
Phase 17

Captain Qahn's picture

“Hurtling ever deeper into interstellar space, Voyager 2 has been out of touch ever since flight controllers accidentally sent a wrong command more than a week ago that tilted its antenna away from Earth. The spacecraft’s antenna shifted a mere 2%, but it was enough to cut communications.”

Prince 1999


A Trip to the Moon

Captain Qahn's picture

A Pocket Guide to the Moon :-)

""The 20th century is littered with epoch-making events. Many, including two catastrophic world wars and the Russian Revolution, are synonymous with violence and bloodshed.

But this was also a century of unprecedented scientific and technological progress, the crowning achievement of which came in 1969, at the end of that tumultuous decade, when Neil Armstrong took a small step for us all and in doing so left an indelible mark on human history..."


Go Swivel

Captain Black's picture

"More than 4000 publicly owned buildings and spaces are being sold off by councils in England every year, according to a Freedom of Information request by community charity Locality. It says parks, libraries, town halls and swimming pools are among properties being sold, often to private developers to build luxury flats.  The charity warns that cash-strapped councils are making up for budget shortfalls by selling off assets which are vital community hubs for both young and old.


Snap The Dragon

Captain Qahn's picture

The Prime Minister has called for a snap General Election for Thursday 8th June :

Whilst JC may welcome the snap decision to change rules and to be voted on by Parliament tomorrow, perhaps enshrining his place at the top table for a further seven years as 'opposition' leader ...


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