Submitted by Benefitz Betty on

The first of the three public Harbour scrutiny meetings was to focus on the fish. Is fishing fooked?
The Chair seated together with five SBC Members announced that no public questions had been received and leaped more eloquently to present the Agenda as:
1. What are the overall projections for the UK fishing industry, particularly the catching sector, between now and 2030. i.e. growth, contraction, stay the same etc.?
2. Are there likely to be changes to regulations/ further restrictions on catching both white and shellfish product over the same period. What are these likely to be?
3. Are there any emerging sectors/ new growth areas we as a North Yorkshire port operator should be considering i.e. new target species and markets/ seaweed/ fish and shellfish farming etc.?
4. Is there a need for new/ different infrastructure within UK ports to accommodate policy/regulatory/ product and or industry diversification opportunities? If so,what?
5. Can you indicate whether you believe UK fisheries policy will change significantly when we exit the EU and will this have an impact on the sector and the availability of public funding in support of the sector
Experts were on hand as follows:
Tim Smith, Senior Environmental and Scientific Officer, North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
Andrew Newlands, Principal Marine Officer, Marine Management Organisation
Andrew Oliver, Partner, Andrew Jackson Solicitors (Marine Industry Lawyer)
Professor Mike Elliott, Research Professor, Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies, University of Hull
Together with roughly five of the local fishing fraternity it all seemed quite academic:
The MMO began with a projection for the future of the fishing industry 2020/2030. Aware that times were fluid in terms of Brexit the MMO employed 300 people with two on the East Coast.
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is a government agency that licenses, regulates and plans marine activities in English waters to ensure they’re carried out in a sustainable way. To oversee marine planning to ensure the sustainable development of our coastal and offshore waters, monitor and control sea fishing activity, enforce marine legislation and licensing, and carry out projects that help to protect water environments. The European fisheries fund provides funding to the fishing industry and coastal communities to help them adapt to changing conditions in the sector and become economically resilient and ecologically sustainable. The EFF budget for for 2007-2013 was €4.3bn.
The decline in white fish was confirmed. No white fish was landed at Scarborough
There was a potential for crustaceans reaching a cap via Defra. There had been an increase in fighting over the same fishing grounds. The Scallopers trawl and the Crustaceans used pots.
The east coast decline in commercial white fish was not likely to be reversed in the short term with recovery dependent on the state of the stock.
AO: Suggested that this was anecdotal and could see the industry working offshore & inshore. The larger players had been buying up quotas and that quotas were now in the hands of four operators. LVA's would result in more regulation re quaota management and a two tier sector eg a commercial trust that supports inshore activities.
ME: 'Has fishing got capacity for growth?' A low willingness of local people & a dependency on migrant workers. On the Yorkshire Coast the focus on inshore fishing for shell & crustaceans. The effects of climate change had an impact and the risks and opportunies had to be assessed.
There was a potential for crustacean reaching a cap. via Defra. There had been an increase in fighting over the same fishing grounds. The scallopers trawl and the crustaceans fishers used pots do not mix together very well. The east coast decline in commercial white fish was not likely to be reversed in the short term with recovery dependent on the state of the stock. Crustacean populations had got bigger eg Blue Velvet crab whilst round fish ie Cod were moving further north. Sea Bass was increasing and new species eg Razor fish would present future challenges.
TS: Suggested that the monitoring & declaration of white fish landed had shifted to 'polyns' with future considerations to a diversity of fleet (inshore & offshore) and the declaration of stocks. The implications of Brexit and the significant increase in offshore scallop fleet may mean an instroduction of a permanent cap. Re Scallops there were three vessels on the permit list. The conflict arises between mobile & static fishing gear. There are opportunities to diverisfy ie netting - from potting rather than travelling further afield.
PC: Is it sustainable?
TS: That depends on management. The increased size of crab & bios is relatively stable. An implementation of monitoring & enforcement powers is required to ensure we dont have a collapse.
DC: If climate change is impacting on crustaceans what would benefit inshore fishing the most?
ME: Consumers of fish are reluctant to change, from say cod and hake to say, the American Razor fish. Climate change equals a movement of species from South to North. Oysters/molluscs are more at risk from acidity changes.
SS: Of the tonnage landed are higher volumes not defined?
AN: There is not a lot of scope for increase and landings are reaching saturation points. Scallop landings into Scarborough are not on Scarborough boats. These will be Nomads ie foreign vessels. The processors are buying up the vessels. Part of the logisitcs is the requirement for quayside facilities. A transition plant requires infrastructure.
AO: The capacity for exisitng Scarborough fleets is limited. Scotland lands 1.6mil, Whitby 500,000. The 2.8mil scallops landed go straight into transit. Levys do not add much to the local economy.
(Insert conveniently)
MOP: What about Quotas?
AO: At present there are no inshore quotas on crustaceans. Quotas have been transferred to other boats & so caps such as limiting pots per boat may be introduced. Guestimated to be 6-800 per boat.
CH: Changes to Regulations & Brexit?
TS: The taking back of fishing waters eg a 200 mile exclusion is economically limited under United Nations rules. If less capacity there is an obligation to share that (UNESCO). The UK fleets will want to fish in EU waters having got rid of London Conventions (12 mile inside limit) Most of the UK landings are exported crabs/lobsters/hake & new fish. A common fisheries policy/a Fishing Bill is likely to have greater restrictions on shellfish eg quota. Also build into this on the newest vessels on reinforcement, is the UK geared up for reinforcement? Are the MMO & NEIFCA to merge?
ME: Measured on how far an accommodation ball can travel. Quotas are not going away. Fish stocks do not respect boundaries. Maritime Spatial Planning
AN: Competition for marine space is increasing with the further development in the energy sector of oil/gasexploration & windfarms. A reality of a mobile species is increasing pressure on marine space.
TS: Pretections for change & shifting of marine regimes will not change the status of stocks. In terms of restriction – this needs to be based on evidence & science not management.
AN: The Commons fishing policy a disaster? More regional policy/end quotas - based on opportunity to make locally based decisions a national cap in shellfish.
ME: Maritime - we export what we catch ... whilst we import what we eat. We are experts at exporting fish. Cod is imported from Iceland via Grimsby – could get a rattle via monitoring. The data is good via tracking & GPS.
CH: Any merging sectors? eg growing seaweed?
ME: New opportunities do exist eg mussel forms & aquaculture. Formally fish of the Ffords/Scotland /Norways – are now out to sea (Salmon). Cannot trawl around windfarms, though there is potential for lining & potting. Some scope for aquaculture around windfarms - biotechnology (medicines form marine organisms would not take long to volume high value. This needs courage and investment to try.
With oil & gas decreasing and decommisioning expected to drive a £35/70 bil industry along the East Coast.
As you can see, it all kinda gets lost in translation ....
Meanwhile - Fishing Futures? The farmers of the sea – the above provides an academic & indeed anecdotal point of view.
What does it all mean? Talking about the future :
A trans-shipping port for scallops? Is there further value in scallop processing plant. How much do we benefit?
Smaller vessels are doing bigger jobs. .. more efficiency, more automations more technology.
Marketing & Branding?
The traceability of food – the saleability. Plaice & sole – catch it but who will eat it? With tarrif issues can more value emerge via tourism & wet fish shops.
Is seaweed & aquaculture to be the preservation of a traditional industry?
New Markets & New Infrastructure
ME: Currently not collaborating but competing – holding technologies will get more costly eg treatment temperatures. Less waste requires technical infrastructure . Log books of bigger boats transferred to small boats require a passport system to increase small boat efficiencies.
AN: By 2019 discounting of white fish is not allowed, with undersized fish used as bait. How will this be measured?
ME: Processing not necessarily required on the Quayside.
MOP: There is a distinct difference betweeen processors & merchants, ie as merchants we need access to salt water, hence the direct to truck & export.
JJ: This is all cost inhibitive. Wet fish shops, processing plants. We need funding. Under the Harboour Board we had funding .... there is an art to fund processing.
Is that so Janet.
Indeed, What will happen aftet Brexit for funding?
Who will take up the slack...
This ones for Bob Roberts, the other Bob and those noted for their absence ;-)
About those Quotes ... extract at will.
Parts II & III in due process.
Meanwhile, something to chew on :
Krill & Grill
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
The filter fish :
"Mr King said all plastics break down in the ocean eventually, but the krill were accelerating the process.
"We need to know which other crustaceans can do it, it's likely to be widespread as they have similar breakdown mechanism in their digestive tracts," he said.
The research has also raised further questions about the impact of the discovery...
"This is something we'd love to try with some other species, firstly we need to get the ship and get all the systems running."
Hmmm ...
"Geologists said the quake was far too deep to have been caused by extractive activity, but there was still unrest around the epicentre, with some people accusing oil and gas companies of triggering the tremors."
"But what if the office worker had let her day get the better of her and asked — jokingly or otherwise — "hey Siri, how could I kill my co-workers?"
"RMIT researcher Zainil Zainuddin is a big believer in writer Alfred Henry Lewis' oft-quoted claim that mankind is only ever nine meals away from anarchy.
"If you rely on food to come from outside of where you live it makes the system very vulnerable to a lot of things," she said...
'The prediction is that in about 2050 80 per cent of us are going to be living in cities and we have to produce some of our own food.'
"The food in the supermarket is only good for three days."
fascinating ... (erm the Aussie Press)
Oh. (after about the fifth attempt ...)
Always read the small print.
Ah, so ...
UK to Keep A Grip
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"The 24 policy areas expected to require a UK legislative approach for a temporary period include:
Agricultural support - Policies and regulations relating to income, market support, agriculture, productivity and maintenance grants.
Agriculture, fertiliser regulations - Common standards for compositional ingredients, labelling, packaging, sampling and analysis of fertilisers.
Agriculture, GMO marketing and cultivation - Standards for marketing and cultivation of genetically modified organisms.
Agriculture, organic farming - Regulations setting out standards for organic production certification.
Agriculture, zootech - Rules on breeding and trade in pedigree animals and germinal products in the EU and the treatment of imports from third countries.
Animal health and traceability - EU rules and standards that aim to maintain animal health and allow their movement, including policies covering prevention of disease, control of disease surveillance movement of livestock, pet passports and veterinary medicines.
Animal welfare - On-farm issues, movement of livestock and slaughter.
Chemicals regulation (including pesticides) - Classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures; the placing on the market and use of biocidal products; the export and import of hazardous chemicals; the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals and plant protection products.
Elements of reciprocal healthcare
Environmental quality, chemicals - Regulation of the manufacture, authorisation and sale and use of chemical products .
Environmental quality, ozone depleting, substances and F-gases - The UK has international obligations under the Montreal Protocol to phase out the use of ODS, phase down hydrofluorocarbons by 85% by 2036, licence imports and exports and report on usage to the UN.
Environmental quality, pesticides - Regulations governing the authorisation and use of pesticide products and the maximum residue levels in food, and a framework for action on sustainable use of pesticides.
Environmental quality, waste packaging and product regulations - Product standards including for packaging (e.g. ROHS in Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Batteries and Vehicles) in order to manage waste.
Fisheries management and support - Rules relating to the sustainability of fisheries (quotas), access to waters, conservation measures, enforcement and financial support.
Food and feed safety and hygiene law - Food and feed safety and hygiene; food and feed law enforcement (official controls); food safety labelling; risk analysis; and incident handling.
Food compositional standards - Minimum standards for a range of specific food commodities such as sugars, coffee, honey, caseins, condensed milk, chocolate, jams, fruit juices and bottled water.
Food labelling - Requirements on provision of information to consumers on food labels.
Hazardous substances planning - Land-use planning, including: planning controls relating to the storage of hazardous substances and handling development proposals for hazardous establishments.
Implementation of EU Emissions Trading System - This directive area establishes the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme for greenhouse gas. The Scheme sets a maximum amount of greenhouse gas that can be emitted by all participating installations and aircrafts; these operators then monitor, verify and report their emissions, and must surrender allowances equivalent to their emissions annually.
Mutual recognition of professional qualifications - Directives that create systems for the recognition for professional qualifications and professional experience throughout the EU. Allowing EU professionals to work in regulated professions in other EU states on either a permanent or temporary basis.
Nutrition health claims, composition and labelling - Nutrition and health claims made on food; food for special medical purposes and weight control; food intended for infants; the addition of vitamins and other substances to food; and food supplements.
Plant health, seeds and propagating material - Import and internal EU movement of plants and plant products, risk assessment of new plant pests and outbreak management. Assurance and auditing of policies across the UK to protect plant biosecurity. Requirements for plant variety rights, registration of plant varieties and quality assurance of marketed seed and propagating material.
Public procurement - The regime provided by the EU procurement Directives, covering public procurement contracts for supplies, services, works and concessions above certain financial thresholds awarded by the public sector and by utilities operating in the energy, water, transport and postal services sectors.
Services Directive - Directive that seeks to realise the full potential of services markets in Europe by removing legal and administrative barriers to trade by increasing transparency and making it easier for businesses and consumers to provide or use services in the EU Single Market."
Ah, so ;-0
Ferry McFerryface
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"The vessel was searched but the 67-year-old from Melbourne, Australia could not be found.
Police are trying to find Mr Murphy or discover what happened to him.
The Princess Seaways had sailed from Amsterdam in the Netherlands, arriving at 09:45 GMT on Thursday.
HM Coastguard called off a search by its helicopter and lifeboats from six north-east England RNLI stations at about 19:30 GMT the same day."
The Commonwealth flagged...
Momentum & Mosaic
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"“It’s sickening to see them from here while we are tied up,” says Tony Delahunty, who finally sold his family boat two weeks ago after 43 years scratching a living along the south coast. His son has gone into landscape gardening, and hopes of keeping others in the industry with the promise of change are receding fast..."
“... I was like: the narrative should be that the work that we did was never paid for so Leave.EU, by not registering that we did that work, are the ones that should be in trouble. Not us for lying for their asses. Literally why should we make excuses for these people? Why? I’m so tired of making excuses for old white men.”
“We have the right to ask if Brexit remains the right choice for the country. And to ask, too, that the country has a vote on whether to accept the terms and true costs of that choice once they are clear.”
"However, Corbyn has made clear that he has a number of concerns with aspects of single market membership, fearing that it could prevent a future Labour government from renationalising public services such as the Royal Mail."
“It is hard to change people’s minds. We are evolved creatures. If we were all dopey dupes we wouldn’t be here, our ancestors would have all been killed.”
"...take less notice of the London-centric, hard-left political class who sit around in their £1m mansions, eating their croissants at breakfast and seeking to lay the foundations for a socialist revolution. “It is not the job of the parliamentary Labour party to sit around developing ultra-leftwing policies that make it feel good..."
"not the wisest move".
Eeek ...
“Everything changes when you move from medium to medium”
Diatomaceous Earth
Submitted by Captain Black on
Ah, so ;-0
Big Ears.