Submitted by Mortal Mindy on

Borough Policy and Forward Plans are usually determined following public consultation exercises via either the Residents Panel of Local Business Panel and there are usually vacancies for members of the public, residents to participate and 'have a say' if they so wish. (Usually ignored)
The ones to watch out for are the Master Plans - hence the Benchmark / North Bay / Sands Development fiasco that is slowly unravelling now under a joint development between Scarborough Borough Council and Benchmark under the control of Roland Duce (Benchmark). Now these Master Plans are a way for the Council to circumnavigate any awkward questions, ergo stating "its all part of the Master Plan" for example not only the Sands Development but also the Renaissance (Scarborough's Regeneration Plan) and most lately the Forward Plan. Some are 5 years some 10 years and some seem to drag on forever.
The problem is that once a 'Master Plan' has been conceived, even if it is ill conceived (a totally f*ck up) the Council tends to run with it because that it was they ought to do. At no point (in the last ten years) has the Council ever stuck their hand up and said ... erm I think we messed up ... lets start again.
Now it would be very easy to blame the Councillors (who vote) for decisions taken, and to some extent the Officers of the Council whose 'development' plans may appear to be egotistic and 'legacy' based ie hey look what I did for that town ... but the bottom line is they are messing with public money, public property and peoples livlihoods. If you were to ask a Councillor 'why did you vote for that?' The common answer would be - 'we had a report.... and the report recommended ...' Anyhow the question is who writes these reports and who puts together these Master Plans and Forward Plans? Are they the same people?
Well in Scarborough Council's case I would say they are. So far I have identified 'four' from the Regeneration Team, unelected decision makers, that are employed by our Council for erm, making plans (and making sure they get passed)
Led by Nick Taylor : (considered an oldie but goodie). Back in 2002 (was that when they knocked down the Corner Caff?, this small 'team' has been reduced over the years down to the Fab Four. One of whom (AIUSI) is David Kelly
Another possibility is Chris Hall : Then there is/was David Archer and Peter Wilkinson who migrated to Scarborough Ambassadors,
Anyhow, these Fab Four (or the Famous Five) were at the last Cabinet meeting I attended and were indeed very proud of the hardwork and results produced by their very own efforts that have had an impact on our Town; including Woodend Museum, Sandside, Town Hall & Futurist bid, Market Hall, The Sands (Northbay), The Street (Central) etc etc and yep they sure know how to promote and write a report (there are rather a lot of them).
My question is who are these people? Exactly?
Back to the now: within these plans are 'policies' and guidelines that also need updating periodically. Here is a rather samll but interesting policy that will or could have rather a large impact on the Town :
Why? This policy needs to be updated due to the Small Casino business "Small Casino Premises Licence, it was necessary for the Council to review its Policy early to include the competition criteria for Stage 2 applicants."
Eh? Well for anyone following the history of the Sands Development (including OAT, closing of the Futurist etc etc) it was once proposed that the old Atlantis site was developed as a hotel with Casino shop. At that time the OAT was run by Apollo ... who soon runaway (but have they?) BUT they were up against and bidding for the Second Licence against the Towns only successful and still operating Casino in North Street run by the local Shaw family. The Opera House Casino, supported by most locals.
So? This last week the 'latest' plans, recommended for approval, by Benchmark on the old Atlantis site is for a mulitplex cinema. (Not a hotel or casino or whatever they can conjure up next). This will be passed by planning because it is part of the Master Plan (ie they can do what they like). See here:
Meanwhile the Shaws development proposal for a multiplex to be built Town Central (next door to the Opera House Casino) has been sat on the Council's regeneration team/development or whatevers desk for the last five years and the Council have failed to do anything with it. Why is that?
So at next week's Cabinet meeting Tuesday 14th April, shortly followed by the 'decision on the Benchmark Multiplex' on the 16th April, I asked Nick Shaw if he was likely to attend and object. No.
The Multiplex at the Sands will be passed but it will never be built. No Multiplex operator would invest money onto that site. It is not viable.
Meanwhile, as part of the Forward Plan ... The Futurist, Endeavour Wharf (Windfarm) etc etc ...
"Nothing to lose and nothing to prove" - ;-)
Apologies - missed out an important bit - not as daft as they look the SN :-))
It states: “It is the applicant’s case that even with significant subsidies, cinema fit-outs are often in excess of £2 million, and there is still a requirement for a cinema operator to invest a minimum of £1 million on top, as well as committing to a long term lease at a fixed minimum rental rate.
“This underlines the importance of location for any operator.”
The main stumbling block was the granting of planning permission for a five-screen cinema on the site of the North Street car park in 2008.
The applicant of that scheme, Nikolas Shaw, has objected to the North Bay application, saying he will seek a judicial review if it is approved.
However, the council’s planning officers feel there is enough evidence to warrant backing the scheme.
The report concludes: “The outcome of this [application] is finely balanced in this matter regarding the North Street site in particular, but having assessed socio-economic considerations in a holistic manner, it is concluded that these help tip the balance in favour of approving the application.”
(thats not what he told me ... )
Choose your battles wisely ;-)
Much more to come on this ...
Called In - Cinema Challenge
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
"Plans for a five-screen cinema in Scarborough town centre suffered a blow last month after the council rejected the release of land for development...."
SBC Corporate Restructure
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
SBC has a new Director, Trevor Watson, and has a new corporate structure:
Trevor's portfolio includes planning, regeneration, tourism, economic development ... all the interesting stuff ... and officially took up the appointment on 1st August.
Trevor is understood to be from Peterborough & former Fenland District Council Head of Assets & Projects ... & harbours ...
Doh ... why do they always have leaving parties and not welcome aboard parties ... might even get a new paddle ..
Shrinking Violets
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
Roses are red violets are blue ?
Hilary Jones
Oh do keep up ...
A whoop & cheer for Dixon at Dockgreen
I hear Banjo's ... Whitby Town Council
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
Congratulations to Richard Ineson, WTC's newly elected :-
"Dear Friends,
I would just like to remember some words of St. Francis of Assisi which I think are really just particularly apt at the moment. ‘Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope’. and to all the people of the West Cliff, howsoever they voted, may I say this. Now that the Election is over, may we get together and strive to serve and strengthen the West Cliff of which we're so proud to be a part. And finally, one last thing: in the words of my Granddad whom we had hoped to bring here with us, "Where there is smoke, there is generally somebody smoking".. "
Harmonious Harbours
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
Anyone got a fag ... erm flag, Blue? Green?
despite a £50m YW investment ...
No Blue Flag.
"Andrew Backhouse. the new Cabinet Member for Tourism at Scarborough Borough Council said: "Let's not forget the Blue Flag is not just about the bathing water quality. It's about the access to facilities near the beach, public conveniences and everything that goes with it. We're a little bit disappointed, but we will get there, absolutely.
"Let's also not forget the criteria has been ramped up, we've got to be so much more than we used to be to get the Blue Flags. All credit to North Bay and Whitby, and we look forward to getting it back on South Bay and Filey."
Mind, its still quite illegal to fly a Jolly Roger ... flag
Red Flags ;-)
Anything But Trump?
Submitted by Captain Black on
Mebbe its a Smaug thing...
Mind they were carrying out Geotechnicals under the Castle yesterday ... somin to do with the waterworks.
Is Pink the new Black?
Mind, the barbed Beeb seem to be unable to count past five....
EA: Quality n Quantity
Submitted by Captain Black on
Once again not only political mileage is being sought after a local issue that concerns many. The South Bay Bathing issue is a multi-agency designation:
"A spokesman for the Yorkshire Bathing Water Partnership, which was formed in 2010 and comprises the Environment Agency, Yorkshire Water, North Yorkshire County Council, Scarborough Borough Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Welcome To Yorkshire, said all partners remain committed to improving water quality in the South Bay area.
The spokesman said: “Scarborough South Bay remains a great place to visit and we, as a partnership, encourage people to enjoy the facilities and activities it offers. While the bathing water quality at Scarborough South beach has been classified as ‘poor’ at the end of the 2016 season, the beach remains open for people to enjoy and all partners remain committed to improving water quality in the area."
Further, from the EA:
On the case:
"In a statement, Councillor Mike Cockerill said:
The investigation will take place on the stretch of coastline from Jackson's Bay to Cayton Bay. The results of the survey is expected by March next year."
Cllr Mike Cockerill has promised to keep 'awl informed.
Slowly Slowly ...
Red Flag Day
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
... or water displacement from the construction of the new RNLI boathouse?
SBC - Ports Development Group
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
Scarborough Borough Council is looking to recruit three independent people to its newly formed Ports Development Group, which will focus on the strategic development of the borough’s three ports: Whitby Harbour, Scarborough Harbour and Filey Coble Landing.
The group is being established to provide strategic support, advice and guidance to the council’s Cabinet Member for Harbours, Assets, Coast and Flood Protection, Cllr Mike Cockerill. It will assist with the development of a Strategic Plan for the ports, which will include contributing to reports and recommendations to the council’s Cabinet. The group will also look at the promotion and regeneration of the ports, including how best to win new business and how the ports can benefit stakeholders and the wider coastal community.
The group will consist of seven members: three independent people, three borough councillors and Cllr Mike Cockerill as Chairman. The group will be supported by one of the council’s directors, its Harbourmaster and Regeneration Project Development Manager.
Cllr Mike Cockerill, Cabinet Member for Harbours, Assets, Coast and Flood Protection said:
“We welcome applications from anyone who feels they could add value to our new strategic approach for developing the borough’s ports. The group’s role will be strictly advisory with no involvement in the day to day operational management of the ports. We therefore need people with vision that can look at the bigger picture and, through strategic development, help us shape the future of our ports as viable assets to support our local economy for many years to come.”
Anyone interested in the role can find out more information about how to apply at:
The closing date for applications is Sunday 6 December.
via YCR :
Agnostic ;-)
Whitby Business Park - Design Brief
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
A design brief for Whitby Business Park is open to consultation. David Hand on YCR says there is a fine balance between Whitby's historical heritage and devloping business and jobs ...
"... The Draft Design Brief has now been produced and you are invited to make any comments before formal approval of the document by the Authorities. All representations will be taken into account in revising the Brief in due course. The consultation period runs until Friday 23 September 2016. The Draft Design Brief can be viewed and comments submitted on the Borough Council’s dedicated Consultation Portal.
You can also download a PDF version of the Draft Design Brief and the Area Action Plan from the North York Moors National Park Authority website: (follow links to Planning/Policies and Plans/Current Consultations).
Paper copies can also be found at:
Paper-based comments should be sent to Forward Planning, Scarborough Borough Council, Town Hall, St Nicholas Street, Scarborough, YO11 2HG; or handed in to any of the above Borough Council or National Park Authority offices.
If you have any queries in relation to the consultation please contact Clair Shields in the Policy Team at the National Park Authority (01439 772700) or David Hand in the Forward Planning Team at Scarborough Borough Council (01723 232482). If you require a paper copy please contact David Hand."
It is helpful to know what you are consulting on:-))
2009 :
2016 ???? this could take all day :-?
Ah, so ...
Consumption time...
After the horse has bolted....
Instructions. (thats todays stupid word btw)
Flatpack is more fun... without instructions.
Portals :
Organised chaos :-))
Ah, so on YCR the Hand says they wish to expand the Business park to accommodate future business's for example associated with York Potash.
Good Eggs.
Oh Paddys doing fave luurve songs ... when in Rome?