Submitted by Captain Black on

18/02708/RG4 | Proposed mixed use development comprising multiplex cinema, residential apartments, restaurants, gym, sky bar & multi-storey car park | Former Atlantis Site Peasholm Gap Scarborough NORTH YORKSHIRE
The Planning Statement: focus on the site history, parking, transport & NPFF ie why this development is not in the Town Centre: NBC PLANNING_STATEMENT-738492.pdf
Check out:
Design & Access Statement: The 'Cinema' is on the 4th Floor to the rear of the building with one long access corridor with two exits by stairwells.
The Flood Risk objection: States the development should be refused as the ground floor apartments are subject to flood risk and the Environmental Impact does not consider climate change.
The Theatres Trust does not know why they were consulted ;-
There is an objection re lack of An Access & Inclusivity Statement BS 8300 -
The Aspinall/Verdi report re economic viability states that based on the Acquisition Costs from SBC £286,000, Gross Development Value of £24,408,040, with a calculated profit of £1,796,019 giving a yield value of 7.36% falling far below the "commercial developer return of 17.5% to 20% of GDV." The report also highlights the high risk of a one hit development "the development will take place without phasing..."
No doubt there will be further documents added & given the six week 'consultation' process will be heard at planning Town Hall 17th January. Unless it is pulled.... download the Verdi report first.
Keep digging ...
Work Harder, Earn Less.
Submitted by Captain Black on
"There is a 3m cast iron water main located to the front of proposed development on Peasholm Gap..."
Thank You.
Austen Powers
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"Georgian pleasure gardens which were loved by Jane Austen are among six parks to have been awarded a total of £13.8m in lottery cash.
Sydney Gardens in Bath, which have fallen into decline, have been given £2.74m to help with restoration.
The novelist lived near the park when she moved to the city in 1801.
Other parks to get cash include South Cliff Gardens in Scarborough, Castle Park in Bishop's Stortford and Ellington Park in Ramsgate.
Fairhaven Lake and Gardens on the Fylde coast and Stevens Park in Quarry Bank, Dudley, have also received Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) money.
The Grade II registered Sydney Gardens were designed in the late 18th Century, and became Austen's local park when she moved to the city.
"Before she arrived she wrote: "It would be very pleasant to be near Sydney Gardens! We might go to the Labyrinth every day!"
Improvements to the gardens will include a new cafe, play areas, and the restoration of features such as the Minerva's Temple and the Grade II listed canal footbridge.
"South Cliff Gardens in Scarborough has been given £4.66m to restore features such as the Italian steps, the clock tower, railings, fencing and footpaths, while Bishop Stortford's Castle Park is getting £1.94m to protect the ruins of Waytemore Castle, which dates back to at least the 1080s."
Brexit on Ice
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
Yawwwn ...
Oh Ok ;-/
SiV ... "A Bing Thing"
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"“Alpamare has made us aware of the CVA proposal and its plans to adapt its business operation model with the aim of increasing profitability going forward. This does not affect the council’s ongoing relationship with Benchmark or the security of the loan agreement we have with them. We are delighted to hear that Alpamare’s plans include the forthcoming opening of the state of the art Wellness Spa, which will attract more visitors and may well appeal to a different type of customer compared to those that have visited the waterpark to date.”
"FOI ID: 6094 FOI Date:
I was looking at YORtender website and noticed that back in July 2011 Scarborough Council awarded a contract to Sheffield International Venues Ltd for the Management of the Scarborough SPA, Whitby Pavilion and Associated Functions. The contract sum was estimated at the time to be £2,000,000 over a contract period of 10 years.
If this correct why should the council payout this amount of money to run these businesses when one would expect for them to be leased/rented out to SIV with no cost to the council?"
"Councillor Jefferson who had been the Portfolio Holder when the process commenced commented that there had been much emphasis on community use which she fully supported. Councillor Jefferson considered that SIV were very aware of what was required in the Council’s venues. In addition the company had appeared very vibrant and they had ideas for both venues..."
"... but in this magical world of make-believe things don’t always go according to plan.."
Multi Taskings
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
The current application is procedurally more straightforward because it is a single stage full application :
Like previous schemes the building facing Peasholm Gap would be at the back of the footway and it would then step back where it faces the roundabout and on the curved Burniston Road frontage facing Peasholm Gardens to where Block A is proposed.
The fact that the upper storeys of Block A, facing Burniston Road, would house apartments rather than the cinema inevitably changes the proposed appearance. As with the previous scheme, a glazed box is still proposed adjacent to Block B and thiswould contain the cinema entrance and gym with a balcony for the 'sky bar' on its roof. The apartments would be framed by projecting rectilinear, anodised bronze divides arranged with alternate vertical columns of recessed balconies with rendered walls and marginally recessed panel walls of horizontally laid aluminium planks of contrasting greys.
An additional 12 on siteparking spaces are proposed for staff use which is considered unlikely to meet the staff demand for the cinema, gym, bar, 5 restaurants and 4 retail units. There is also no on-site parking provision for customers to any of these businesses.
Careful consideration needs to take place in relation to permitted operating hours to ensure that there is no loss of amenity for the residents and to reduce the potential for disputes with businesses.
An Access & Inclusivity consultant has not been engaged for this application.
Unlike they unimplemented development on the former Marvels site to the north, which is for holiday accommodation only, the flats would be open market dwellings without restriction on tenure.
The commercial viability of the scheme is not in itself a pertinent planning consideration when assessing the principle of development.
It has been a long held aspiration to secure a multiplex cinema in the town, but to date this has not happened, largely due to viability, despite planning permission having been granted on this and other sites.
Peasholm Gardens on the opposite side of Burniston Road is a Grade II Registered Park and Garden, so in common with the Conservation Area it is a designated heritage asset when considering the setting.
The glazed box feature at a central point on the frontage would provide a focal point at night time and a light weight visual link to the western part of the building facing Burniston Road and Peasholm Gardens.
On previous applications thismatter was resolved by the developer agreeing to undertake a diversion and officers are exploring this option with YW. There will be a verbal update to Committee on these matters.
Taking the factors outlined in this report into account the application is consequently recommended for removal & rewilding.
"to support and invest in rewilding initiatives and studies and engage in dialogue with the rewilding movement in preparation for the 2030 biodiversity strategy"
Bats & Wildlife.
"The authority’s planning officers had recommended the scheme be approved but an 11th-hour objection threw a spanner into the projector.
The Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) wrote to the council saying it could not support the scheme due to concerns about the impact the development could have in an area that was prone to flooding.
The LLFA response arrived at the council just hours before today’s planning meeting was due to start.
Yorkshire Water also submitted an objection on similar grounds.
Following advice from planning officers, planning committee chairman Cllr Eric Broadbent put the deferral to an immediate vote, which was passed unanimously.
The decision marks the latest twist in what has become a lengthy saga for the town’s bid for a multiplex."
Never Mind.