltd & their leasing arrangements with Benchmark ... do they have enough money?
R4 : Councillors & Officers are supposed to be caretakers of our land. This is our land.
R5: Will they discount tickets to the OAT & Water Park? (to out compete local business)
CM: This is nothing to do with the OAT.
R6: The current parking arrangements are for a visitors - a few hours. Not for a 120 bed hotel who will leave thier cars there during their stay reducing visitor car parking spaces.
R4 : The car park is 80% full off peak season - without the hotel.
R5: There is outline planning permission for a hotel. Nothing against hotels but PI's usual busines is commercial, not holiday visitors.
R6: What justification for another hotel? The Lysander/Manor Heath/Breece (many local hotels) have closed. Don't believe there are enough visitors in winter.
R7: Will there be an off season price war? Would local B&B's winter 'contractors' go to PI forcing more to close.
R6: Is part of the local plan to develop at detriment to local business?
R6: Will more B&B's convert to HMO's?
CM: Agree - too many local B&B's have turned into HMO's. Formerly family run businesses.
CM: How many present were owner operators?
K : Not just about business but local residents. (40:60) (operators: residents). Whitbread did not offer their presence known.
R1: A resident. The North Bay has its own environment & charm. This has been chipped away little by little. As a rate payer is very angry that SBC have allowed this.
CM : Democratically elected. ... SBC will do what they want.
R2 : SHA Committee were once told that 'SBC' only 5/6 B&B's were needed. Big hotels were easier to manage ergo three Britannia, one Travelodge & two Premier Inns.
K: Scarborough is a place for everybody.
R7: Scarborough is a tradiitonal sea side destination. A variety of accommodation is needed. Not all visitors want corporate hotels. Family focus is on entertainments & facilities. The corporate & family visitor hospitality need to start talking together.
R7: Is there a plan for tourism? It is going down hill. Too many day visitors... the environment is going down.
R8 : Consider Blackpool and how many B&Bs' have closed. What tourists need are facilities. The council does not listen ... ie Cinemas. The Council should be ashamed.
R9 : Business here have fought tooth & nail to avoid another Blackpool ie Stag & Hens. Many local small business here are family investments.
R10: Dual the A64? Is it easier to get in & out.
K: SBC must follow planning policy under the NPF. TOU1 should respect locality. There is also a need to reduce seasonality and offer tourism all year around.
K: TOU2 Planning is concerned with material facts. Assetts make an attractive tourism area. Peasholm Park, OAT.
K: TOU3 Is it the role of SBC to close B&B's/hotels if demand meets? Accommodation stock? Retrospectively Is SBC suggesting that there is ample accommodation if closing local business?
R4: There is an aura of no confidence in SBC. Why are some councillors here not saying anything?
CM: We are here to listen. Predetermination. When the Council debate takes place we can raise residents issues. Councillors need to listen and be lobbied.
R5: Anyone here representing Tourism?
CM : AJ :
R5: Would you be willing to speak at planning on our behalf?
R8: A member of the 'Corrupt Bastards Party' ... allows Tourism Office to close, public toilets to close, my 86 year old mum is afraid to go out...
R4: Yes, issues that visitors come back and tell us about.
K : About PI?
R8: What would it take for you to change your mind?
CM: AJ : If I may, (without being bigotted) I will represent residents.
R9: Moved to the North Bay because it is different to the South Bay. Parking of over 100 cars will choke up Peasholm Gap. The North Bay will be spoilt.
K: The North Bay is quieter and more relaxing.
R10 This impacts on people much further away (Flixton) few operators accept one night stays. They may lose that trade to PI.
K: Local operators use local produce, local window cleaners, local tradesmen. PI will not use local traders all money will stay within PI.
CM: The PA can not be turned down on commerical reasons.
R9: There are two sides to Scarborough that is quite unique. A quiet side & a noisy side.
R11: More traffic will mean more polution.
K: Reducing carbon emissions.
CM: The biggest issue is parking. More damaged verges as visitors park in local residential streets. Town centres have more access to public transport.
K: With 80+ rooms in town centre PI would be closer to South Cliff and conference area.
R12 - Objections to licensing? A letter from PI for shorted drinking times outside premises, ie 10.00 o'clock.
R12: Will PI visitors visit much of the Town - the beach - the South Bay? Discover Scarborough ... or will it be a roadside one stop travel stop.
K: The third to sixth floor offers views over residential properties. Lack of residents privacy.
R14: There is already a problem with lights, car lights, car park lights. Signage lights.
CM: The metal signage that has just appeared has no planning permission
R15: This used to be a lovely residential area. In the last five years we have got Alpamare, The Tunny Club etc. Benchmark have not liaaised with us at all. What next? Six storeys is far too high.
R8: SBC has a past precedent for ignoring residents ie Tesco... the Futurist..
R16: Whitby is a better place for a Premier Inn.
R17: Moved to Scarborough North Bay for a quiet life. We need more family attractions not a cinema or PI. (google Sundowners (Northampton)
R+: Kinderland !! They closed Kinderland for Benchmark and have not provided anything. The S106 requested a childrens play area.
R18: They have just knocked down 3 lovely residential homes for a Care Home ... how that passed planning ...
CM: Scarborough needs to move forward. New attractions not a new hotel with familty invested business being ruined.
Periphery & Primary
K: The design submitted of PI is a box. A bog standard box that could be dropped in anywhere. It is not in keeping with the local area.
CM: Mebbe we are getting an airport?
R2: Local environment ... the Pavillion at the Cricket Club
K: Unacceptable impact - this is not Benidorm. Material facts: noise, light, polution & protecting the existing habitat.
R8: The North Bay is a haven for wildlife. Not an area for chopping down trees and an ongoing building site.
Culmulative Impact Assessment.
K: Benchmark are in Breach of S106 - a childrens play area - within two years of Alpamare opening.
R9: No forward planning. No confidence in Benchmark - they don't keep promises. the Cinema is not finished. Get rid of Benchmark. Is there a stipulation put in place 'no further developments' until promises kept.
R8: Benchmark breaches of planning ie £69K to bus provision. Repayments for loan?
CM: Not in default.
K: Are Able Capital investments insolvent?
CM: If you list some concrete questions SBC officers would be able to answer them.
R16: No money into Scarborough Town ... all going out of the area
K: Does the PA meet current criteria. Scale? What are the grounds to oppose new development. Is there sustainable economic growth?
CM: Presentations & petitions should be written individually. Local people need to get involved.
R2: Residents v the Council? Councillors should represent residents.
"Given their potential to bring in career-making transactions, long-standing corporate broking relationships can be hard to dislodge. But after a lull in recent years, a number of factors are spurring more broking clients to move,.."
""For a sector associated with staid British traditions, there’s a renewed sense of American-style sharp-elbowed competition among investment banks’ corporate broking teams. Larger investment banks are circling smaller rivals as the shake-up from the second Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, introduced in January, upends the broking world..."
"Mick de Brenni visited the Kirra Beach Tourist Park on Monday and met with permanent residents who have been told by council they will be phased out of their homes over 10 years to make way for tourists. "All the residents I met were elderly pensioners, and they're desperately worried about where they're going to live in the future," Mr de Brenni told AAP. "Many don't have much family around at all, and there are limited options for them to move - they just deserve some security over where they're going to live." He said the residents were experiencing "crippling anxiety" with many having invested hundreds of thousands into their homes. He also questioned council's motives behind the decision, suggesting they could be making way for a future development. "The question I think that council needs to answer, is this about making the park more profitable, or is there some other motivation?," Mr de Brenni said. "Is this about developing this land into something completely different - do they have plans for a shopping centre, or something else?" A Gold Coast City Council spokesperson rejected these claims and said the decision is about tourism growth for the Gold Coast. "This is not true. The park will be returned to a true Tourist Park as its name suggests," the spokesperson told AAP.
"This will also allow the site in the long term to be made potentially available for the benefit of other community uses."
"But similarly to British people who become awkward when talking about money, some banks claim their broking relationships are not simply tools to be leveraged in order to generate huge deals."
"In a queuing context, two important variables are at play, "speed of queue" and "your time".
Hey Ho..
"I could have been President of The United States."
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