Here We Are

"I write to question the motives of our local authorities in denying outsiders, visitors and tourists to share our coastline, enjoy our natural environment, beaches, opens spaces and fresh air at possibly the most crucial time in our social recent history." 

They will of course argue that they were protecting ... each other?

Here on the 'coast' ... sunshine, fresh air, open space, gardens & camping all of those natural resources we take for granted has been ringfenced for the phew and not the many. 

The recent reinforced message of 'keep out', 'go home', 'visitors go home' by local authorities whose financial dependency is based on tourism with all its gory glory is akin to digging a rather large hole ...  without some rather radical fast forward. 

Blue cheese, nicotine and an empty bottle a sure fire way for missing the boat.  Fortunately other than the odd post on the 'hostile coast' in the words of Alan Sugar "“I just passed it on. I didn’t write it.”"

Anyhoos it would seem that anyone who expects 'normal' to return needs to accept that 'normal' is not an option.  As the regular media feasts on speculation of unpicking the locked down with a wave of overwhelming enthusiasm to board public transport, escape and enjoy their natural freedoms and indeed their human rights, have no doubt it will bring an undercurrent of hostility. 

"“the biggest non-story ever”"

Ah ... the great escape from Brexit to Berlin to bat for the other team only to find energy, enthusiasm and any ambitions of socialism to be severely challenged.

Hmmm ...

Food for thought :






Hypocrocy in Action ...

"People should be avoiding all non-essential travel into or around the National Parks, and when heading out for exercise this should be done locally using open spaces near to home."

Best not mention the ....


OOh I feel an unobtainable luxury coming on...

"... a bundle of grain and a dog."

'Is your journey essential?'

"Both Beltane and Samhain relate to agriculture, but these two specifically to herding, rather than growing crops. It was at this time that the animals were let out for grazing, or brought closer to home for the winter. Bonfires has an added benefit of frightening away predators."

Naughty Naughty ...

"The continued presence of zoo staff will mean that people are not suddenly going to be unfamiliar."


No Bones Allowed

"The project team working on the Saving South Cliff Gardens project in Scarborough is asking the local community to help choose a new identity for the gardens. 

The team has developed branding concepts including logo, website and colour palette options that aim to reflect both the heritage and future of the gardens.

Views are being sought on six logo options via an online survey, which is available at :

up to and including Thursday 7 May. Scott Matthews, Principal Landscape Architect for Southern Green, who is part of the project team said:

“One of the really distinctive aspects of the gardens is how their design and character have developed over time.

It is important that this is reflected in the restoration proposals and new identity.

I encourage the local community to give their views on the concepts so they can play an important part in shaping the future identity of the much loved gardens.”

I feel a Shuttleworth coming on ....

"Older people will "rebel and risk prison" if they are forced to remain in lockdown longer while restrictions are eased, a former Tory pensions minister has warned.

Conservative peer Baroness Altmann argued such a requirement would be "age discrimination" and could cost lives as well as threaten social unrest."

Just don't mention Frogs...

"We welcome this recommendation coming before Cabinet. The proposed scheme seeks to improve the quality of life for tenants in the designated area and neighbouring residents too. 

We have seen in other parts of Scarborough where selective licensing has made a significant positive difference to the lives of the local community. This will be one of the key factors we will be considering when we discuss the report on 12 May.”"

Oh, OK:

"In fact, teens more than anyone need that crucial time spent in solitude, where emotions are processed and the brain powers down; a place to go when the noise of the world drowns you out or you simply want to drown out the world."

Never, gives up.

Fit for Purpose?

"Mr Goodwill said:

“He only had a short time and wanted to get across the message of getting manufacturers back to work.

Hopefully today we will get some more clarity when the details come out. Another area I’ve had correspondence about is people asking me why if it is now okay to go and meet someone in a park if you’re two metres apart why can’t they do it in a garden instead. Why does it have to be a park?”

The details of the easing of the restrictions are due to be published at 2pm."

"People thinking of travelling to the Scarborough borough when lockdown restrictions are eased on Wednesday have been told not to bother.

Scarborough Council deputy leader Cllr Liz Colling said that the council had “concerns” following the announcement by Prime Minister Boris Johnson that people would now be allowed to travel as far as they liked to visit other places.

Cllr Colling said a number of residents had been alarmed by the change in policy."

"... If you want to come and see the scenery then do so, then go home again.

There is no reason to stay if you go to a shop to buy a drink where are you going to go the toilet?

I can see how if you’re in a city lack access to open space how the new plans make sense but not if you live in a remote area.

We are already feeling quite vulnerable and we have worked hard to keep our infection rate low and we would like to keep it that way.”

Her fellow Labour councillor Rich Maw took to Facebook following the television broadcast last night to make his concerns known.

He wrote:   “Personally I do not think we are ready for tourists to ‘drive to other destinations’ just yet. Keep the virus away from out towns.”"

Fact is ... during the 'war' women & children were protected 'at the coast', the coastal resorts were well 'hung' to deal with and manage an influx of visitors.

It is absolutely shameless this town has denied those suffering in the inner cities the right to fresh air, freedom and our natural resources, open spaces and parks.

Open the doors. 

Know your history and ffs don't get lost. 

I forgot to add ... Britney Spears was the best thing that ever happened to Scardiborgi bados :-0

OOh ...

"We’ll soon be launching our recruitment window for wholetime firefighters again, it doesn’t get more exciting.

Last year’s intake are embedded in their teams on our fire and rescue stations and helping communities to Be Safe and Feel Safe. "

"It’s more about educating communities, engaging with people, delivering activities and events, planning and forming partnerships, and being creative prevent, protect and creating community resilience. Response is a last resort. "

Quite like me neighbours.

Psst ... I really do not give a f*ck how big your garden is.

Then There Were None...

"Once dubbed the ‘Brain of Britain’, Sumption goes on to claim that the “talk of compulsorily ‘shielding’ (locking up)” of the old and vulnerable is a “cruel mockery of basic human values”. He continues:...

“Guidance is fine. Voluntary self-isolation is fine, and strongly advisable for the more vulnerable. Most of them will do it by choice. But coercion is not fine. There is no moral or principled justification for it.”

"Lord Sumption The real problem is that when human societies lose their freedom, it's not usually because tyrants have taken it away. It's usually because people willingly surrender their freedom in return for protection against some external threat. And the threat is usually a real threat but usually exaggerated. That's what I fear we are seeing now. The pressure on politicians has come from the public. They want action. They don't pause to ask whether the action will work. They don't ask themselves whether the cost will be worth paying. They want action anyway. And anyone who has studied history will recognise here the classic symptoms of collective hysteria. Hysteria is infectious. We are working ourselves up into a lather in which we exaggerate the threat and stop asking ourselves whether the cure may be worse than the disease."

"Sumption What I say to them is I am not a scientist but it is the right and duty of every citizen to look and see what the scientists have said and to analyse it for themselves and to draw common sense conclusions. We are all perfectly capable of doing that and there's no particular reason why the scientific nature of the problem should mean we have to resign our liberty into the hands of scientists. We all have critical faculties and it's rather important, in a moment of national panic, that we should maintain them."


"It was just us. After decades in which tourism has grown exponentially, inexorably, to the point where the city’s 1.6 million inhabitants received 30 million visitors last year, they’d gone. All of them. We’d got our city back."

The Unprepared

Strewth ...

"Councillors in the borough have spoken of their worry that people could flock to Whitby, Scarborough, Filey and the surrounding villages now that people can go as far as they like to exercise."

"Outdoor exercise is only allowed if people are abiding by social distancing rules, which includes staying two metres apart from anyone not in your own household. At present most facilities in the North York Moors, including toilets, are closed and relaxation of restrictions on the tourism industry are not planned until July at the earliest."

Mind tis only Wednesday ... better get their ar*es in gear ...

"Plans are being worked on to try and stop the possibility of an influx of visitors to the Yorkshire Coast..."

Bubble n Squeak?


"North Yorkshire's Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Julia Mulligan, is asking potential visitors to think carefully before travelling to the county - saying 'North Yorkshire is our home, not just your playground.'"

Oh Dear ... did someone mention 'hysteria' ?

Folk don't come here for the peripherals.

Mirror Mirror On the Wall

The Clueless

for the visually impaired ;-)

Anyone might think the boys in blue might 'escort' some of the not so 'priviliged' and offer guided tours...


Keep Smiling.

Thou must not Zooom.

To be fair it was quite interesting to see SBC's youtube - 'Richard & Judy' style... alas there no books on shelves and what stood out was one rather large mirror with a rather 'refreshed' having been absent for the last  (insert your own)  'Leader'.

Some of the Cabinet, looked rather shall we say 'shattered'.     As an observation it seemed to me to  reflect  the 'community' ie those who working their asses off to maintain those who do what exactly? 

About that Keyhole ...

"One in eight households in Great Britain has no access to a private or shared garden, according to analysis of Ordnance Survey map data by Natural England."

Keep Digging... ;-0

Hmmm ... now wot else can we knock down :-))

Most will be travelling to visit family and check on the 'isolated'.

Big Ears.

Hi de Ho

"Haven Hideaway will be available at all Haven parks across the UK, providing guests with a holiday home on the coast and facilities such as takeaway food options, supermarkets, launderettes and long stretches of beach. ​

The centres on our coast are at Primrose Valley, Filey, the Blue Dolphin, near Filey, Reighton Sands and Thornwick Bay, Flamborough.

“We have thousands of guests who have already had breaks cancelled this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic,” said Gerard Tempest, guest and proposition Director.

“We look forward to reopening our parks as soon as government advice allows and as soon it is safe to do so, and are busy making changes to the way we operate our parks to ensure we can comply with the latest requirements..."

One for the minnis..

"For the first time in eight weeks, people in England will be able to enjoy a little extra freedom this weekend after lockdown measures were eased - but they have been warned to "think carefully"."

Power to Change...

Through the Keyhole

"Back in February, council Leader, Steve Siddons, said he was setting up a task group to look at the significance of the land and the factors which should determine its use.

It was after an independent review into the previous agreement between the Council's former administration and proposed developers Flamingoland.

That found problems in four out of five areas, to do with the council's process itself...   At the time, Councillor Siddons said:

"What we found is that the way that this has been dealt with by the previous administration is purely as a land transaction - selling a piece of land for a particular purpose and then getting planning permission for it.

What we've said is that there's more to this site than that."

"I joined the working group in good faith, expecting to take part in a sensible discussion about 5G," says Mr Swann. "Sadly the whole thing turned out to be a clueless pantomime driven by conspiracy theorists and sceptics."


A One Way System?

"The two bids are independent of each other, have different remits and importantly are targeting separate pots of Government cash. But, the two teams have been coordinating their efforts to ensure their plans are both complimentary and also consistent in any overlapping objectives.

We will look at the Future High Street Fund, in depth, in an article tomorrow. In this article we hear from David Kerfoot who is leading the Scarborough Town Deal project...

"Ideas and suggestions for inclusion in the scheme can be submitted on the Government's MyTown Website, where you can also see some of the ideas already proposed by local people. The website is here

You can also contact the Scarborough Town Deal team by email : "

The best of Scarborough is hidden by the traffic system. Traffic should flow down St Thomas Street, along St Nicks as per the TdY.   The traffic flow up Queen Street and North Street should be reversed .

Keep Busy.