Terra Firma

North Bay Muse

"The sites are seen as providing an ideal opportunity for future development and are aimed at bringing fresh investment to Scarborough while helping to boost the town’s vital visitor economy, which is already worth £561 million each year and employs more than 5,600 full-time staff in the area."


Phase 17

Captain Qahn's picture

“Hurtling ever deeper into interstellar space, Voyager 2 has been out of touch ever since flight controllers accidentally sent a wrong command more than a week ago that tilted its antenna away from Earth. The spacecraft’s antenna shifted a mere 2%, but it was enough to cut communications.”


Prince 1999



Captain Qahn's picture

"The ancient Greeks had two different words for the concept of time — “chronos” and “kairos”. The word “chronos” (you probably recognize this one as the root for the English words “chronological” and “chronicle”) refers to measured, ticking, quantitative time. Chronos is the forward propelling time that we measure with clocks, on watches, and by the evolutionary phases of the moon. But time does not end there..."


'Hunky Dory'

"We need a much bigger museum...”

"The European booster put Webb on a near-perfect trajectory with just the right amount of velocity. This performance meant the telescope didn't have to use so much of its own fuel when making later course refinements."

“I don’t think I could’ve just played golf or grown roses.”


Anglo Sphere

Captain Qahn's picture

"“There is basically so much damn lithium on earth it’s crazy. It’s one of the most common elements on the planet.”"

"“What we’ve found is we can actually use table salt to extract the lithium from the ore. Nobody’s done this before. All the elements are reusable. It’s a very sustainable way of obtaining lithium.”

Add table salt. Add water. A recipe for lithium mining.  



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