Submitted by Captain Black on

Scarborough Borough Council have so far refused to entertain any plans for a Community Asset Transfer for the former Indoor Pool building on the basis that the site is part of a future development. To date, they have refused to say who or what those development plans, if any and with who, are.
The legal wrangle brewing between Scarborough Borough Council & Benchmark over the wider area of the Sands Development is expected to be long drawn out and may take years.
It would seem that patience and prudence are at play as Scarborough’s Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 20th April focus is on the Visitor Economy, Back, Better, Brighter etc
“The Council has been working with key stakeholders to develop what Scarborough Fayre could be. This exciting programme could be a focal point, which galvanises the town’s use of high quality culture, with the potential to become a feature of life here for years to come. The mention of ‘culture’ in the Scarborough Fayre context takes its broadest definition, and encompasses food, art, sport, music, heritage together with all the aspects which makes up the way of life in the town…
“The formation of Scarborough Fayre will also potentially act as a meeting point and network for cultural activity organisers, pooling expertise and resources and enabling support. It is hoped that Scarborough Fayre will become synonymous with quality and accessibility,an umbrella encompassing broader promotion, increased and more diverse audiences and access to expertise to help grow, improve and sustain cultural projects. It is also envisaged that local businesses and events organisers will potentially benefit by being able to use this high profile brand to promote their products and events..
“It is envisaged that Scarborough Fayre will manage a cultural ‘centre’ or hub, a place for events.”
“No consultation with the public will take place at this point, but cultural sector partners are heavily involved in the project.”
Meanwhile, The Capital Strategy has been updated;
“£450k for improvements to the North Bay including demolition of the former Indoor Pool and hoardings around Atlantis”
Of interest, to those who wish to lobby;
“A new public/private sector group has been established to work alongside the Council team to steer the project and assist in shaping the vision for Scarborough Fayre.
The following public/private sector representatives have agreed to give their valuable support and time to this project Nick Thomas MBE –Chairman of Qdos Entertainment LTD& HQ Venues, Paul Robinson –Creative Director at the Stephen Joseph Theatre, Richard Boyes–CEO Boyes retail stores, Graeme Young –CEO at Scarborough Rugby Club and Scarborough Seafront, Business person David Warner –Trustee of Coast and Vale Community Action Group, Board Trustees Stephen Joseph Theatre and Chairman of LocalTrust, Gareth Edmunds –External Affairs Director, Anglo American Scarborough, Andrew Hoff –Sales Director at McCains, Dawn Threadgold –Creative Director, Animated ObjectsHeather French –Director of Books by the Beach, Mel Bonney –CEO of Coast and Vale Community Action”
“A key task as part of the study is to look into options for the ‘hub’ location. No suggestions have been made within the brief, so as not to influence the objectivity of the Consultant, but this could include Scarborough Spa, the newly discussed Festival Square or a new building”
'Grot Spots'
Submitted by Captain Black on
In Your Own Time ...
"“Proposed works include [the] demolition of the former indoor pool in Ryndle Crescent, which has been closed since it was replaced by the new pool at the Scarborough Leisure Village, soft landscaping the area of the demolished pool, improvements to hoardings around the former Atlantis site.""
Knew I'd forgotten somin. ;-0
Dig Slowly...
Best not mention Marvels.. eh? wouldn't that make a lurrverly 'Camp Site' .... Billy Butlins museum style.
Thou must not Perch...
I have some filing to do..
""This has been a great site for local grassroots sport and social events for many years, and it would be tremendous to see it retain its identity as a community asset under new ownership.""
Into The Valley
Submitted by Captain Black on
"The demolition of the old indoor swimming pool in Scarborough will clear the way for potential new developments in the wider North Bay area."
"Alongside the pool demolition, new hoardings featuring local artwork will also be placed around the former Atlantis waterpark site opposite the indoor pool, which had been earmarked to be a multiplex cinema before the scheme collapsed earlier this year when Scarborough Council decided not to renew its deal with the developer."
"For its second sortie, the drone will raise itself to 5m above the ground, move sideways by 2m, swivel and take some pictures, before reversing back to the take-off spot to land."
Biting the Bull
Submitted by Captain Black on
"Taurus begins its cycle in the middle of spring, so if you're born between April 21 and May 21, then you're a Taurean"
"The mining process to generate new bitcoin involves solving complex mathematical equations, which requires large amounts of computing power.
New sets of transactions are added to bitcoin's blockchain (the ledger that records the cryptocurrency's transactions) every 10 minutes by miners from around the world.
In a tweet on Wednesday, Mr Dorsey said that "bitcoin incentivises renewable energy", to which Mr Musk replied "True"."
"These were really nice cherry trees, just about to blossom"
“They don’t even wait until you’re finished these days to see if there’s anything left, they just grab the shit out of your hands as if they’ve fucking paid for it."
“Maybe … one day there will be a robot that spontaneously generates speech.”
"Cllr Siddons told the Local Democracy Reporting Service the whole of the North Bay would be included in the discussions.
He said: “Following the return of the North Bay site to council management last month, we will be undertaking a consultative visioning exercise to determine how the site should evolve in the future.
“The first stage of this is to demolish the former indoor pool and tidy up the former Atlantis site ahead of the main summer season.
“When a masterplan for the area, including the former Kinderland and Marvels sites is completed, we will go back to the market later this year to progress that plan.”"
The Bingo Boro
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"The huts which make up the Bewerley Park estate were built as temporary structures in 1939, with an expected life span of ten to twenty years. Created mainly from wood, they have become increasingly expensive to maintain, requiring frequent repairs.
Over the next few months, the views of different organisations will be gathered through questionnaires, user groups and other channels as the County Council carries out its review of Outdoor Learning Service."
"At the same time, let’s take a deeper look at diamond inclusions and how professional gemologists grade them"
That's Wykeham Lakes & the Down One Estate sorted...
"It was the second time in less than four weeks that Scarborough Council’s planning committee had met to discuss the plans by Wharfedale Homes Limited’s to put 62 homes in a field off Green Lane, not far from the iconic structure which looms over the town."
If only 'David Jeffles' had sat in the road...
"Feather inclusions are the second most common, and possibly one for concern. They are small internal cracks, and if they are present from top to bottom, the diamond’s durability could be compromised."
David Jeffles is the Boro's longest serving Councillor and has a wicked sense of humour ... loyal and Royal, unlike some.
"The Filey Bay 1779 group are planning a commemoration of the Battle of Flamborough Head which is seen by American military historians as a major naval victory for the US.
The Filey Bay 1779 Group's website explains the battle in detail, it says.."
"Every diamond is unique, and even their slight flaws add to their fiery beauty!"
Oh, Ear we go ... ;-0
And in the Red Corner ... ;-0
And in the Blue Corner..
"The community fridge opened on Union Street in 2019 originally just during School holidays."
"Welcome to Yorkshire says it is working hard to ensure the county benefits from the expected staycation boom."
Gert a Grip.
"Friend Boy George led the tributes on social media, sharing a photo of the pair together and saying: "RIP to the most beautiful and sweetest man Nick Kamen!"
The Bowls Club.
"The board has upheld Facebook's decision on 7 January to restrict Mr Trump's access to posting content on his Facebook page and Instagram account."
""We believe the risks of allowing the president to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great.""
""It was not appropriate for Facebook to impose the indeterminate and standardless penalty of indefinite suspension," the ruling said.
"Facebook's normal penalties include removing the violating content, imposing a time-bound period of suspension, or permanently disabling the page and account.
"Facebook must complete its review of this matter within six months of the date of this decision.""
""We thank the board for the care and attention it gave this case."
""As a measure of abundant caution and also out of consideration for others, I decided to conduct my engagements in the virtual mode.
"That will be the case with the G7 Meeting today as well."
"the authority was "committed to retaining a localised presence and making sure a number of community hubs exist".
The spokesman said "no decision has been taken on where full council meetings will be held in future," but added it did not have to be in the same buildings that contained offices."
"“We have here an architectural gem, one of Scarborough’s iconic buildings.
“It ticks so many boxes by bringing a wonderful old building back into economic use and providing some first class accommodation right in the town centre.”
Meanwhile, back on planet Earth ;-0
She Sells Sea Shells
Submitted by Captain Black on
"Councillors say external investment will be required to deliver Scarborough's new development strategy.
The fifteen year strategic plan for Scarborough which has been backed by the borough council's cabinet this week should be used as a catalyst to bring investors in to the town.
That's the view of Councillor Liz Colling who says the plan is inspiring but the that the council cant deliver it on its own."
Never, Mind.
A Four Day Week.
Doris Could Sing
Submitted by Captain Black on
Who moved my Cheese ;-00
"We have got a big fridge full - about two tonnes."
Anyone for Jed Wood?
"It was in 1989 that Ms Sharman answered an advertisement she heard on her car radio. Astronaut wanted – no experience necessary, it said."
Ask Politely... oh just a minute, you forgot.
With Warmth & Depth.
"Once they clear out all that nasty Arsenic, Busmuth and Cadmium, why not...?"
"Skipton and Scarborough Building Societies announced their intended merger in a joint statement: "This is a real opportunity for the two North Yorkshire-based societies to create an enlarged Society that is even better placed to deal with any future uncertainties in the financial marketplace. The two societies are well matched, having similar business models, a strong geographical fit and shared commitment to mutuality, their members, their people and their local communities."
"I suppose they had a 'vibrant' if shorter life if we believe what we are told."
Best not mention Quartons...
A Chamber of Commerce
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"On 24th May 2021, the Captial Strategy and Property Asset Management Governance Board agreed in principle to the progressions of a Master planning feasibility study for the North Bay, Scarborough."
"As the anticipated budget requirement for the works exceeds £50k and Independent Cabinet Member approval is required."
"SBC is therefore seeking to procure a multidisciplinary team to assist in developing this masterplan."
"The appointment of the consultant will be carried out on a competitive basis on a 60/40 Quality/Price using an open tendering procedure... Yortender is a public sector framework."
"There's no point reinventing the wheel."
Oh OK: Why is it that anything 'controversial' & 'contentious' is met head on by Cllr Liz Collins and not the Leader?
Does he know what day it is?
Hissing Sid.
"Scarborough Borough Council wishes to appoint a Fish Market Services provider for its Whitby and Scarborough Harbours. Key role and responsibilities will be : Provision of Ice and Machines Provision of Cold room facilities Fork lift truck facilities Provide electronic weighing scales Provide facilities for the tipping of ice Provide fish boxes for hire Provide auction services Provide same day settlements Provide use of vehicle travel between Scarborough and Whitby Issuing Scarborough Borough Council with landing figures"
Another can of worms..
E Scooters
Submitted by Captain Black on
"The seaside town of Scarborough in North Yorkshire is having one of its best summer seasons in years, thanks to a post-lockdown boom. But can it last?
BBC arts correspondent David Sillito, who grew up in Scarborough, has been back to see how the town has changed."
"Mr Cummings went on to allege Mr Johnson had said: "No, no no, no, no, I'm not doing it.""
"Scarborough Spa and Tony Peers Productions would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused by the cancellation.
The safety of our staff, cast and audience remains the venue’s top priority and we look forward to hosting Tony Peers’ Production of Snow White later this year.""
"The Scarbobrough Spa Orchestra’s Summer season remains unaffected."
"Engineers have restored the science instruments aboard the Hubble Space Telescope, after a glitch took them offline."
OOh I feel another Power Cut coming on ...
All students should have access to an eee scooter to bob about on... it might improve their safety senses, give or take a library card.
Anyhoos there's another Costume Drama to attend to ...
"Three quarters of all antisocial behaviour incidents in the Scarborough Borough during lockdown were NOT related to school age children."
A Thunder Moon
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
"The new master-plan for Whitby was backed by the Borough Council's cabinet this week.
It sets out a £38m plan of improvements for the town and Borough Council leader Steve Siddons says he believes it will attract further investment in the town."
"Named due to the prevalence of summer thunder storms. It's otherwise known as the Full Buck Moon because at this time of the year a buck's antlers are fully grown."
""This may reveal opportunities to think creatively about planning and land use development in a broader context and link into wider regeneration and placemaking aspirations. The effects of climate change, and in particular sea level rise, on wave overtopping, coastal erosion and beach loss are critical in such considerations.""
"And do not worry because of the 'thunderous' name of this Full Moon: the energies of the Full Thunder Moon are potent but are not disruptive. So there's nothing to be worried about."
Checking me Diary... ;-0
Phoney Phonics
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
"With demand for allotment spaces growing, people living in Scarborough are facing a long wait to get one for themselves.
Scarborough Borough Council is set to begin a review of allotment provision in the town as hundreds of people remain on waiting lists to get their hands on a plot."
Handbags & Gladrags
Still got to put the lights up .... and those wavey machines ;-0
“Responsibility for the provision of allotments outside of Scarborough town rests with the parish councils and is therefore outside of the remit of this committee."
"Philip Allott says the Scarborough borough appeared to be a particular hotspot for reports of Anti Social Behaviour with a big increase in reports during the lockdowns... He thinks the current set up in the county is haphazard"
Wakey Wakey.
"The five track single-storey carriage shed, featuring a cantilevered roof, ... and for the first time enable servicing and cleaning tasks to be completed undercover."
"Opportunity Id DN556165
Estimated value:£50,000.00
New to ProContract?
If you are not currently registered on the ProContract procurement portal, you can complete a simple registration process by clicking the following link - Register free
Dunno why they just don't ask the local Parks & Bin Department ...
"If you are guilty of anti-social behaviour and you are sentenced to unpaid work, as many people are, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be out there in one of those fluorescent-jacketed chain gangs visibly paying your debt to society."
Spot the Dog.
Stop & Search
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
“Imagine being out of sight of land, running out of fuel, coming across incredibly busy shipping lanes when you’re frightened and you don’t know which direction you’re going in. That is by anyone’s standards distress. Our role in this is incredible important: simply to respond to a need to save lives,” said Mark Dowie, the chief executive of the RNLI..."
"Mr Green previously blamed his naiveté for the errors involving item provenance and said he knew "little of the world of collecting" when he started to purchase antiquities."
"Not everyone is a great storyteller, and not everyone has the most extreme story," they said.
With half the country unable to access the internet, crowdfunding can also create "information asymmetry" by preventing those on the lowest rungs of society from tapping into its power."
'Natural Luddites'
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"An indoor sporting centre of excellence?"
"Wilson warned his audience that if the country was to prosper, a "new Britain" would need to be forged in the "white heat" of this "scientific revolution".But there was more to Wilson's speech than stirring rhetoric. For one thing, it marked Wilson's entry into a long-running discussion about the role of science in public life."
"Through the British Film Commission, we're supporting the development of stage spaces like this across the UK - boosting the local economy and backing our world-class creatives to make the next Bond blockbuster or bingeworthy box set."
Going, Going .. Gone.
"We can all look back and think those were heydays. I'm not an expert on the history of these two sites but probably the reasons why they did fail was because there wasn't enough people who use them."
Awwe ... is someone having a bad day ;-0
"Several thousand people complete the route each year, generating significant trade for businesses offering food and accommodation along the way. A number of companies also offer luggage transport services between overnight stays."
"The licence having been granted under the 1968 Act could be retained after the closure of the casino in St Nicholas Cliff, thereby allowing it back into use should an alternative, suitable location be found."
“We’ll never have to switch the lights on, day or night.”
"It is challenging, but is broken into 12 stages, each ending at a settlement with overnight accommodation. In 2004, the route was voted the second best long-distance walk in the world by writers of walking guides."
"Several Tory backbenchers, travel industry bosses and Labour said yet another list would be "complicated" and a "disaster"."
The 'Lost' Atlantis
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
""If we wish to survive and keep some of the things we care about on the earth with us, it involves a necessary fundamental alteration in our world view where we change our outlook completely from competitive to cooperative.""
Eden Camp by the Coast ... ;?
"It comes as Prime Minister Boris Johnson unveiled proposals for the deals, which offer areas outside cities similar powers to metro mayors, earlier this month."
"“Through this event and other networks we are committed to working with our partners to bring businesses and those looking for work together to help the town and surrounding area build back better.”"
"Such deals were a “concern” if mergers were involved and that they raised “more questions than answers”."
"Why wait to make your next career move?
Apply now and you could be working at The Grand Hotel Scarborough located in the town centre and built in 1863. The Grand Hotel Scarborough takes pride of place overlooking the town's picturesque harbour and South Bay. This stunning Victorian building is an instantly recognisable landmark and stands out amongst other hotels in Scarborough. The Grand Scarborough boasts 413 classically-styled bedrooms and offers a 24-hour Front Desk due to the Hotel’s popularity and location. Due to continued expansion, we are looking to recruit a Night Manager onto the team. As Night Manager, you will be required to; • Provide training for all night personnel on standards and procedures. • Ensure effective communication on nights in all areas. • Be aware of the weekly business within the hotel. • Have thorough knowledge of all systems and procedures used within the hotel and department and to provide support as and when..."
OOh my arms been twisted...
Monaco, Moi?
"It was not immediately clear what prompted the former Vote Leave supremo to take an interest Spears’ case."
'Two Towns'
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"In order to create a new authority, a community governance review must be triggered by the borough council which would then start the procedure around setting out the boundaries and the powers of the new authority.
Under existing legislation, a public referendum is not a legally required part of the process and any result would be non-binding. Consultation with the public must be carried out."
"Once the process begins it must be completed within 12 months."
Keep Busy.
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
Seriously, there was an article about parish councils having to affiliate with a Church... and they are mapping all the dead.
Ah, So ... ;-0
"A Local Council is a parish, town, village, neighbourhood or community council. These councils are the first tier of Local Government and were created by statute in 1894. Before then for many years, the affairs of the parishes had been administered by a vestry, or meeting of the village inhabitants. Usually the squire, the parson and the principal ratepayers dominated these meetings. Some became 'select vestries', and were only open to those to those people deemed 'suitable' to serve. In most parishes, especially the more rural ones this system worked well but in others it was virtually non-existent or very inefficient.
Due to a general movement towards greater 'democracy'; and a desire to break the power of the Church of England over the lives of nonconformists and non-believers, a Bill was promoted to create Parish Councils. After a difficult passage through parliament and many amendments, this Bill became an Act in 1894. Its effect was to transfer all non-ecclesiastical functions from the church to the elected Parish Councils. Some other functions were added, such as those relating to the burial of the dead. The regulations under which the first Parish Councils operated were not very tight and the influence of the church was not easily diminished.
There were many anomalies and difficulties encountered in the years between 1894 and 1972, when the present basic Local Government Act came into being. Now, local councils are closely regulated. The lines of responsibility are clearly laid down, there is generally much more openness and those people that local councils were formed to serve are fully aware of what is being done on their behalf and are encouraged to participate.
Powers, Duties and Responsibilities of Local Councils
The Local Government Act 1972 sets out many of the procedural duties of a local council but also provides a wide range of powers for it to choose to exercise if it wishes to do so. However, there is a huge raft of legislation relative to local councils that mainly provide powers to take positive action for their communities. Local councils are local authorities and they may only spend public money on projects or actions for which they have a Statutory Power (a reasonably comprehensive list can be found in the Good Councillors Guide) and they must comply with duties that are set out for them in legislation."
Thank Hook for That...
Oh, Did someone mention a Cinema ...
"As a family led business we puts places, people, businesses and relationships first. Our mission is to create inspiring spaces for people to live, work and enjoy. We curate the built environment to support the wellbeing of the occupiers leaving a lasting and positive impact on the communities, stakeholders and environment."
I'll Be Bach.
How Now.
Never intertrupts when your winning ...
Now where were we ... somin to do with the Tower of London, Henry VIII & HMS Belfast...
Ah, So ...
The Great Escape.
Apparently it's 'very boring' if I talk too much ...
I so want to be a 'Tour Guide'.... you know, like telling people what they don't want to hear.
Big Ears.
'Refused or Recreated'
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"He pretends that the reorganisation is not a takeover of local democracy, but the creation of a new council.
The truth is North Yorkshire is run by a politburo of 10 Tories, and it won’t matter if the council has 72 or 90 elected members, these 10 Tories are sure to stay in office and the other elected members will have very little or no say on what goes on."
A Poke in the Eye;-0
"Discussions have now taken place with both the Leader and the leader of the group proposing the motion and it has been agreed that the executive will implement the motion as proposed."
"What kind of a person do you have to be to change your name, surname and also your appearance to please your political boss?" the original Mr Vishnevsky said.
An election handout shows three men, of a similar age, with identical names and facial hair.
Mr Vishnevsky, a member of the liberal opposition Yabloko party, said the move showed his opponents see him as a strong contender."
"They only pay lip service to democracy when it suits them. In the name of efficiency, they rob residents of historic towns like Scarborough and Harrogate of their right to elect councillors to run their own local services"
"It seemed to me that none of us totally escape cultural norms."
Hairy Maclary.
Guess the Band?
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"It is indicative of the extent to which one local authority in particular – Scarborough Borough Council – sought to manipulate support, including casting votes on behalf of its own building assets, when private businesses, the very people who know how to make money, had legitimate concerns about a BID stretching from Staithes to Spurn Point, and the benefits that they would receive in return."
Hyper Synchronicity?
"Snow Patrol was the penultimate show of the 2021 summer season, next Friday (September 17) is the closing show when British music icons Duran Duran will headline."
Oddly enuff the most outstanding fag ends were left by that erm Blonde 'Karate Kid' person..
"... such schemes only work effectively if they are a genuine partnership between local government and the private sector, one built on mutual respect and trust."
"And while it remains to be seen how the Yorkshire Coast BID recovers from this predicament, what is plain is that North Yorkshire County Council will need a coherent strategy for the coast when it supersedes district councils like Scarborough from 2023."
The mere fact the town is gridlocked at certain hours due to static traffic and road closures is beside the point...
"It means any driver in a group of two or more who is posing a risk to other road users, playing loud music or is deemed to be taking part in anti-social behaviour could fall foul of the legislation."
Day Return.
The Warm Front
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
Planning & Development ...
“There is a long-term arrangement in place to ensure the costs of the waterpark are repaid and we retain the freehold interest in the site to mitigate against any chance of default.”
The two companies dispute the council’s claims.
In February the council’s Cabinet decided to end its agreement with Benchmark and find an alternative third party to develop the northern site.
As well as the waterpark, Benchmark also oversaw the building of a pub and hotel on the same site. However plans for a cinema, restaurants and flats on the site of the former Atlantis waterpark nearby have repeatedly stalled.
Abbey Commercial, Benchmark’s parent company, which is the guarantor under the lease, is defending the claim in full.
Benchmark says it is also considering what action to take over the council “reneging on its promises” to allow it to finish off the remaining agreed developments on the North Bay site, which would allow it to recover “substantial costs” from delivering the beach management centre, open air theatre and waterpark.
The council borrowed £4m from the Public Works Loan Board in 2015 to part fund the waterpark. The accounts state it is owed £8.41m.
Audit committee chair Coun Andrew Backhouse, said the waterpark may end up being operated by the council, but they “very rarely make money” and would need subsidising.
He suggested the Cabinet could have taken a different view in the light of the pandemic. He said: “Sometimes they look at things in a very black and white way and commercial viability and deliverability is not always black and white.”
Benchmark described the council’s legal action as “very surprising” given Government guidelines on rent deferrals during the pandemic and its “well publicised deferments of rent” for example with the Travelodge. The hotel was bought by the council in 2018.
A statement said: “The proceedings issued by SBC relate to the recovery of rent due by Benchmark during Covid from Abbey Commercial Investments Limited, Benchmark’s parent company and guarantor under the lease.
"Benchmark and Abbey have contested the claim as Benchmark was assured by the Council that all rent due during Covid would be deferred, to be recovered in full over future years.
"In reliance of these assurances, Benchmark has financially supported the struggling water park to see it through the crisis and even invested more money in improvements to ensure a full re-opening was possible in May this year.
"The Council has repaid this by issuing costly proceedings in court for immediate payment of all the rents due in full."
The statement from Scarborough Council added that they "follow the principles contained within our treasury management strategy to minimise our borrowing costs"."
Mind the Gaps.
'Merky Books'
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"East Riding of Yorkshire Council says a site in Goole has passed the second stage of assessment in answer to the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s (UKAEA) national call for sites as a potential host for the Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) programme.
The STEP project is an ambitious programme to design and construct a prototype fusion energy plant and, despite facing stiff competition from areas across the UK to host, the East Riding has been successful in the second stage of the nomination process.
The initial bid, supported by a partnership of northern universities led by The University of York and key industry bodies, was submitted in March this year, identifying a site close to Junction 36 at Goole as a potential location. Due to Goole’s central location, this is seen as a fantastic opportunity for the whole of the Yorkshire and the wider Northern Powerhouse region."
Marge Simpson.
I do have a schedule to keep you know...
In the Pink
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"Mel said that climbing is a "fantastic diversionary activity" – activities which help reduce youth offending and antisocial behaviour – likening the impact to that of boxing and martial arts as well as helping to alleviate and manage stress. "It's a massively valuable tool in helping young people develop their self control and reactions to anger and threat."
The facility would be led, run and designed by climbers, boulderers and skaters and hopes to create something similar to climbing centre Rockcity in Hull, with the possibility of incorporating Scarborough’s surfing community too."
"While no final location has been determined, she is enthusiastic about creating a space in the North Bay.
Residents of Brompton Hall School can make their views known by making a visit to the climbing wall or emailing"
Meanwhile Roy Chubby Brown is set to replace Richard Grunwell as Scarborough's Business Ambassador who is off to join the Democratic Republic of Cayton.
And let there be no conflict of interest in YCCC having been awarded substantial sums to promote culture in moving into demolishing the North Bay Pool on Monday.
So much for peaceful protest, eh?
Subject to Review.
Myth Busting
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"A concrete pillbox – one of many built along the coast to defend against an invasion during World War Two – was demolished as it was dangerously overhanging the cliff edge at Cayton Bay."
"Claims that we pushed the pillbox off the cliff are untrue – our colleagues have many amazing talents but pushing huge concrete structures is not one of them."
""Our investigations have managed to rule out the likelihood of a number of possible causes, including sewage, seismic activity and underwater cables.
"Results for our water samples have come back as normal for those locations. There is always the possibility that this was a natural event, so we are keeping an open mind."
Keep Busy.
Sticks n Stones
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"The success of Peasholm Park's Moonlight on the lake event over half term has sparked interest in exploring what else could be done at the venue."
How about a McFlurry?
Could that Argos Development fit onto the old Ryndle Pool site?
Five Stories ... and counting
Of course it would - I've just been to measure up.
"Current development plans, which are being backed with a £22 million investment from Scarborough Council, have been drawn up in collaboration with Coventry University Scarborough and York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
The scheme will see the existing building demolished to make way for retail units on the ground floor and accommodation for 52 in-training NHS doctors and nurses from Scarborough Hospital and 150 university students on the upper levels."
Keeps Digging...
Now where did I put me Eiffel Tower...
The Golden Oldies
Submitted by Captain Black on
Slumming it, Moi?
"The Old Town in essence is not a deprived area of town..."
Just in case M. Aykbourne hadn't noticed...
This isn't just about parking.... his Bentley.
How could all those Olde Town Planners possibly be wrong?
Hmmm ...
If you would like more information on the plans, please contact or call 0800 089 0362
Dear Ben,
We have the perfect site for your erm, rather large development....
It's got a perfect Spa and Health pool with plenty of parking and, erm Sand, and all that ... mind it's a bit short of shops.
And, we could do with some really nice places to eat, you know with Sea Views and all that.. extra room to stretch.
Enjoy your evening... ;-0
Croak Park
Submitted by Captain Black on
"As tourists go home, leaving the once thriving pier and hustle of the beach to become a sea of local dog walkers and not much more... to become a 'ghost town' over the winter months."
"Unfortunately, most of the councils involved with towns on the East Coast don't welcome us, so we go elsewhere like Scotland or Europe."
"Local people had previously been made aware of seven concerts scheduled to take place in Croke Park in 2022 but they only found out on Thursday that five would be Garth Brooks..."
"Some residents would consider moving out of their homes in September 2022 during the concerts"
Hmmm ...
Naughty Naughty.
'Cosmic Vocab'
Submitted by Captain Black on
"I’ve been lured to Whitby in winter by Britain’s most scenic bus ride, and the chance to stay in a spa hotel with sustainable ambitions. And for a walk up the wild Esk Valley to the wilder North York Moors."
"Sir Keir said the reshuffle would give him a "smaller, more focused shadow cabinet that mirrors the shape of the government we are shadowing"."
'Planet Park'
Submitted by Captain Black on
"A levelling-up white paper is expected early next year, so that is Nandy’s immediate focus. It was supposed to be out this month but, in a sign of the lack of detail behind the slogan, ministers have yet to agree what it should say."
Mount Co-Op.
Keep Busy.
'Raising Powers'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"Greater devolution is a praiseworthy goal in an overcentralised country where all roads (and high-speed rail lines) lead to London; but without the necessary resources, and significantly expanded local revenue-raising powers, it will amount to an abdication of strategic responsibility..."
An Amorphous...
Enjoy your day.
'Canine Clarence'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"Personally until the local authorities have got to the bottom of it I would not recommend taking your pets on the beach for the foreseeable future."
"It has not yet been confirmed whether there are any problems with the North East's beaches, but the Environment Agency encourages people to report potential hazards."
No neighbours were killed in reporting this post.
Hmmm ...
Cronyism & Crudites
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"A business case to build a £67m indoor arena in Redcar has been submitted to the council, it has confirmed.
The plan is to build a 5,000-capacity building on the site of the former Redcar Bowl and it is hoped it could be ready to open in 2024. Those behind the plan - a consortium of property developers and business people - want assurances the council is prepared to lease the land and grant planning permission.
Once they have that, detailed plans for the Gotham Arena will be drawn up."
""For that reason, I urge people to complete our consultation survey now.”
Visit to give your views.
Budget proposals are expected to be considered by the council’s Executive on January 25 and by the full council in February."
The Perfect Invader
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"The number of properties inn the Scarborough Borough being converted in to Air BNB's is causing concerns according to the leader of the borough council."
"The seven Yorkshire bathing waters classified as ‘Excellent’ are: Flamborough South, Danes Dyke Flamborough, Scarborough North Bay, Cayton Bay, Reighton, Runswick Bay, and Whitby."
“It’s been an exciting time to be in sustainability”
Nope, I could not make head nor tail of the budget either...
Home Entertainment.
A Bridge Too Far..
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"Planning permission is sought for a 50 square metre flat-roofed single storey extension to the 'staff building' to be constructed from brick to match to the host structure. The applicant states that the extension will allow for improved staff and office facilities as well as a reception and arrangement room for public use."
"However, it is not their function to breach the ministerial code in threatening to withdraw investments from members of parliament's constituency which are funded from the public purse."
'Hound Dogs'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
OOh ... ;-?
Blink, Moi?
Sounds like a plan... ;-0
The North Bay's quite nice and we have an escaped 'Tiger' ...
"Cllr. Siddons' recent comments regarding the Scarborough Councils continuing work with Flamingo Land on proposals for the former Futurist site could not be further from the truth. I have spoken directly to The Council and told them that we will not work with Scarborough Council on our development plans with the Council as it is currently structured. We do not believe they have the understanding, knowledge, energy or imagination to make this project happen."
It might have been an Alligator...
"In response to Mr Gibb's statement Scarborough Borough Council issued a statement in which Council leader Steve Siddons Said:
“While we have been in discussions with Flamingo Land as our preferred bidder for some time, there has never been a formal legal agreement between us for the site.
"Flamingo Land is therefore at liberty to withdraw its interest in developing the site at any time.
"Flamingo Land's decision opens up opportunities with alternative investors and we will continue to work up acceptable proposals.
"It is important to ensure whatever is eventually built on the site is appropriate for the location and adds value to the town."
Safety First.
Anyone for Bay Watch?
Exciting, innit.