Submitted by Mortal Mindy on

A Labour Perspective on Devolution & The Northern Powerhouse:
The North is home to 10.7 million people, 25% live in the Manchester Area and 21% in West Yorkshire Combined Authority. Over the last 10 years The North has performed below the UK ‘s average for contributed GVA. (13.3% compared to 24.5% London)
However, the economy of the three Northern Regions – North West, North East and Yorkshire & Humber is worth £ 289bn. (twice the size of Scotlands :-) & would rank 10th largest in the EU).
The IPPR “Yet the North of England continues to underperform “ Underperfomance and lagging productive growth has resulted in labour productivity at £26.88 per hour compared to a national average of £30.05.
Has the Region failed to properly ‘invest in success’? Ah yes, fear of success ....
Transport – North £166 ph invested compared to £332 ph average across the UK.
Connectivity - Separation restricts the build up of economic scale and weight that allows competion in a global economy.
Skills – Qualification levels are lower in the North acting as a drag on economic growth. It is estimated that over 50% of future new jobs in The North will require a qualification of at least Level 3, with only 5% of jobs requiring no qualifications.
The idea of a ‘Northern Powerhouse’ was first mooted by George Osborne in June 2014.
With regard to Osborne’s Infrastructure Pipeline 2015 :
18 Offshore projects = investment £17bn
27 North East projects = investment £5bn
33 Yorkshire & Humber projects = £7bn.
Out of a possible ‘pipeline’ £381bn covering 564 projects it is clear to see why our ‘Region’ should feel short changed.
What's Left of Labour’s Devolution Agenda?
During Labour’s Govt. they tended to address socio-economic challenges through a national framework. The LP’s manifesto 2015 included proposals to devolve powers, not only economic, but social into a 'New English Deal’ for local communities. With Jeremy Corbyn elected as leader from a platform on National Economic reform, and ‘new politics’ what does this mean for Labour’s fledgling Devolution agenda?
Corbyn claims that the Govt.'s drastic ‘austerity’ measures are a political choice and not an economic necessity.
The Govt.'s spending review is due in November and the practical implications of Labour’s anti-austerity will come under pressure.
Will the LP commit to challenge ‘fiscal orthodoxy’ and develop new policies to meet the future of financial sustainability for local authorites.
Corbyn’s Northern Future identifies the geographics of inequality though the solutions are almost all national: a new national investment bank, a national education service, etc etc but other than to relocate Govt. Depts. outside of London there is little detail of how local communities will benefit economically. Separate strategies driven independently from the centre rather than empowerment for The North by devolving and aligning the full range of levers locally to promote growth remains a risk to reducing local accountability.
Is the ‘state’ a substitute for private enterprize? Or is private enterprize a subsistute for the 'state'? (housebuilding, transport, education & academies) Will the dots join up to a devolution agenda of a decentralised statecraft?
What about local democracy?
With Corbyn’s focus on ‘a new politics’ it is likely that Labour will adopt new policies that seek to invigorate local democracy alongside democratic accountability. Corbyn has stated direct opposition to elected Mayors as a condition of Devolution, with all members of the democratic elected authority to have a strong democratic role, including accountability. It is hoped that the process for a constitutional convention will engage more actively with civil society, local authorities, business and the public. Electoral reform and reform of Westminster institutions are expected to be included.
As the Tory Govt. pushes ahead with its ‘Northern Powerhouse’ agenda, Labour’s approach to devolution and local governance needs to come into focus.
With a series of Govt. backed 'Devo –Deals' (Diva-Deals) expected this Autumn, the central versus local argument continues.
Old Labour Lines
Labour's pledge “To deliver the biggest devolution of economic power and funding to England's city and county regions for generations. ... too many parts of our Country are being left behind by the Tories... this means backing the cities, towns and regions ... the engines of growth ... not just urban areas but also rural areas. .. local areas will be in the driving seat on key decisions affecting their local economies with new powers over back to work schemes, to drive house building, to integrate, invest in and plan transport infrastructure. And we will also let city and county regions keep all the additional business rate revenue generated by growth.”
“Labours radical plans go much further than anything David Cameron and George Osborne are offering. The Tories scrapped the Regional Development Agencies, cut funding more deeply in the more deprived areas and have totally failed to rebalance the economy.”
So, as George Osborne makes pleas with China & Abu Dhabi to invest in Manchester & the Northern Powerhouse, with a £3bn Manchester project to deliver more than 10,000 homes. “UKTI has helped many northern business enter the Chinese market... the best is yet to come.” (Blue Bananas ;-))
They are inflaming cultural intolerance with proposals to refuse housing & other public services to people without proof of UK citizen status :
Meanwhile, the Construction Industry report that a 200,000 worker shortage threatens the Northern Powerhouse plans with an ageing and poorly trained workforce ..... the energy and utilities sector estimate 50% of their workforce are set to leave the industry by 2023 ... meaning 200,000 new recruits are needed to plug the gap.
In 2010 the Govt. scrapped Regional Development Agencies. This was a mistake. A piecemeal approach to correct this is marginalising many regions & communities.
Recently they gave 38 LEP’s (Local Enterprize Partnerships) an opportunity to bid for a growth fund worth £2bn in 2015/16. The LP believe this funding pot was too small to drive real change with no real attempt to build long term growth.
Crucially this required LEP’s & Combined Authorities to bid into a national process on an ad hoc basis – the exact opposite of ‘devolution’ as it denies local areas empowerment – to change and drive forward economic growth – it gives central Govt the final say on each and every project. These ‘deals’ have failed to embed economic leadership and strategic decision making at a sub-national level with most places opting for an ad-hoc arrangement that has no basis for binding decision making.
This Govts. stated aim of a Northern Powerhouse lacks real commitment and long term plans.
It was Lord Adonis that Labour commissioned to take Labour’s Agenda on devolution forward. Points raised were clarity on criteria, cornering country as well as City regions, a stronger focus on institutional change, the real capacity to change economic decision making and local leadership.
An approach rooted in civic democratic engagement with a united focus to deliver economic growth, including Employment Support, Transport & Housing, Skills, Business Support and in devolving taxation, for all regions that have a coterminous Combined Authority and LEP that can provide a strong strategic growth plan whilst also recognising that many local decisions need to be taken by local authority planning and neighbourhood regeneration.
An approach that Incentivises proper co-operation and strategic decision-making across a viable functional economic geography to strengthen collective decision making, accountability and the pooling & integration of resources.
The Labour Party has long time recognised the potential of The North. The last Labour Govt.'s Regional Development Agencies were charged with this task, and the ‘Northern Way’ transport compact (founded by three Northern Agencies) preceded the Northern Powerhouse by more than a decade; Northern Prosperity is National Prosperity.
Problems clearly remain, the lack of well-paid, good quality work, growth and prosperity built on higher wages, stronger productivity on a bedrock of solid foundations. Unlike the South East where high levels of inequality in pay and housing is growing only a divided community.
A progressive Northern Powerhouse must reach the pockets of all people living and working in the North, as well as a good quality of life, otherwise a trickle down economic model that has failed too many will be replicated."
Source: Labour 2015!Powering-the-Northern-Powerhouse/c60i/56167a9b0cf2...
Great Yorkshire
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
They forgot Middlesborough.
The Ridings :-)
NE: SSI - Closure, Do Nothing & Snuffed Out...
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
The Norther Echo on the case:
Nope, just Tragic.
NE: Bad Day Buried
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
Hmmm, & according to other NE reports, PD Ports have been dragged in and face job losses, the NE LEP does not include Middlesborough and the decision to announce a successful Tees Valley devolution bid has been delayed.....
So, after the establishing of Regionals Growth Areas (PFG) and then the LEP's (PFG) we're heading toward CLA's (PFG) ... and it s the same old same old pitch (PFG) but is it a level playing field.
Are there too many Desk Jockeys riding a one trick pony... Claptraps.
Just pondering .... politics, goal posts .... boxed shaped balls.
Ah, yes Pandoras Box :-
Apparently there's gonna be thousands of these little shoe boxed satellites in orbit ... very soon.
Doom n Gloom Merchants
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
Not at Scarborough Engineering Week .....
lol - a reminder of yesterdays Fylingdales 'visit' ... they all like Sci-fi up there :-)
Oh, Ok :
And, no you can't fly drones over the base ... I did want to ask about broomsticks but the cat got me tongue...
RAF & Space Cadets .... envy, oh well in another life... mebbe. Best don me civvies.
Ya OK, is in fantasy land haven't had chance to get on down to :
and check it out. Hmftks knife n forking :-/
Is too bizzy gatecrashing ;-)
Joy Global back to back with York Potash ....
.... then I got chucked out ;-((
Humble pi.
Karma. Mind am sure it won't be the last, business and politics and that little thing called pleasure ...
They don't mix. Something the DT's said.
Doubts ... Ouch.
Tyne UCG
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
Hull want to go with Scunthorpe & Lincoln
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
not the East Riding.
fascinating ;-0
Whoops, One of Each
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
Two into One, plurals:
Nick Brown, Labour MP for Newcastle East, said: "The ballot paper in a future mayoral election should contain the option to vote 'no' to all of this. I would support a 'no' vote.
"The power to borrow more money and to tax ourselves more isn't what is needed to solve the problems that the region faces."
The North East Combined Authority represents Durham County Council, Gateshead, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland.
Meanwhile, the Tees Valley Combined Authority represents Darlington, Middlesbrough, Hartlepool, Stockton and Redcar councils. All 12 are Labour-led.
Durham Labour councillor Simon Henig, chairman of the North East Combined Authority, said: "The agreement being signed today will bring significant economic benefits and opportunities for businesses and residents.
"Those living, working and doing business here in our region represent our greatest asset - and through this agreement we will invest in the people of the North East and support business to grow and thrive."
Yep, the knives are already out, none of the above ... forks.
War of the Roses
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
Meanwhile across them there hills, Cameron hasn't forgotten to leave King Pin in't pub:
Que Sera Sera
"A MOTHER of two who is unapologetic about claiming £5mn-a-year in state benefits was spotted in a chauffeur driven Bentley last night wearing what appears to be a diamond encrusted crown.
Cathy Middleton, 33, from Reading in England, refused to explain why she was wearing such an expensive tiara last night, despite being unemployed for the past five years.
“She has two kids, a house paid for by the state and endless amounts of valuable clothes, shoes and vehicles at her disposal,” a neighbour told WWN today. “She doesn’t hide the fact that she’s bumming off taxpayers money either. Her husband too. They’re just disgusting if you ask me and it’s people like them that’s giving Britain a bad name.”
The couple have previously admitted to claiming £96,000 per week in benefits – the equivalent of £5mn a year salary before tax – which is only a fraction of what the rest of her husband’s workshy family gets.
“Those Windsors have never worked a decent day in their lives,” another neighbour claimed. “I hear they’re pulling in over £15mn a year in benefits. The great-grandfather is an immigrant too! It’s a downright disgrace if you ask me”.
When asked this evening, the Windsor family refused to comment on their state handouts, and their home security guards even threatened to arrest this reporter for trespassing."
Osborne said it so it must be true
'Old model broken'
The Tees Valley deal will see its investment fund guaranteed at least £15m a year.
Ah, so, If King Pin is seen leaving the UK carrying a Princess shaped suitcase please stop him at the border ...
Mind, wasn't the Statue of Liberty made in France ...
Man in the Mirror
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
“We’re talking millions of pounds taken from hard-working men as the company struggled to keep it’s UK operations open.
"The only conclusion is that the money was used to prop up the failing business.”
Small change ... to prop up the banks.
Panorama Redcar
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
The £80mil question:
"But now it turns out the initial costs for redundancy payments were overinflated. It's now thought the total cost of redundancy payments is going to be nowhere near as much as had been initially set aside for them - and that could mean another £20m of the £80m unaccounted for.
Business Minister Anna Soubry has given an assurance it will not be kept back by Whitehall and will still go into the overall fund.
So up to £30m is still to play for.
What can this money buy? Who is going to decide? What will it be spent on, and by when? These are the questions the local community wants answers to.
Redcar is not unique - an industrial town dealing with years of globalization. Unemployment and regeneration have been big issues here for years already.
It is, however, a resilient and proud town.
In the next six weeks in the countdown to Christmas, we'll ask the residents what they want, what they can expect as we live their lives with them. We'll also ask what are towns like Redcar now for?
From now until Christmas, the BBC's Panorama programme will be in Redcar to report on life after a century of steel making. You can follow the story on the Panorama Facebook page. Or search bbcpanorama on Snapchat."
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
Leaves on the line.
Flight Tracker
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on,31.57/5
Unzipped : NNDR - Rates
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
"I’ve spoken to one of the Mineral Valuers, S***** R***, at the Valuation Office. As expected, there really is no indication of what the rateable value could be on the Potash Mine, although I have picked up a few intelligent sounding rating terms, which you may find useful in fending off the queries. Apparently, mine values are based on several different elements –
Mineral output. They multiply this by royalty per tonne, which is based on Lease information etc.
A Mine Rent element. The value of this includes the sinking of shafts/underground machinery and output (total amount of potash). Again this value is multiplied by royalty per tonne.
Ground infrastructure, which includes any buildings above ground.
Not sure if they plan to do any work offshore, which is what they do at Cleveland Potash, but this is irrelevant anyway as it isn’t rated.
They don’t put any value on the mine itself until the first material leaves the site. In the interim we’ll be able to rate the Contractors Huts/Office accommodation etc, but obviously this won’t amount to much.
Realistically, he doesn’t see assessment taking place for another five years, as it usually takes that amount of time for the process to build up.
Our only comparable is Cleveland Potash. It currently has a rateable value of £1,610,000 –which without transitional relief equates to £793,730 for 2015/16. However, bear in mind that Cleveland was established between 1970 – 73 and that they have a substantial amount of buildings. Think we should assume that as the years have gone on, techniques will have improved and less surface infrastructure will be needed. Apparently 1.2 million of the RV is attributable to buildings/machinery etc above ground.
S**** did mention, and you’re probably very much aware of the procedure, that if an appeal is made or the case is called in by the Secretary of State, there’ll be significant delays!
So, despite all this new found knowledge, I’m afraid I can’t help you!!"
Yeah but no but yeah but no ... £*.* mil in the local vaults .... eeeeek ;-)
Erm fingers ... toes ...
Quantic Dreams ...
SBC are currently assessing the value of the York Potash project... as this week's 'Agendas' confirm that a few locals at Sneaton are requesting dispensations from financial benefit of the York Potash industry, the local Authority's economic benefit remains to be assessed. But it's gonna be huge ;-)
If you can't be yourself ... be a pirate ;-))
Oooh thats slightly more than **'s divs .... annually !!!
Osbo Awards 'Zilch' for North Yorkshrie
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
NE: Powering Up North - Plants
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
Ah, so ... Wooden Tops
"This latest picture shows contractors overseeing the construction of a boiler house, which will form part of the Port Clarence Renewable Energy Plant, near Middlesbrough.
The development is expected to generate enough electricity to power 75,000 homes by burning waste wood.
Work started late last year, with the site due to begin operating in early 2018."
Ah, so ... Liquid Nitrogen (freeze to frack) :
Cryogenics ... must have run out of prawns.
Bring Back George?
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
Oh, ffs:
"The South East will get a bumper investment package of £30bn if Labour wins power, Jeremy Corbyn has pledged.
The announcement came as a large crowd turned out to hear Mr Corbyn speak at a party leadership re-election rally in Ramsgate.
The Labour leader wants a regional investment bank, greater emphasis on renewable energy on the coast and improved broadband connectivity.
He said he wanted the funding to go to "the places that need it most".
Mr Corbyn and Owen Smith are going head-to-head in the Labour Party leadership contest, which will conclude on 24 September.
Before he addressed the crowd in Ramsgate, Mr Corbyn tweeted his pledge to invest in coastal towns...."
Tethered Goats ...
"Supporters of Leeds Homeless Partnership spent Monday and Tuesday gathering up around 60 tents that had been left at the Leeds Festival site.
They also collected around 70 camp mats and 100 sleeping bags as well as camping chairs, clothes and food, which they plan to distribute.
Partnership member Haydn Lee said the items gathered were just a fraction of what had been left at Bramham Park in Wetherby.
“We’re just trying to show that resources can be saved,” he said. “There are probably thousands more tents going to landfill though. There were fields full.”
The group were one of a number given permission by festival organisers to collect camping equipment left behind after the event.
Haydn said: “A lot of teams that go there resell the gear but why can’t it go back to the homeless? People who have got nothing, we’ve got plenty to give them.”
The group runs a weekly street kitchen at Mill Hill Chapel and recently held a public march to highlight the issue of homelessness.
It plans to hand out some of the tents here in Leeds, with the rest being passed on to similar groups across the north of England.
Another salvage team has also donated its tents after learning about the idea...."
One up for the North ;-)
'Lock the Gates' - May.
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
“The manufacturing industry has been one of the biggest losers with LNG exports allowing gas suppliers to drive up prices to Australian users, and suppliers exercising their market power keep Australian prices high even as global prices collapsed,” Ogge said.
“We now have the ridiculous situation that Australian gas is now cheaper in Korea than it is in Australia. That’s a double-disaster for local manufacturing jobs.
“What benefits there are, have gone almost entirely to the overseas owners of global oil and gas companies licensed to export Australian gas, largely at the expense of Australian businesses and local jobs.”
Mebbe May ...
"Mrs May said the Scottish government would be "fully involved" and "fully engaged" in the Brexit discussions.
She also promised a decision on the Hinkley Point nuclear power plant deal this month, saying she was still taking advice on the issue.
"I don't just come in and say, right, this the position I take. I look at the evidence, I take the advice, I listen to that. That's what I'm still doing.""
Yawn ... more string theory. Execute.
Oh. Hull could have a Hinkley ...
Fracking Asteroids ...
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
Ding n Dong
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"Lorraine Allinson runs a bed-and-breakfast business near the Kirby Misperton site, and workers stayed with her when conventional drilling work was carried out in 2013.
“That was good for me and the suppliers of food and everything I use. Since the recession, tourism has been quieter. People can only afford one holiday a year instead of two or three.”
She said a silent majority backed fracking. “We have always produced energy in Yorkshire. People need gas. We would rather burn ours than rely on other countries. This would be really good for the north of England.”
She said the same warnings about pollution were given when another conventional well was drilled at nearby Knapton, but added: “None of it happened.”
Companies that carry out fracking will have to pay £100,000 to the local community per well and 1 per cent of profits."
Hmmm ...
That Place Over The Hill
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"A SCIENCE laboratory complex near York has been sold by the Government for £13 million to a private landlord.
The site of the Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera) at Sand Hutton - once known as the Central Science Laboratory - has been bought from Defra by Capita plc.
A Defra spokeswoman said it had decided last year to seek a new landlord ‘in order to ensure the Sand Hutton site continues to be a world class science innovation campus,’ She said: “Capita plc has a strong track record in supporting businesses and has committed to developing and growing the Sand Hutton site to ensure its status as a crucial national asset is maintained.
“This new arrangement will safeguard the future of the campus, with government and our economy still benefiting from its fantastic work protecting the nation from plant and crop disease.”
She said the sale had been subject to rigorous scrutiny to ensure value for money was achieved.
“Defra has, over a number of years consolidated scientific activities and organisations from across the UK on to their site at Sand Hutton near York, particularly in the fields of food, environment and agri-tech including plant, animal and bee health, wildlife and food safety and authenticity.
“The Sand Hutton site remains strategically important to the work of Defra and wider government.”
The sale comes just over a year after Capita paid £20 million to acquire a 75 per cent stake in Fera, with Defra retaining a 25 per cent stake.
At the time Capita said it would be creating 50 new science-based jobs, in addition to almost 400 scientists already employed at Fera, as well as 40 new research posts, but The Press reported last September that almost 50 jobs were at risk at Fera. Capita said then it still planned to grow its science-based roles, but was looking to cut a number of back office jobs.
The union Prospect, which has many members on site at Sand Hutton, said it did not have immediate concerns on the sale.
“Fera Science Ltd, will continue to be the anchor tenant of the National Agri-Food Innovation Campus at the Sand Hutton site,” said a spokesman. “We hope that the expected new opportunities for further research partnerships and investment will accelerate now that this sale has concluded.”
A Teesside Tipple
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"The trio, who secured the block in the 14th Onshore Licensing Round at the end of 2015, hope to drill an exploratory well after a ‘desktop examination of the existing data’.
Third Energy hit the news earlier this year after becoming the first company to secure a licence to frack in the UK for five years when it controversially secured permission to drill for shale gas in the Ryedale area of North Yorkshire.
Many Teesside environmentalists echo the concerns of the Ryedale protestors that fracking is dangerous, and that fossil fuels should be left in the ground.
Friends of the Earth has condemned the proposals and one protester has launched an e-petition pressing for a Commons debate on the ‘Teesside fracking plans’.
However this renewed interest in securing the area’s gas reserves has been welcomed by many on Teesside, with the gas being viewed as vital to the region’s chemical and process industries and the UK’s energy security...."
"A contract to boost the business case for Teesside becoming the UK’s carbon capture storage (CCS) capital was announced today.
And it comes on the same day a Government-ordered review says CCS has a key role in tackling climate change..."
On the Buses
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
Meanwhile ....
No it is not unusual the state of the local buses is dispicable and I have video footage of a bus full of schoolkids smoking up Sutton Bank .... to prove it .. the bus was smoking not the kids btw ...
Bus Companies ... go sort your selves out ... and make it fast !!!!!!
Grrrrrrr ...was the first day at school for some.
Oh & you effing Fracking Companies and Potash Companies go and sort your selves out tooooo and stop wasting our effing time on your great big global plans when our kids buses are inadequate.
PS effing Dial a Ride.... kids don't volunteer to go on buses !!!!
Goodwill ... ex Minister of Transport ... sort your self out, you anal self serving tw*t!!!!
tis always the little things that drive you over the edge.
One Great Pudding
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
With Mash?
“Asked why he was leaving Corbyn’s Labour party to become a museum director, Tristram Hunt says he wants something more forward looking.”
pmsl ;-)
Ah, so ... Flakes:
Distance is futile.
Space X Rocket Launch
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
SpaceX is targeting launch of the Iridium-1 mission tomorrow, January 14, from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The instantaneous launch window opens at 9:54:39 am PST or 5:54:39 pm UTC, and the launch will be broadcast live at beginning at approximately 9:34 am PST or 5:34 pm UTC."
"Following stage separation, the first stage of Falcon 9 will attempt a landing on the “Just Read the Instructions” droneship that will be stationed in the Pacific Ocean..."
Never, say never ...
"The robotic ships that serve as landing platforms for SpaceX rockets now have names that honor legendary sci-fi author Iain M. Banks.
Late last month, SpaceX's billionaire founder and CEO Elon Musk announced that he had named the company's first spaceport drone ship "Just Read the Instructions." The second autonomous boat, which is under construction, will be called "Of Course I Still Love You," Musk added."
Ah,so ...
insert your own
Space X
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
Wowwwww !!! hoe did they do that ???
Stage 2 first then Stage 1 .... pause pause ...
Anyhoos ... spose if they had the rockets on moles ... alternating thrusters that would sort the MTS in about erm 152.34 minutes .... no one would notice...
bit of boring music ...
Mind alternatively ... could be a new line in barstools.
Hull's Blade
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"Blade has certainly stimulated lively debate on the definition of art in Hull pubs and shops, and viewed from every angle its subtle, sinuous curves do echo Brâncuși and Barbara Hepworth, but what really sets this sculpture apart is its cultural significance for the city of Hull. The long, slow and tortuous passage of the huge work from conception in Siemens’ new wind turbine factory on the bank of the Humber through the narrow streets of Hull’s old town to the city’s centre in Queen Victoria Square symbolises a miraculous birth process.
Searle sneers at its positioning: “pointing vaguely towards Primark” (it has to point somewhere; probably not deliberate, though a low-cost store is arguably a good signifier for the relative poverty in the area), as well as its “horrible grey MDF” support (Yorkshire common sense: why waste a limited arts budget on an expensive stainless steel base that will be redundant in a few weeks?). Blade is big, bold and beautiful. In years to come it will be out in the North Sea generating power, a reminder for Hull folk of this City of Culture year and an inspiration for their future...."
The Beano.
Oh, OK:
None Of The Above
Submitted by Captain Black on
An attempted breach of Purdah?
"A motion for a vote of no confidence in Scarborough Council's cabinet and leader has been submitted to the authority.
The motion, submitted to the council by UKIP councillors Sam Cross, Roxanne Murphy, Norman Murphy, John Dodds and independent Janet Jefferson, was handed into the town hall this morning.
UKIP leader Cllr Cross told The Scarborough News that the council must now call an extra-ordinary meeting in the next seven days.
It follows votes of no confidence in the council from Whitby and Filey town councils.
Cllr Cross said: "People have had enough, we are hearing it on the doorstep, not just in Filey and Whitby but in Scarborough too.
"People are looking at decisions like the one to demolish the Futurist and asking 'what are they doing?'
"We've been using the phrase 'drain the swamp' and that's what we want to do.
"Our understanding is that this motion has to be heard at its own meeting in seven days, if not we have to take it to the chief executive.
"It is not a debate, it will just be a vote.
"We know the Conservatives have a majority so we are asking Conservative councillors to stay at home if they are afraid to vote against their leaders.
"We know we have the support of Labour and the Greens with this motion, I expect the cabinet can rely on the votes of its two independent members.
"It is time people stood up to be counted."
Indeed. Technically you should all be disqualified :-))
Mind it is interesting to see the transparency of the tail (UKIP) wag the dog (Labour) once more...
Boundary Changes :
In short from 50 down to 45 ;-)
Any volunteers?
Thunderbirds R Go ...
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
They most certainly stand more chance than the local Tally Ban & UKIP :-)
Now where was it in the Labour Parties manifesto to vote with UKIP.
Oh, Dear ...
Or for that matter for UKIP 'drain the swamp' to campaign on behalf of the luvvies?
Heads or tails?
Ha. Most certainly not.
Razzle Dazzle.
Rydale District Council - Shakes
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
Quantic Dreams
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
How Now? Anyhoos ... should they have an app in the I or A phone that can deter 'spiders'
Ok, lets spin that on the head, an app that does the opposite, anecdotal? That good vibration.
Nah , imagination is always worse than the reality.
The calm before the storm.
Left foot forward.
Boots ;-)
The long time dead...
Make time.
The Adonis Watch
Submitted by Captain Black on
"Brexit is "infecting" the whole conduct of government, Lord Adonis has told the BBC in the wake of his resignation as infrastructure adviser.
The former Labour minister quit his role as chairman of the government's Infrastructure Commission with an attack on Theresa May's strategy for leaving the EU.
He said Mrs May was "pursuing a course fraught with danger".
A government source said he quit before he was pushed, which he denied.
"He's been moving closer towards the exit door with each new onslaught he makes against Brexit," the source said.
"He's now walked through the door before he was pushed."... he accused Mrs May of "allying with UKIP and the Tory hard right to wrench Britain out of the key economic and political institutions of modern Europe", saying the UK was "hurtling towards the EU's emergency exit with no credible plan for the future of British trade and European co-operation"...
Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable called Lord Adonis one of the "most thoughtful politicians around" and said his departure showed Brexit was being "badly mishandled"."
"He said: “Taxpayers will have to pick up a bill for hundreds of millions because of the government’s extraordinary decision to bail out Stagecoach and Virgin on the East Coast...
"Lord Adonis' departing note from his role as a government adviser on infrastructure describes Brexit as "a populist nationalist spasm worthy of Donald Trump" and suggests that the mission of the next generation will be "taking us back into Europe".
"Sixty-two Labour MPs defied the whip and you can be sure, if Lord Adonis was in the Commons, he would have been among the rebels defying Jeremy Corbyn's command."
"We called the Labour leader’s office for a response, but were told that Mr Corbyn had recently looked at a picture of a same-day delivery shed site and wouldn’t be available for an official comment for at least half an hour."
"If you want snow, Google ‘Antarctic’."
"Lord Adonis has said he was forced to resign as an independent advisor after the government "tried to silence" him..."
Adapt or Die
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"Starmer will be in the middle of them all. Some time after Easter the House of Lords is likely to back amendments calling for the UK to remain in the single market...
Starmer ducks the question, saying it depends what the amendments actually say."
"...Chris Goulden, deputy director of policy and research at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, called for the one-year grace period to be doubled. .
A DWP spokesman said: “Universal credit supports self-employed people for up to a year while they establish their business; however, it is not designed to prop up unviable businesses.
“If, after a year, the business isn’t meeting the minimum income floor, and someone wants to continue to receive benefits, they will have to either increase their self-employed earnings or look for other work.”
FUC Unite?
"These days algorithms dictate the automated trading of trillions of dollars' worth of assets in the financial markets. Artificially intelligent chatbots are taking over from humans in call centres. And soon, planes and cars could be operating autonomously, putting in jeopardy the livelihoods of those who drive professionally.
Robots have been doing the repetitive drudge work in our factories for decades. But now they can flip burgers, flick away unripe tomatoes on a high-speed sorting machine using image recognition, lay bricks, even co-operate to open doors and escape...
"Chatbots are certainly eliminating jobs - we need fewer and fewer human agents each year. The ones that are left will be highly skilled super-agents looking after the most complicated cases."
Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get
Submitted by Captain Black on
"The UK's energy watchdog has asked the National Grid for answers after a major power cut affected nearly one million people across England and Wales.
Train passengers were stranded, traffic lights failed to work and thousands of homes were plunged into darkness during the blackout on Friday.
Some train services continue to be disrupted on Saturday morning.
National Grid said it was caused by issues with two power generators and the problem had been quickly resolved...
"The enormous impact of this power failure is likely to lead to questions about the strength and robustness of the system.
The BBC understands that two power supply plants - one a traditional gas and steam-fired power station in Cambridgeshire, the other a huge wind-turbine farm in the North Sea - failed at about 16:00 BST.
National Grid described it as an "unexpected, and unusual event".
An additional factor may have been capacity problems at Britain's largest single power station in Yorkshire.
The sudden drop in available power caused protective measures to kick in that immediately cut electricity supply to a section of the National Grid network..."
"Greater Manchester metro mayor Andy Burnham has refused to support plans for the £39bn Northern Powerhouse Rail (NPR) scheme connecting the great cities of the North because it includes a surface extension to Piccadilly station to accommodate high speed rail rather than an underground station...
Transport for the North, which is submitting the plans to the government, says a six-platform, 400 metre station above ground that can accommodate NPR and the HS2 high speed line from London would deliver the same benefits as an underground site for the fraction of the cost.
But Mr Burnham is unhappy with the analysis carried out by HS2 and TfN officials and wants more work to be done on the design before a decision is made.
During a "heated" behind-closed doors meeting of TfN's board in Leeds he refused to back the decision to allow work to continue on HS2 based on the current design, which would allow the line to connect to NPR at six touch points across the North."
Ah, So ...
"Roman mosaics are stored alongside brickwork from medieval abbeys and cannonballs retrieved from castles - 120 English Heritage-managed historic sites in total have collections kept here, including Whitby Abbey, Helmsley Castle, Fountains Abbey and the Cold War bunker in York."
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"MAGNA will play host to a major conference next month aimed at shaping the region’s post-Brexit future.
The one-day event on September 13 is being organised by the Convention of the North group and NP11, a consortium of all 11 Northern Local Enterprise Partnership chairs, with support from the Government.
It will bring together the north’s political, business, community and academic leaders, along with young people’s groups.
The event will centre on workshops discussing policy on skills and education, housing, transport, innovation, trade and investment and clean growth.
The aim is to form a “powerful, unified case” to demand from the Government for tangible investment in the Northern Powerhouse project “so that it can fulfil its potentially transformational role in the future of the UK”.
Speakers at the event will include Sheffield City Region mayor Dan Jarvis; chair of the NP11 and of the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership Roger Marsh; chair of Convention of the North, Cllr Nick Forbes and Northern Powerhouse minister, Jake Berry MP.
Mr Marsh said: “"To deliver an economy that is future-proof, it’s a no brainer that the North should be front and centre of plans for the UK’s prosperity and competitiveness after Brexit.
“This event will be critical to realising the North’s true potential..."
Registration is now open for the event by emailing ",magna-conference-to-shap...
Cheers ;-0
Pitchforks at the ready ;-)
The Circle Line
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"HS2's total cost has also risen from £62bn to between £81bn and £88bn, but Mr Shapps said he was keeping an "open mind" about the project's future.
The second phase has also been delayed.
The route - from Birmingham to Manchester and Leeds - was due to open in 2032-33, but that has been pushed back to 2035-2040.
Mr Shapps' statement was based on a report from the chairman of HS2, Allan Cook, which concluded that the new railway could not be delivered within the current budget.
"I want the House to have the full picture. There is no future in obscuring the true costs of a large infrastructure project - as well as the potential benefits," said Mr Shapps.
Mr Cook said the delay had occurred because the original plans did not account for the effect of building through densely-populated areas with difficult geographical features."
"People need to have confidence in the project, so this delay is bad news for the UK transport system as a whole and the north of England in particular."
Not quite ;-)
"As part of their role they will be working with public forums to engage with residents and key stakeholders."
Spend it like Sajid
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"Javid says total spending next year will rise by £30.4bn..."
"Javid says the devolved administrations will get the biggest spending settlement for a decade."
"A healthy environment is a precondition for a healthy population," Mr Javid says.
"Leaving the EU provides an opportunity to set world-leading environmental standards, and we're giving Defra £432m of funding to do so," he adds.
The chancellor says the government is giving £30m of new money to tackle air pollution and £30m towards preserving biodiversity."
'Whatever the Weather'
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"If the North is to achieve its full economic potential it needs to deliver a step-change in trade and investment activity. This requires new ways of working and fresh investment to drive pan-Northern trade and investment. To achieve this, the North should work with Government, especially the Department for International Trade, to establish a Trade and Investment Leadership Board to focus on long-term pan-Northern objectives for trade and investment..."
"Headline export ambitions -
●Match the UK average of 9.5% of firms exporting by 2030 through internationalisation of the Northern Powerhouse economy –delivering an additional 12,000 businesses engaged in exporting by 2030.
●Raise exports from 24% to 30% of Northern Powerhouse GDP by 2030 to match the current UK average –delivering an additional £53bn-£61bn of GVA a year by 2030
●Double the rate at which Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) projects create/safeguard employment from 90 to 180 jobs per 100,000 population to match the UK average and thereby deliver an extra 30,000 jobs a year.3
●Ensure 70% of jobs createdand safeguarded by inward investment are ‘better jobs’ (i.e. managerial, professional, and technical jobs) to drive productivity and raise earnings.
●Grow the value of Foreign Capital Investment (FCI) investments from £12bn of live projects a year (29% of the value of all FCI projects in the UK).
●Increase overseas investment in Research and Development from an estimated £832m to £1.04bn a year to match estimated UK levels of R&D investment per head –and work with DIT and UKRI to develop more fine-grained metrics to track overseas R&D investment; and
●Increase the share of Northern Powerhouse GVA generated by foreign-owned companies from 22.6% to the UK average of 26.6% –to deliver an annual prize of around £16bn by 2030..."
I'd rather vote for Boris than the living dead ;-)
"A hyperbolic orbit is an eccentric one, where the shape deviates substantially from that of a perfect circle."
"With such a bright coma, we should be able to get beautiful spectra of Q4 and hopefully measure isotopic ratios."
"But young consumers are increasingly driving a shift in thinking."
Sounds like a Plan ...
Oh, OK:-?
"Scarborough and Whitby's Conservative MP, Robert Goodwill, says he's made representations at "the highest possible level"."
The 'Reticent'
Submitted by Captain Black on
"Mr President, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, faithful late night audience.
It is customary for the British Prime Minister to come to this United Nations and pledge to advance our values and defend our rules, the rules of a peaceful world.
From protecting freedom of navigation in the Gulf, to persevering in the vital task of achieving a two-state solution to the conflict in the Middle East. And of course I am proud to do all of these things.
But no-one can ignore a gathering force that is reshaping the future of every member of this Assembly. There has been nothing like it in history.
When I think of the great scientific revolutions of the past - print, the steam engine, aviation, the atomic age - I think of new tools that we acquired but over which we - the human race - had the advantage, which we controlled.
That is not necessarily the case in the digital age.
You may keep secrets from your friends, from your parents, your children, your doctor – even your personal trainer – but it takes real effort to conceal your thoughts from Google. And if that is true today, in future there may be nowhere to hide.
Smart cities will pullulate with sensors, all joined together by the “internet of things”, bollards communing invisibly with lamp posts - so there is always a parking space for your electric car, so that no bin goes unemptied, no street unswept, and the urban environment is as antiseptic as a Zurich pharmacy.
But this technology could also be used to keep every citizen under round-the-clock surveillance.
A future Alexa will pretend to take orders - but this Alexa will be watching you, clucking her tongue and stamping her foot.
In the future, voice connectivity will be in every room and almost every object: your mattress will monitor your nightmares; your fridge will beep for more cheese, your front door will sweep wide the moment you approach, like some silent butler; your smart meter will go hustling - if its accord - for the cheapest electricity.
And every one of them minutely transcribing your every habit in tiny electronic shorthand, stored not in their chips or their innards - nowhere you can find it, but in some great cloud of data that lours ever more oppressively over the human race.
A giant dark thundercloud, waiting to burst. And we have no control over how or when the precipitation will take place.
And every day that we tap on our phones or work on our ipads - as I see some of you doing now - we not only leave our indelible spoor in the ether.
But we are ourselves becoming a resource - click by click, tap by tap. Just as the carboniferous period created the indescribable wealth - leaf by decaying leaf - of hydrocarbons.
Data is the crude oil of the modern economy. And we are now in an environment where we don’t know who should own these new oil fields. We don’t always know who should have the rights or the title to these gushers of cash.
And we don’t know who decides how to use that data.
Can these algorithms be trusted with our lives and hopes?
Should the machines - and only the machines - decide whether or not we are eligible for a mortgage or insurance? Or what surgery or medicines we should receive?
Are we doomed to a cold and heartless future in which computer says yes - or computer says no - with the grim finality of an emperor in the arena?
How do you plead with an algorithm? How do you get it to see the extenuating circumstances? And how do we know that the machines have not been insidiously programmed to fool us or even to cheat us?
We already use all kinds of messaging services that offer instant communication at minimal cost.
The same programmes, platforms, could also be designed for real-time censorship of every conversation, with offending words automatically deleted, indeed in some countries this happens today.
Digital authoritarianism is not, alas, the stuff of dystopian fantasy but of an emerging reality.
The reason I am giving this speech today is that the UK is one of the world’s tech leaders - and I believe governments have been simply caught unawares by the unintended consequences of the internet; a scientific breakthrough more far-reaching in its everyday psychological impact than any other invention since Gutenberg.
And, when you consider how long it took for books to come into widespread circulation, the arrival of the internet is far bigger than print.
It is bigger than the atomic age. But it is like nuclear power in that it is capable of both good and harm.
But of course it is not alone. As new technologies seem to race towards us from the far horizon, we strain our eyes as they come, to make out whether they are for good or bad - friends or foes?
AI - what will it mean? Helpful robots washing and caring for an ageing population? Or pink-eyed terminators sent back from the future to cull the human race?
What will synthetic biology stand for - restoring our livers and our eyes with miracle regeneration of the tissues, like some fantastic hangover cure? Or will it bring terrifying limbless chickens to our tables?
Will nanotechnology help us to beat disease, or will it leave tiny robots to replicate in the crevices of our cells?
It is a trope as old as literature that any scientific advance is punished by the Gods.
When Prometheus brought fire to mankind in a tube of fennel, as you may remember, that Zeus punished him by chaining him to a tartarean crag while his liver was pecked out by an eagle. And every time his liver regrew the eagle came back and pecked it again.
And this went on for ever - a bit like the experience of Brexit in the UK, if some of our parliamentarians had their way.
In fact it was standard poetic practice to curse the protos heuretes - the person responsible for any scientific or technical breakthrough.
If only they had never invented the ship, then Jason would never have sailed to Colchis and all sorts of disasters would never have happened.
And it is a deep human instinct to be wary of any kind of technical progress.
In 1829 they thought the human frame would not withstand the speeds attained by Stephenson’s rocket. And there are people today who are actually still anti-science.
A whole movement called the anti-Vaxxers, who refuse to acknowledge the evidence that vaccinations have eradicated smallpox - and who, by their prejudices, are actually endangering the very children they want to protect.
And I totally reject this anti-scientific pessimism.
I am profoundly optimistic about the ability of new technology to serve as a liberator and remake the world wondrously and benignly, indeed in countless respects technology is already doing just that.
Today, nanotechnology - as I mentioned earlier - is revolutionising medicine by designing robots a fraction of the size of a red blood cell, capable of swimming through our bodies, dispensing medicine and attacking malignant cells like some Star Wars armada
Neural interface technology is producing a new generation of cochlear implants, allowing the gift of hearing to people who would not otherwise be able to hear the voices of their children.
A London technology company has worked out how to help the blind to navigate more freely with nothing more than an app on their smartphones. New technologies, produced in Britain, helping the deaf to hear and the blind to see.
And we used to think that printing was something you did to run off a boarding card. Now a British company has used 3D printing to make an engine capable of blasting a rocket into space.
In African countries, millions of people without bank accounts can now transfer money using a simple app; they can buy solar energy and leap in one transaction from no electricity to green power.
And new advances are making renewable energy ever cheaper, aiding our common struggle against climate change.
Our understanding of the natural world is being transformed by genome sequencing. The discovery of the very essence of life itself. The secret genetic code that animates the spirit of every living being, and allows medical breakthroughs the like of which we have never known. Treatments tailored to the precise genetic makeup of the individual.
So far, we have discovered the secrets of less than 0.3 percent of complex life on the planet.
Think what we will achieve when – and it is a matter of when – we understand 1 or 2 percent, let alone 5 or 10 percent.
But how we design the emerging technologies behind these breakthroughs – and what values inform their design –will shape the future of humanity. That is my point to you tonight my friends, my Excellencies.
At stake is whether we bequeath an Orwellian world, designed for censorship, repression and control, or a world of emancipation, debate and learning, where technology threatens famine and disease, but not our freedoms.
Seven decades ago, this General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with no dissenting voices, uniting humanity for the first and perhaps only time behind one set of principles.
And our declaration - our joint declaration - upholds “freedom of opinion and expression”, the “privacy” of “home or correspondence,” and the right to “seek…and impart information and ideas”.
Unless we ensure that new technology reflects this spirit, I fear that our declaration will mean nothing and no longer hold.
So the mission of the United Kingdom and all who share our values must be to ensure that emerging technologies are designed from the outset for freedom, openness and pluralism, with the right safeguards in place to protect our peoples.
Month by month, vital decisions are being taken in academic committees, company boardrooms and industry standards groups.
They are writing the rulebooks of the future, making ethical judgements, choosing what will or will not be rendered possible.
Together, we need to ensure that new advances reflect our values by design.
There is excellent work being done in the EU, the Commonwealth, and of course the UN, which has a vital role in ensuring that no country is excluded from the wondrous benefits of this technology, and the industrial revolution it is bringing about.
But we must be still more ambitious.
We need to find the right balance between freedom and control; between innovation and regulation; between private enterprise and government oversight.
We must insist that the ethical judgements inherent in the design of new technology are transparent to all.
And we must make our voices heard more loudly in the standards bodies that write the rules.
Above all, we need to agree a common set of global principles to shape the norms and standards that will guide the development of emerging technology.
So - here’s the good news - I invite you next year to a summit in London, a wonderful city, where by the way it is not raining 94 per cent of the time, and where at one stage - when I was Mayor of London - we discovered that we had more Michelin starred restaurants even than Paris. The French somehow rapidly recovered - by a process that I wasn’t quite sure was entirely fair. But we still have by far, in the UK, by far the biggest tech sector - fintech, biotech, meditech, nanotech, green tech - every kind of tech - in London - the biggest tech sector anywhere in Europe, perhaps half a million people working in tech alone.
I hope you will come there, where we will seek to assemble the broadest possible coalition to take forward this vital task, building on all that the UK can contribute to this mission as a global leader in ethical and responsible technology.
If we master this challenge – and I have no doubt that we can – then we will not only safeguard our ideals, we will surmount the limits that once constrained humanity and conquer the perils that once ended so many lives.
Together, we can vanquish killer diseases, eliminate famine, protect the environment and transform our cities.
Success will depend, now as ever, on freedom, openness and pluralism - the formula that not only emancipates the human spirit, but releases the boundless ingenuity and inventiveness of mankind, and which, above all, the United Kingdom will strive to preserve and advance.
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your kind attention."
'Merciless economic terrorism and international piracy'
Lord Voldemort springs to mind ... mebbe it was Jeremy... the Dim?
Ooh now who else can we vote for over Jeremy Corbyn ...
"Clearly, we must not smash up the machines and factories, but gain possession of them, when that becomes possible, if we are indeed striving to abolish poverty."
Ah, So ...
"Volunteering Days :
Another task will be digging out the rhododendrons shoots in areas previously cleared.
Please wear a good pair of boots, walking shoes or wellingtons and bring a pair of gardening gloves if you have a pair. Tools will be provided..."
...make every day a Wood day.
Never Mind.
"It would like living in a dreary desert, and the workers would be the first to lose their bread! . . ."
Obviously I'm a bit crisp ...
"No, comrades! It is against our principles to terrorise the bourgeoisie by means of individual, stealthy acts of violence. Let us leave such “deeds” to the notorious terrorist elements. We must come out openly against the bourgeoisie, we must keep it in a state of fear all the time, until final victory is achieved! And for this we need not economic terrorism, but a strong mass organisation which will be capable of leading the workers into the struggle."
"as antiseptic as a Zurich pharmacy"
Grrrr ...
Another Tier
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
"Northern Powerhouse Minister Jake Berry told council leaders in York, North Yorkshire, the East Riding and Hull that their areas could be handed powers and funding similar to those held by Greater Manchester metro mayor Andy Burnham...
But Mr Berry’s talks with leaders from the rest of Yorkshire – as well as other areas of the North yet to strike a deal with Ministers – saw him reassure them that Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants “rapid progress” to be made on devolution elsewhere.
The Government has previously rejected a widely-backed solution put forward by civic and business leaders for a Yorkshire-wide mayoral authority which supporters say would add £30bn a year to the region’s economy.
“No-one has come to this with preconceptions about what that should look like but I am pleased we are starting discussions to make sure we don’t leave any part of Yorkshire behind.”
Through the Glass Darkly
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
"During the night you’re thinking ‘why did I come here?”
About that Hat ;-))
IF only I could paint ...
""Ms Hughes’ unusual outlook came to light as campaign group Hope Not Hate looked into Brexit Party candidates’ backgrounds.
They questioned her employment history but also quoted from social media postings and her book, released last year, Spirit of Prophecy.
In the book it reads “the E.T’s, some of them less than Apple Pie wholesome or Positive pumpkins, are already here working with our world Governments, but that’s all hush-hush for now”.
And in information about the author listed on Amazon, it said: “To this day J.J.Hughes believes in elves/fairies/mermaids/unicorns and all things Elemental and Other Worldly…She has had numerous prophetic premonitions – usually about death, which so far despite a few close shaves she has escaped. She came to believe in reincarnation in her mid-twenties when her old horse Red made a re-appearance, this time as a palomino called Hooray Henry.”
In one post on website The Soul Matrix from 2017 Ms Hughes said: “I have just come to truly realise that my purpose is to raise consciousness here on earth - I originated from Sirius.”
Ms Hughes has also faced questions from Leave activists in Batley and Spen, with Jonathan Scott - who said he ran Vote Leave campaigns in Dewsbury and Batley and Spen - questioning who Ms Hughes was on her official campaign Facebook page.
He said: “No one I have spoken to even at Brexit Party events have ever mentioned your name?”
But Ms Hughes said it was now less important that PPCs lived in their would-be constituencies. She said: “We live in a Global-Digital world now-geographical locations are less and less relevant.”"
“I am intensely proud to be a Yorkshire lass regardless and will do my utmost for my constituents.”
A prohibition on political campaigning.
The Limitation Game
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
"Last week, Google announced it had achieved a breakthrough in quantum computing. In the leading scientific journal, Nature, Google published a claim that it had achieved “quantum supremacy”—by creating a computer that could complete calculations that even the world’s fastest supercomputer could not.
Whereas regular computers use bits, which perform calculations in the form of 1s and 0s, quantum computers use qubits, transistors that can register 1s and 0s at the same time, exponentially increasing computer power and speed..."
"Since quantum computers are so new, there’s still got a while to go before scientists work out how to crack cryptography with them—and the cryptography industry is working on a number of different approaches to deal with the threats posed by quantum computing.
But the stakes are high: quantum computers could soon be capable of decrypting all encrypted information, including bank accounts and government databases. For cryptographers—and cryptocurrency—time is of the essence."
"... the illusion of traceability is a worrying trend."
Awwe ..
The Not Worried.
Brace Yourself...
Submitted by Captain Black on
A flicker of sight ... ;-)
For one stoopid moment ...
"“Businesses throughout Halifax, Huddersfield and Wakefield will benefit from faster and more direct connectivity to Shanghai, and the potential impact this will have on exports, tourism, students and jobs is substantial.”"
Oh Well.
Another Free Launch
Submitted by Captain Black on
"The Conservative mayor said: “If it comes to light we do need more because there has been some unexpected development on some of the contamination, or some of deconstruction work, we will ask for more.
“But at this moment in time, we don’t believe we need any more money."
"Later, he added: “There is 27km of pipework going around the site - it has a very dangerous product in it which if it comes into contact with oxygen, it will ignite and explode.
“Every single day, you’ve got nitrogen being pumped through which needs to come out.
“There’s all sorts of underground contaminated piping - you’ve got huge assets like the old torpedo sheds, the blast furnace, the coke ovens - it’s a very complex site and that’s why it’s going to take time to get rid of it all.”"
Hmmm ...
Hello Hong Kong ;-))
"Flamingo Land's latest rollercoaster with '10 spine tingling' loops is almost finished."