'Simple Stuff'

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"It is as some people have criticised a slow reaction, with the UK being behind other nations in decision-making. Others say the lockdown hasn't gone far enough, as some people are bending the rules.  Robert Goodwill said:"Assuming that these people on social media are not epidemiologists, or professional doctors, or people from the London School of Tropical Medicine or from Imperial College.  We must listen to the best scientific advice. People are already getting frustrated with the restrictions placed upon them and therefore, it was important that when we brought in the partial lockdown, that it was done at the right time.   We always follow the best scientific advice and we need to continue to do that, not to react to people who maybe have their own opinions, but don't have any facts in which to base those opinions. Thank you to everybody. The vast majority of people are complying with these restrictions. The vast majority of people understand the importance of protecting the health service, protecting our workers."


"US President Donald Trump and Kuwait's energy minister Dr Khaled Ali Mohammed al-Fadhel tweeted the news, while Saudi Arabia's energy ministry and Russia's state news agency Tass both separately confirmed the deal on Sunday."

How Now.

"Meanwhile, we should also remember that history never repeats itself exactly, even if it can offer valuable lessons for posterity."




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Open Sesame

Mebbe Bob could explain the rather strange seeds blown up on the North Bay sands..


"God did not do that. Fate did not do that. Destiny did not do that. A lot of pain and suffering did that."If we do something stupid, you will see those numbers go right back up tomorrow," he warned.."


"Companies in the North Sea have argued that offshore oil and gas workers should be considered key workers in the UK for testing purposes."

Oh, OK:-



"A report on members of the public who really know what a lockdown means would have been much more useful in getting those people in relative comfort to appreciate their blessings."


Stay Lucky ;-0


Keep Digging..

"On Earth, according to conventional theory, the largest, by mass and volume, identifiable trace of past life is subsurface oil and natural gas deposits. Nearly all coal and oil on Earth and most sedimentary source rocks associated with coal, oil, and natural gas contain molecules of biological origin and is proof of pastlife."




Oh OK: -?


Buglife ...



Them !!! Have 98.5% disappeared  from the Three Dragons Sands ...

Mind, they could have eaten each other...


Watch out for luminous green fat Seagulls.

Psst ... the Three Dragons is not a pub.

Alpamare night come in useful afterall... ;-0




Baldrick !!!

I have a cunning plan...


"With fewer people in urban environments and much less traffic on the roads, scientists say there could be gains particularly for our native mammals."



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Teching Time

"“We were really the only three humans that were not subject to that at the current time. Billions of humans were dealing with this in some way or another and the three of us weren’t.”"


"We have now spent a month debating how these technologies might threaten our privacy – but that is not the greatest danger to our democracies. The real risk is that this crisis will entrench the solutionist toolkit as the default option for addressing all other existential problems – from inequality to climate change. After all, it is much easier to deploy solutionist tech to influence individual behaviour than it is to ask difficult political questions about the root causes of these crises.

But the solutionist responses to this disaster will only hasten the diminishment of our public imagination – and make it more difficult to imagine a world without the tech giants dominating our social and political infrastructure."

"... people should not book summer holidays for later this year."


"The US shale industry is expected to shrink by more than 2m barrels a day following a collapse in global oil prices which has forced oil producers to shut down their fracking rigs."

"... examining energy-use in computers, tablets, smartphones, in production of said products, in networks, servers, data-centres and internet services as a whole, also noticing a shift in electricity consumption trends.

"There is a strong trend to push electricity consumption onto the network and data center infrastructure where energy costs are less transparent to consumers. Some challenges are identified for networking and data-center sectors. Of these the global roll-out of LTE (Long Term Evolution for mobile broadband) will be a crucial determinant of future electricity demand."

Expected growth to electricity use thereby equates to the world’s entire hydropower supply, per year."



"The rocket and the spacecraft it is carrying are due to take off from Florida’s Kennedy Space Centre on 27 May, taking two astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). Both the rocket and spacecraft were developed by private company SpaceX."


"little thought has gone into building digital technologies that would produce macro-level anonymous insights about collective behaviour of non-consumers."

How Now :-0



"The more invasive the treatment, and the longer your receive it, the more time the recovery is likely to take."

Oddly enuff ;-)


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A Special Request ...

"Scottish Mountain Rescue (SMR) says its teams have not been called to a mountain rescue since 22 March.

The organisation said it was the longest time between call-outs since the foot-and-mouth outbreak of 2001..."

Oh Dear ...


I could barely sit down ...

"It has already been announced that there will be no Trooping the Colour, a public celebration of her birthday, in June."




"Lanterns are a fire hazard; pose a risk to livestock, agriculture, thatched properties and hazardous material sites. Almost 90 local authorities across the UK have banned the use of lanterns."


"As always ...  special arrangements were made with the Israeli authorities allowing planes to collect the flame on the condition that nobody onboard disembarked to avoid breaking quarantine rules."


""Different tools look at different perspectives but together are very powerful""


"“But we could have a character like that in the series and the audience could freely decide whose side they’re on, right?    “If television is bland it’s boring because less things happen.

“The audience wants things to happen, and there’s nothing better than a villain who we can empathise with.”"



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Shoulda .. Woulda .. Coulda

""Amateur astronomers could be in for a treat this week as shooting stars are set to light up the night sky - and some could even see fireballs during the first major showers since January.

The Lyrid meteor shower is a burst of activity which takes place annually - usually around mid to late April - and is associated with the Comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher, according to the Royal Observatory Greenwich.

The Lyrids appear to radiate close to the constellation Lyra and are bits of rock and dust left behind by the comet.

The shower is expected to peak on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning, and there could be around 20 meteors an hour.

Experts also claim stargazers could see "occasional fireballs" that can be "bigger and brighter" than shooting stars, and last longer - "for between five and 10 seconds", as they say you could "blink and miss a meteor".""



"Jayne says the deposits come in various shapes and sizes."




"And now scientists have revealed why going to work with a hangover can make doing a job such a slog."


"Police say stalking is a pattern of fixated, obsessive, unwanted and repetitive behaviour that leaves a victim in fear for their safety and in some circumstances, their lives.

It says it can take the form of someone making unwanted contact with you physically, on the phone or online, someone threatening you or damaging your property, or following or spying on you. It can happen to anyone and is a criminal offence."


"What we have said we will do is not enforce it.

So the analogy for me is what we've said about car parking. Everybody knows the rules about car parking, but because of where we are now, we are not sending people out to check up on people.

So please, I know you're all aware of the rules. We're not going to punish you if you disobey the rules, but please could you be mindful of other beach users.""


Where have all the clouds gone ...

"In 1967, an act of parliament outlawed offshore radio stations on the grounds that they were not paying royalties to artists, and that their broadcasts could interfere with emergency channels. A number of Radio Caroline’s DJs moved to the newly created Radio 1, which had been influenced by the success of the former and another offshore station, Radio London. Radio Caroline then moved to Dutch waters, and continued broadcasting at sea until 1991."


"I wanted to be a free spirit, make love, not war. Ronan wouldn’t let me sign the Bond contract – kept sending it back … Who knows what would have happened had Ronan not got a hold of my brain? But I don’t regret a day of my life.”




Never, Mind.. '-0


"General Jalali “probably has documents of which I am not aware, but on the basis of meteorological knowledge, it is not possible for a country to steal snow or clouds,” said the head of Iran’s meteorological service Ahad Vazife, quoted by ISNA."

""It's nice to see that different teams of astronomers working at different wavelengths (Hubble in ultraviolet, Alma in radio) are able to confirm each other's results"."

“The only one she’s happy with is Harry, he sent her a card from Canada and a frankly enormous bottle of Gin.”"


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An Outage Toolkit

"Education Secretary Gavin Williamson said businesses should encourage staff to "boost their skills".

And he urged furloughed employees to "improve their knowledge, build their confidence and support their mental health so they have skills they need to succeed after the coronavirus outbreak".

The training is focused on improving skills for online jobs, in the expectation more people will be working remotely..."


For the furloughed ...


"Virgin Media said its peak time is between 8pm and 10pm...  the outages were not related to the capacity of its cable network, which offers customers broadband speeds of up to a gigabit per second in some areas, or heavy usage due to millions of Britons stuck at home turning to internet services to pass the time."



"A slump in oil prices is normally a cause for celebration in gas-guzzling nations. The average American burns through 10 litres of oil or oil products per day in normal times.

But for oil producing countries - the "global petropolis" - such a drop in the cost of crude can spell disaster, and hardship for millions.

It's easy to see why oil is referred to as black gold. When the price was riding high, oil revenues filled the coffers of companies and governments in the countries that produce it. That kept people fed and public services flourishing.

But now, having oil can be a curse rather than a blessing."


Is going on a coal hunt ...



Oooh ...



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The Moon isn't Dead

""In 2020, the forecast calls for the greatest number of Eta Aquariid meteors to fall before dawn on (or near) May 5. However, this shower has a rather broad maximum, so just as many meteors may be flying on the mornings before and after. There is one big bugaboo for watching the Eta Aquariids in 2020, though...."


"... who is behind misinformation - and what motivates them. Here are seven types of people who start and spread falsehoods:.."






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Spring Watch

"So important was the weather to the war effort that all general forecasts were banned. Farmers and anyone else who needed to know what the elements might throw at them were forced to use their own observations or fall back on folklore."


It could be used to induce comas...?



Tungsten is not a fossil fuel..




"That made me think that maybe I'd come across something that I had no idea about."


Four-clawed paw prints...

"Tungsten (formerly wolfram) is a chemical element that has the symbol W and atomic number 74.

A very hard, heavy, steel-gray to white transition metal, tungsten is found in several ores including wolframite and scheelite and is remarkable for its robust physical properties.

The pure form is used mainly in electrical applications but its many compounds and alloys are widely used in many applications (most notably in light bulb filaments and in space-age superalloys)."


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'The Madness of Doubt'

"In the mid-19th Century, French doctors writing early studies of OCD called it la folie du doute - ..."



""It has been an absolute chaotic disaster when that mindset of 'what's in it for me' and 'to heck with everybody else', when that mindset is operationalised in our government.""



"Unfortunately, the state is riddled in bureaucracy and is very slow in its actions..."


Pukka ;-0


About that "PM's new slogan" ...

State Control Save

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The Coal Road

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Archaeological Wreckage

"The Red Lion is thought to have been built in about 1567 by John Brayne, ahead of his construction of The Theatre in Shoreditch, which he completed with James Burbage in 1576.

Burbage was a member of acting company The Lord Chamberlain's Men and The Theatre was the first permanent home for acting troupes, staging a young William Shakespeare's plays in the 1590s."



"Above the basin and throughout the Four Corners region is a vast cloud of methane – “the largest concentration of the greenhouse gas methane seen over the United States”, according to a 2016 Nasa study."



Bubbles, Moi?

"I want to stress that support bubbles must be exclusive, meaning you can't switch the household you are in a bubble with or connect with multiple households."


"Two beer cellars, beakers, bottles and tankards were discovered among the remains."


Dust busters...

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." Sun Tzu, The Art of War"

Captain Qahn's picture

Not Quite, Cricket

"There is a medical term for the condition of pathological lying; it is known as mythomania – or as Johnson would doubtless prefer to call it, pseudologia fantastica – but I will avoid amateur diagnosis, and stick to the facts."



"Here’s a chance to restructure and deliver something new."

"Sparsely populated areas of North Yorkshire, including Swaledale, Appletreewick, the north end of Coverdale, Rosedale, Farndale, Hutton-le-hole, Lastingham, Hovingham and Castle Howard are being considered to take part in a Government 5G technology trial.

5G follows previous generations of mobile technology such as 3G, which led to the launch of smartphones, and 4G, which enabled faster browsing, enabling things like watching cranes on the move.

While all four major UK mobile networks have launched 5G services, technology firms are rolling out devices that can use 5G, which is much faster than previous wireless technology, has greater capacity and is also more responsive."



“After people telling you for 10 years that you’re meant to be this comic-book hero it did me good to be absolutely floored. You’ve got to take responsibility for your mistakes and change.”


"Museums, galleries and cinemas will be allowed to reopen from 4 July, alongside pubs, restaurants and hairdressers, ... and mix with others for the first time in three months, it was announced on Monday."


A four day week... ;-)

"Mass tourism, apart from its economic and ecological impacts, has also implied the opportunity to access peoples, cultures and foods that we have hitherto never experienced. To travel is to live, as Hans Christian Andersen once wrote."


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An Enigma Code?

"Despite being visited by one million tourists each year, it has been painted, knocked off its perch and beheaded twice, with anti-whaling campaigners and pro-democracy activists among those who have defaced it in the past.

It was created in tribute to Andersen, who was born in 1805 and wrote 156 fairytales - some of which since have been adapted for the stage and screen..."




The Hunt for Red, October...

Found it.  (The two Ronnies, 'Boris' & Jack)

Postcards ...

1944 "The Conversationilists' ...


the Dogger Bank.


Mind Mapping.

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Peoples Views

"The MP for Scarborough says there needs to be a big development on the former Futurist site.  Robert Goodwill has expressed his views again on what he thinks should be done to the land.

It is currently home to an observation wheel and an adventure golf course."


"I know the Council are in negotiations to ensure we make the best use of that site and local people's views needs to be taken into account as any planning application goes through."


"“Establishing elected mayors and unitary councils, with the strong accountability they bring, is integral to ensuring that local institutions are fit for any major devolution of powers and budgets.”"




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Hothouse UnEarthed

"Whilst acknowledging the huge potential of UK shale gas to provide a bridge to a zero carbon future, I’ve also always been clear that shale gas exploration must be carried out safely. In the UK, we have been led by the best available scientific evidence, and closely regulated by the Oil and Gas Authority, one of the best regulators in the world.

After reviewing the OGA’s report into recent seismic activity at Preston New Road, it is clear that we cannot rule out future unacceptable impacts on the local community.

For this reason, I have concluded that we should put a moratorium on fracking in England with immediate effect.

Other sources of natural gas will continue to contribute to the UK’s diverse energy mix. The Committee on Climate Change has previously said that there will still be a requirement for natural gas in a 2050 net zero economy..."


"... the OGA believes that further detailed geomechanical analysis would be needed before we could evaluate with confidence whether hydraulic fracturing could resume in the Fylde, or elsewhere, consistent with the government’s policy aims."

"Fracking already takes place across the world including in the US, Canada and Argentina. However, exploratory work to determine whether shale could be a new domestic energy source, delivering benefits for our economy and energy security, has now been paused - unless and until further evidence is provided that it can be carried out safely here."







Potsdam ...


Thou must not Twitch ... ;-)



"Despite its simplicity and abundance, hydrogen doesn’t occur naturally as a gas on the Earth – it’s always combined with other elements. Water, for example, is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen (H2O)."

"Hydrogen is also found in many organic compounds, notably the hydrocarbons that make up many of our fuels, such as gasoline, natural gas, methanol, and propane. Hydrogen can be separated from hydrocarbons through the application of heat – a process known as reforming. Currently, most hydrogen is made this way from natural gas. An electrical current can also be used to separate water into its components of oxygen and hydrogen. This process is known as electrolysis. Some algae and bacteria, using sunlight as their energy source, even give off hydrogen under certain conditions.

Hydrogen is high in energy, yet an engine that burns pure hydrogen produces almost no pollution. NASA has used liquid hydrogen since the 1970s to propel the space shuttle and other rockets into orbit. Hydrogen fuel cells power the shuttle’s electrical systems, producing a clean byproduct – pure water, which the crew drinks."

