
Phase 17

Captain Qahn's picture

“Hurtling ever deeper into interstellar space, Voyager 2 has been out of touch ever since flight controllers accidentally sent a wrong command more than a week ago that tilted its antenna away from Earth. The spacecraft’s antenna shifted a mere 2%, but it was enough to cut communications.”


Prince 1999


The Walk Shire

Captain Qahn's picture

"‘Informal discussions’ about the agency’s future took place last week but Welcome to Yorkshire has not confirmed any details of occurred beyond confirming a formal board meeting will take place on October 21 ahead of the AGM on November 1."


'Knocking Shops'

Benefitz Betty's picture

'Fed up with always being in the slow queue? '

"Perhaps Benjamin Franklin said it best, in 1748: "Remember that time is money." 

Whether it is lining up to pay for your groceries, making a bank transaction, or waiting for a table at a trendy restaurant, time costs money. As businesses become aware of the direct and indirect costs of waiting, they are looking at innovative ways to reduce these expenses by "designing out" queues...


The Big Issue

Benefitz Betty's picture

Scarborough Borough Council is voting to merge Yorkshire Coast Homes with Country Housing Association Ltd:

Details of which can be found on the Borough's website:



The Leader of the Opposition ?


Euro Vision 2018

Benefitz Betty's picture

All the Kings Men ...

Rather than getting all Humpty Dumpty some views over the Bridge:

"... most of Yorkshires rivers were clean and very good fisheries again long before the EU. The exceptions being the River Don and River Aire and their tributaries, which were polluted by industrial waste.  However it is debatable how much the EU directive had on cleaning up these rivers, the fact that the polluting industries have all been closed down and moved to the EU or China has had a much bigger effect."


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