Submitted by Mortal Mindy on

Friends of the Earth, (FOE) have published "All that glitters..." (June 2014) stating that 'Current regulation of unconventional gas and oil exploration in England is inadequate'
FOE put forward their role; 'As part of this work, over the last three years, we have been closely tracking the regulation of the unconventional gas and oil industry in the UK' and have a local, national and international knowledge and influence base in which to help local communities.
'A report for the European Commission looking at the possible impacts of fracking on the environment and health "identified a number of issues as presenting a high risk or people and the environment"'
This 30 page report by the FOE addresses most of the issues and concerns about the 'fracking' and oil gas industry with mention of UCB and UCG along with concessions given to the industry, de-regulation of planning, tresspass law and lobbying to Parliament by various corporates and the industry. Much of this has already been brought to Qalypso reader's attention but this Friends of the Earth report very neatly brings us to where we are at now.
Please take time to read and absorb and understand:
A Fools Gold ....
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
"I have met allies who can report that Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organisations - environmental organisations working against shale gas - to maintain European dependence on imported Russian gas. That is my interpretation."
Mr Rasmussen did not say what form the Russians' engagement with the environmentalists took or whether groups concerned were aware that they were dealing with Moscow's agents." ;-/
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
its a mad world - ... WTF? no further comment
All that Glistens....
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
Erm, five bob on Elstree ...
Bored'em Wood.
Oooh, that feels better.
"Normally if you see a meteor or a shooting star they are just tiny little streaks of light, they last for a fraction of a second."