Submitted by Captain Qahn on

"On expiry of the Development Agreement Benchmark’s exclusivity in respect of the undeveloped parts of the Sands Development will lapse. Officers will speedily create a new vision and development programme to maximise the opportunity of regeneration development for the remaining sites at North Bay.As part of this report it is recommended that officers are authorised to undertake a full assessment of the options available and report back to Cabinet"
Could someone please explain why there is a freezing cold person sat in a hut selling OAT tickets when there is a perfectly suitable location 100 metres up the hill ... that could be used as an overflow/aftershow venue.. subject to community engagement.
"But each year, the Mona Lisa, which is threatened by a crack, is taken down from the wall and removed from its glass case for a fleeting check."
"As part of the assessment of the bestway deliver future development of the remaining sites at North Bay officers will bring forward a consultation plan which will involve Ward Councillors and the Overview and Scrutiny Board."
"The expiry of the Development Agreement will not bring to an end Benchmark’s existing leases. Those parts of the Sands Development which have already been developed and drawn down by Benchmark will remain with Benchmark. The Council will therefore have a continuing relationship with Benchmark through its long leases of the Beach Management Centre and chalets,the Marston’s pub and restaurant and hotel phase.The Council has retained the freehold interest of these developed sitesin addition to the Water Park. The supplemental agreement and thirty-five year lease with Benchmark relating to the Water Park will also continue."
"Within the scope of the scheme of delegation to officers, officers will also undertake certain works to improve the appearance of some of the sites which will remain in the Council’s ownership including the hoardings at the former Atlantis site."
"Meanwhile, activists have constructed a nine-metre (30ft) bamboo protest tower"
"It will be noted fromthe private and confidential correspondence from Benchmark that an extension to the Development Agreement has been requested. The advice of Council’s external advisers as set out in the confidential appendixto this report is the agreement should be allowed to expire. No formal decision is required from Cabinet as the agreement is due to expire by effluxion of time on 31 December 2020"
"This has allowed net 20/162 capital receipts projected from the sale of Ryndle Crescent, which was historically linked to the financing of the Scarborough Leisure Village, to be removed from the plan."
"As you are well aware the North Bay Residents Association, in progress (as we have no Parish Representation subject to 'devolution' ) would like to inform you that the Indoor Pool at Ryndle Crescent, subject to 'Benchmark as preferred developer', would like to propose a Community Asset Transfer of the old Indoor Pool at Ryndle Crescent to be used as a community hub/business, exhibition space, ballroom, cultural and arts & crafts centre to hold local North Bay community events. ( A bit like the Corner Cafe used to do)"
"Yes, the statement at 3.2.16 refers to Indoor Pool site. Whilst the Indoor Pool site remains identified for future redevelopment, it is uncertain when a capital receipt will materialise and therefore it has prudently been removed from impending capital receipt projection"
For clarity, where an asset has been identified for redevelopment, such as the Indoor Pool site, it is excluded from being available for asset transfer under the Community Asset Transfer policy."
"At the end of private road off Station Avenue. A footpath runs parallel to the drive giving access to the north end of the platform which is a public footpath."
Planet B
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"The administrative court in Frankfurt an der Oder said it issued an interim injunction on Monday “imposing a temporary halt to clearing” to allow for an examination of the case “in view of the rapid progress of the clearing work”."
Ah, So ...
"Colours should reflect Scarborough and its seaside location, and we’re seeking clean, strong images that will lend themselves to different users. Some will be used just for signposting, some just for the vinyl wraps or photo boards; others might be suitable for both..."
Actions speak louder than words....
Someone said that once ;-)
"Among the concerns was the destruction of habitats of protected species of sand lizards and smooth snakes in the area, or disturbing them during their winter hibernation."
"Work was also stopped earlier this year as authorities defused seven second world war bombs discovered at the site.
Tesla’s first European site still only has provisional construction permits, and has been authorised by local officials to begin work at its own risk, pending final authorisation.
Tesla said the land covered under the latest injunction must be cleared to allow for pipelines and storage, according to the Tagesspiegel newspaper."
I think its called 'progress'.
pmsl ...
Of No Political Association.
"I always carry a picnic basket.”
Oh Dear...
The Wolf of Woodsmith.
"The study by the group Labour for the North concludes that some of the “red wall” seats lost to the Conservatives in 2019 “may be lost for good” unless it tackles a deep-rooted “northern problem”, including “the perception that we are a London-centric party”."
"The Ineos chairman and majority shareholder said he wanted to create a “rugged, uncompromising, no frills” spiritual successor to the original Defender because of his love for the vehicle, which is also a favourite of the Queen."
Big Ears.
Actually my ears are perfectly formed...
Cat, Skin, Game.
Nom Nom...
"“Our operations team showed me some interesting images around what they’d seen in a routine auditing of the overnight footage and we couldn’t work out what it was other than it resembled a very big cat.""
Live Long & Prosper.
Organic, moi ?
Sleep Tight.
A Parish Cracker?
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
Newby & Scalby Parish Council have today purchased and taken delivery of a property for the sum of £620,289-80.
Noted for their absence on such a large commuted sum for a Precepted Parish ie funded by local residents was a leading Parish, Borough & County Councillor, and with no formal or recorded vote it is not clear how the purchase was nodded through:
"9.3 Transfer of funds – to note a cheque in sum of £35,000 has been signed by Cllr. Thompson and Foote so as to transfer funds from the NatWest account to the Unity Trust account.
9.4 Premises – 1] to receive an update from the Chairman/Clerk; 2] to authorise the Chairman and Vice Chairman to sign the purchase contract and Land Registry Form TR1 on behalf of Newby & Scalby Parish Council; 3] to authorise the transfer of funds to our solicitors in the total sum of £620,289-80."
It is understood the Parish has borrowed the money via a Public Lending Board and repayments are to be made from the Parish Precept.
Any rumours that Argos are to open a new store next door to Newby Library have yet to be substantiated.
"Meeting ID 860 9941 4911 Passcode: 316029 on WEDNESDAY, 9th DECEMBER 2020 COMMENCING AT 7 P.M. All councillors are hereby severally summoned and required to attend in order to transact the business on the agenda. MEMBERS OF PUBLIC ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND"
Trollolol ...
"112/20.4 Premises – noted Cllr. Towse’s report that the survey hadn’t shown any serious problems but various relatively minor works were advised (main ones being woodworm treatment and insulation in lofts, removal of a chimney stack plus minor works to various flashings), cost currently unknown.
112/20.5 Community Engagement – Tina Boden gave an update on the work she was doing to get the underpinning strategic work done on the creation of the hub and delivery of services by building contacts and relationships with organisations in the charitable sector. She had considerable interest from organisations and because of the available space and location of the hub, it would be possible to create things such as a “community fridge”. She also explained the parishioner’s support scheme which Council had run during the first Covid-19 lockdown had been re-started for the current lockdown and recommended that Council give some thought to employing someone for a few hours a week to take over the task of telephoning people to provide help and social contact (with a view to that person becoming more involved in the development and running of the hub as things progressed) – it was agreed this be considered at the next meeting of Council. Council also agreed to extend T. Boden’s contract to 3/12/21."
"20/02179/FL Change of use of shop and tearoom (use class E) to parish council meeting room and offices (sui generis) at 445B Scalby Road, Scalby – agreed not to submit comments since the Parish Council is the applicant;"
Ah, the late Aunt Isobellas place...
Tut Tut.
I feel a Mad Hatters Tea Party coming on ... ;-)
Benchmark Bottles It
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
At todays Borough Cabinet meeting the saga of the North Bay Sands Development and agreement with Benchmark under Roland Duce has come to an end.
It would appear that Benchmark have bitten the hand that feeds it by servicing the Borough Council with legal papers ensuring the matter could not be discussed further and the matter now lies within the paramatters of a legal dispute.
Cabinet voted unanimously to 'note' the public report.
Absolutely no Conflict of interest ... ;-)
"The Association Cistude Nature claims there are six protected species of frog in the pond... also home to fish and ducks and an oasis for passing wildlife including herons, deer and wild boar."
Oh, go on then :-0
New Moon New Moon...
Back to it.
A Pickled Plot
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"A six-month halt was brought to the move to sell the building when campaigners registered the property as an Asset of Community Value (AVC) to give the community a chance to retain the Hungate Centre. That AVC expires in January."
"Despite the challenges that the heritage sector has faced this year, 2020 has seen many brilliant additions to the list.
"We want to ensure England's rich and varied cultural heritage is protected so that the public can continue to cherish the heritage that makes their local places so important."
"The Grade II listed shelter was built from 1897 to 1909 by Frank Alfred Tugwell and was designed to enhance the seaside-goer's experience.
Historic England said the decorative blue and white structure "captures the spirit of Scarborough's colourful history as an important seaside resort"."
'Welcome to Walkshire'
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"At a Welcome to Yorkshire board meeting on Thursday afternoon, chief executive James Mason announced that the agency will launch a year-long ‘Walkshire’ campaign in January with special events throughout 2021.
“There will be a Tour de Walkshire to replace the Tour de Yorkshire and a Walkshire Day on August 1,” he said."
"“It is the most inclusive of campaigns and we are wanting people to really celebrate Yorkshire and understand it a little bit better.”
He said it is intended there will be opportunities for local businesses to sponsor different walks and be featured on the WtY’s social media channels."
"“We think we can do that. Yorkshire can be the walking capital of the world. We are really excited about what we can deliver.”
He said the campaign would have strong emphasis on inclusion and accessibility with walks planned for all abilities and in cities and towns as well as the countryside. The organisation is working to ensure the campaign features walks suitable for wheelchairs, prams and with changing facilities on route, etc.
The idea was praised by board member Carl Les, who is leader of North Yorkshire County Council. “It is inexpensive, easy to join in with and produces a healthy output. I think it is an absolutely brilliant concept,” he said,.."
That old Pool could be (part of) 'Walkshire' by the Coast...
"Mr Mason also told the meeting that Welcome to Yorkshire had attracted a sponsor for a parallel concept in 2021 called ‘Net-walking’, where business people meet up for a socially-distance walk. He said it is something staff at Welcome to Yorkshire had already been doing themselves.
“We have been meeting for one-to-one walking meetings. This has proven to be fantastic for the physical and mental health of the staff.”"
"“We believe it is the way forward for the organisation. For our partners and taxpayers that have underpinned the organisation for the last few years, it is something tangible.""
Full stop.
Keep Busy ;-))
North Bay Junction
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"My love for faded seaside resorts, especially those in the north, where the tea is strong and the sea steely, grows ever more unreasonable with every year that passes...
“We should dance,” I said to my husband, and together, unseen and unembarrassed, we shuffled a waltz, two happy, living things in a space inhabited mostly by ghosts."
"calculated on an open book basis"
"The planets are moving closer together each night and will reach their closest point on 21 December.
Keen stargazers in the UK will have to keep a close eye on the weather to avoid an astronomical disappointment."
Brave New World
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)definition of antisemitismAntisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.We the undersigned ask that our council adopts the above without delay. The definition should be interpreted to cover all forms of persecution carried out since 1933, not exclusively the atrocities carried out against the Jewish communities around Europe. Recent conflicts in Syria, Rwanda, Darfur, Iraq and Yemen show that the lessons that should have been learnt since the Second World War have not been. We need to show all of our diverse communities that they are valued and deserve respect.Proposed by Councillor Derek Bastiman Seconded by Councillor Heather Phillips"
Wish You Were Here?
"Motion in respect of trail hunting, exempt hunting, hound exercise and hunt meetsOver the past few weeks, six of Britain’s biggest landowners banned trail-hunting in response to a criminal investigation into secret webinars at which hunt masters discussed creating “smokescreens” and avoiding being accused of illegal activity.Police and the Crown Prosecution Service launched an investigation after footage of the meetings was made public. At the time of writing, three Councils have banned hunting on council land. Forestry England, the National Trust, United Utilities, Natural Resources Wales, the Lake District National Park and the Church of England have also announced bans on use of their land for trail-hunting. The Hunting Act 2004 came into force in February 2005 which controlled the hunting of wild mammals with dogs and prohibited hare coursing. It was stated in the High Court Judgment of February 2009 that the statutory aim of the Hunting Act “is to prevent or reduce unnecessary suffering to wild mammals” and that “causing suffering to an animal for sport is unethical and should, so far as practicable and proportionate, be stopped”. Many hunters now claim they are hunting under an exemption. The following points should be considered (though please note this list is not exhaustive):Pursuit –Was the animal pursued after it was flushed from cover or found? Was there a long pursuit? Was it possible for the animal to escape from cover? For example, traditional cub hunting activities includes preventing foxes from escaping from cover.Dogs –Were more than two dogs being used? Was/were the dog/s under close control?Guns –Were there sufficient/any guns present and positioned to ensure that the wild mammal was shot as soon as possible? Were suitable firearms deployed?Purpose of the event –Is it possible to demonstrate that the purpose of the event was pest control? Was there evidence that the primary purpose of the hunting was for sport and recreation? Was the hunt advertised? If so, how far in advance was the hunt advertised? Generally hunt meets are arranged weeks or months in advance which would suggest that the primary purpose of the hunting was not pest control.Terrier men –In traditional fox hunting one or more terrier men were employed by the hunt to deal with foxes that had sought refuge underground (“gone to ground”). Terrier men are still permitted to use a dog below ground but only to prevent or reduce serious damage to game birds or wild birds kept for shooting. Terrier men have no role during a genuine trail hunt.Was there evidence of terrier men following the hunt? Was there evidence of any terrier work taking place or a dig out during the progress of the hunt? Terrier men will have terriers with them as well as equipment such as spades and nets. They often follow the hunt on quad bikes.On learning of this I have met with local activists. I have been forwarded footage including video and still photos of hunting activities taking place amongst others, on SBC land. I have had confirmation from our estates team that this land is owned by SBC. The most recent photograph I have was taken 5/12/20 on this land. These hunts also use the cinder track, cliff tops, public roads and of course, tenanted and private farm land.There are several hunts within our region.Derwent Hunt (Snainton)Saltersgate Farmers Hunt (7 miles)Staintondale Hunt (11 miles)Middleton Hunt (13 miles)Hunsley Beacon Beagles (13 miles)Sinnington Hunt (16 miles)Ampleforth Beagles (20 miles)Bilsdale Hunt (23 miles)Holderness Hunt (24 miles)I believe that as a progressive, well intentioned council we should support the following motion.Scarborough Borough Council notes that Fox hunting, Deer hunting and Hare hunting with Dogs is illegal under the terms of the Hunting Act 2004, except where an exemption applies. Most registered hunts claim to now be ‘trail’ hunting, an activity invented after the ban which allows hunts to claim that any chase of a wild mammal is an accident rather than intentional.“This Council resolvesto do everything within its legal powers to prevent trail hunting, exempt hunting, hound exercise and hunt meets on its land."Proposed by Councillor Rich Maw Seconded by Councillor Neil Robinson"
"A spokesperson for Shell said: “We will not be gathering seismic data off the coast of North Yorkshire in February. We will review options in the near future.”
The firm is understood to have been planning to look at an area of the North Sea where natural gas has already been found."
""I've been fortunate to have the chance to grow my career alongside the growth of the company itself. I genuinely love plants, but ultimately it is about the people you work with, and there's always been a good team here. Retaining that spirit is precious.""
"There have been countless imitations of the Queen. This isn't a particularly good one."
""It is with pleasure and sincere thanks that we enjoy the real contribution made by long-serving staff. We look forward to them being with us for years to come.""
Mud Slinging...
The Alternative Christmas Message will be shown on Channel 4 at 15:25 GMT on 25 December.
"He’s brilliant at evoking the lure of the empty theatre, the magic hanging in the air when the audience have left and the performers are going about their tasks... "
Sands Minutes
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
""It has been a year of extremes for nature. Under the first lockdown in spring, wildlife was suddenly left to its own devices...
in winter, residents like woodcock, snipe and waterfowl lose precious reserves when they’re forced needlessly to fly... wildlife’s right to tranquillity has to be at the heart of nature restoration. This means upgrading our 140,000 miles of existing footpaths through the English and Welsh countryside and connecting them with urban areas. The best footpaths add to the wildness of the land, rather than taking away from it.""
"The Cabinet considered a report by the Director (NE) (Reference 20/236) in respect of the Sands development. The Director, Mr Edwards advised that his report both provided an historical overview of the Sands development and asked Members to note the expiry of the Development Agreement with Benchmark Leisure Limited (and Benchmark Properties) on 31 December 2020. He added that subsequent to the publication of the report, officers had received legal correspondence from solicitors acting on behalf of Benchmark disputing the expiry. This correspondence had just been received, and in view of this, officers were unable to comment any further at this time. The Chairman, Councillor Siddons then advised that since this matter was now subject to legal professional privilege and in view of the fact that the report did not require a decision of Cabinet, it was not appropriate for Members to comment on the report at the meeting, so he would not be inviting questions and comments from Members"
"Note that, unless Members instruct officers to pursue an alternative course of action, the Development Agreement with Benchmark Leisure Limited (and Benchmark Properties) will expire on 31 December 2020"
I feel a paddle coming on ...
"It will deliver activities including micro volunteering, self-guided learning, visits to the National Park, and social action / citizen science projects."
Keep Digging...
Bargain Hunt
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"The agreement between Scarborough Council and the developers behind plans for a multiplex cinema on the North Bay has been extended.
It was originally due to expire today, but will now run till the end of January and could be further extended until mid-February.
The decision has been made by the authority's Leader, Steve Siddons.
Benchmark Leisure made the request two weeks ago, saying if it was agreed it would pay off an existing loan from the Council, worth £8.5 million, early. That was to facilitate building the Alpamare Water Park.
Contractually, that sum has another 30 years to be re-paid in full."
"If the Leader does not agree to this extension, the Development Agreement will expire on 31 December 2020 and will not give Benchmark the opportunity they have requested, albeit at the last minute, to work up and finalise proposals which they suggest would persuade Members to grant them a more substantive extension to the Development Agreement."
"Whilst it is concerning that these proposals have been raised so late in the day, officers are mindful that early repayment of the Loan Balance would mitigate the risk against this sum remaining outstanding to the Council which Benchmark are contractually not due to pay off in full over the duration of the 35 yearlease of the Water Park."
"For clarity, Benchmark are notified that: for the Council to consider any further request to grant a further substantive extension to the Development Agreement, as a minimum this would need to be conditional upon Benchmark repaying the total amount outstanding on the Water Park loan to the Council on the same date as completion of that Agreement; and that in any event any final decision to extend the Development Agreement remains at the absolute discretion of the Council and Benchmark carries out any further work to bring forward proposals to secure a substantive extension to the existing Development Agreement entirely at its own risk."
"On the subsequent sale of the hotel phase by the BLL associated company BLL will pay to the Council a pre agreed profit payment or in the absence of a sale the Council will be entitled to recover the surplus rent proceeds from the underlease to the hotel operator calculated on an open book basis. "
"Subject to the appropriate information being provided by Benchmark the 31 January 2021 –a report will be presented to February Cabinet to consider any further extension."
Not quite a full house then ...;-0
"Eventually, he had collected 43 and when he returned to the beach two days later, he found even more, collecting 60 in total.
“Some were standing vertically in the sand like sharp, rusty blades,” said Mr Barron.
“If you’re going to use them, you should count 60 out and make sure you count 60 back in."
"What 3 Words: ///crash.boil.puzzle "
Imaginary Constructs.
'Sarnia Cherie'
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
North Bay harbours big boat :
On its way to Grangemouth...
At Anchor.
I do hope they have a Blue Peter Badge... :-)
There was a plane went down there once...
"In August 1983, a similar crash occurred in the area when an RAF Lightning jet came down in the North Bay at Scarborough, killing the pilot.
The aircraft had been flying from RAF Binbrook in Lincolnshire to Teesside Airport, where it was due to take part in an airshow the next day.
The pilot was asked to perform a flypast over Scarborough Castle as part of an RAF recruiting event in the area. The plane stalled as he attempted to avoid a collision with the clifftop."
Bon Voyage.
Erm, talking of triangles and erm, alarm clocks!
Best not mention Elderado...:-)
"The public will be able to convert vacant plots of land and derelict buildings into new homes or community spaces, under plans announced today (16 January 2021) by the Housing Secretary, Robert Jenrick MP.
The ‘Right to Regenerate’ proposals would make it easier to challenge councils and other public organisations to release land for redevelopment – helping communities make better use of public land and give a new lease of life to unloved buildings.
Underused public land could be sold to individuals or communities by default, unless there is a compelling reason the owner should hold onto it.
Under the proposals, public bodies would need to have clear plans for land in the near future, even if only a temporary use before later development – if the land is kept for too long without being used, they would be required to sell it.
These measures provide an opportunity for the public and local communities to redevelop and transform eyesores, taking control of unused local land or buildings and transforming them into something they want in their area."
One for the Odd Bods>
Skull Island
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"In Mr Goodwill’s preferred option, real power, and the purse strings, would be held in Northallerton, at a considerable distance from the largest centres of population.
Meanwhile town councils, such as the ones he proposes for Harrogate and Scarborough, would be left to decide how much to invest in floral gardens and public notice boards."
"The piazza was created outside the Sands development in 2016 as part of a Yorkshire Water legacy project following its multi-million pound water quality improvement scheme"
Oh Ok:-)
"They heard no scream or shout."
Make Your Own Sunshine
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
Am gonna be so sad when they all go back to school.
Booo... Hooo...
Exciting, innit:-)
Obviously we will be lobbying.
"Wheatcroft School was visited by the RAF Air Sea Rescue sometime in the early 1970's(I attended from 1969 to 1974)
The school got the service to visit due to the excitement caused when they over flew the school on call outs.The Head Mistress,Miss Nicholson(IIRC) Married the Pilot (Sqd Ldr or Wng Cmnd) Gill."
Tiger Waves... Julian.
Dandy in the Underworld
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"The government has told councils it will launch a consultation in February on proposals to reorganise local government in North Yorkshire and York."
"Local authorities need to be close to their local businesses to offer tailored support."
"... the applicant has confirmed that there are no public rights of way in the vicinity of the theatre. All the paths are within the control of the Council and can be closed, as required, in its legal capacity as landowner. However, any closures are kept to a minimum with permissive use granted to the public at all other times."
“This would seem to be a classic case of an ideal solution being found by talking rather than taking tit for tat action.”
Visitor Management
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
is nothing new.
Ohm Ohmm ...
Hands that do Dishes;-))
"... it is anticipated users would continue to the town centre along local routes."
Social Pollution.
"This is similar to CO2 pollution that causes harm to society and the environment and uses up resources without paying the costs."
Spose that Town Centre Cinema would fit neatly into the Brunswick Centre rather rapidly...
No matter how many thousands they can push into the OAT the basic infrastructure & facilities do not support an orderly exit.
Obviously if the Old Indoor Pool site was reopened it could be used as an OAT 'management' suite and aftershow visitor focal point.
Back to it ;-00
Never, gives up.
Subsidising the Sands
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"The company has now hit out at the authority and its leader, Cllr Steve Siddons, and said it will look to recover its losses from the council.
In a statement Benchmark said it was “surprised” by the decision and had expected a four month extension to be agreed."
"“Benchmark’s solicitors are now pushing the council to supply copies of the confidential reports that Benchmark can only assume informed this decision.
“Benchmark has been in negotiations with the council for many months and has been prepared to compromise on a number of issues, not least by agreeing to repay the balance of the water park loan 30 years early, to ensure the agreement was extended.
“Whilst the council – wanting the water park built – lent Benchmark just under £9 million of the £16 million costs of the water park Benchmark have, over the period of the development agreement, paid over £7 million direct to the council and handed over to the council, at no cost, the £1 million plus award-winning Beach Management Centre.”"
"“The figure spent by Benchmark to deliver these unprofitable elements to date amounts to around £12.5million and the council are on notice from Benchmark’s solicitors that if the agreement is not extended to allow this money to be recovered Benchmark will look to the council for that money.”"
"Benchmark has laid the blame at the feet of the council saying it had been “frustrated” in its efforts to draw down the cinema land and from selling the Premier Inn hotel on the Alpamare site."
"Sixty individual minutes of slack-jawed screen-anaesthesia is a lot less fun than just deciding to take the hour off. So own it: decide not to work and fill your time in a deliberate way. If you’re going to hate your job you might as well love not doing it."
Naval Gazing
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
""the eleven best things to take your mind off the weather and the fact that you couldn’t get tickets for the Beach Volleyball."
"The Leader approved a short term extension to the Sands development Agreement (report 20/44) on 30 December 2020. This extended the expiry date of the Sands Development Agreement with Benchmark to 31 January 2020, with an option for the Director (NE) in consultation with the Leader to extend this date further to 17 February 2021. The purpose of this extension was to allow Benchmark and officers of the Council a short period of time to explore whether it was possible to reach agreement on terms to extend the existing Development Agreement in the long term. The new proposals by Benchmark are not currently acceptable in form or principle to the Council. The company has failed to provide Members with sufficient assurance and detailto justify any further work being undertaken whether by due diligence or otherwise. Therefore, a short extension to the agreement until 17 March will be entered into to allow for full democratic engagement in the decision making process, prior to final expiry of the overall agreement on this date..."
"An amendment to the proposed 2021/22 Revenue Budget by introducing a Better Places Locality Budget –granting each ward councillor £2,000 to spend on environmental improvements in their area.The Better Places Locality budget would allow every Borough Councillor to respond to local needs by recommending the allocation of small amounts of money to support projects or activities that benefit the communities they represented at grass roots level. The proposed grant scheme would allow councillors within a ward to pool their individual allocations to deliver larger scale projects, and for the monies to be used for projects outside the ward where people from within a councillor's ward would benefit. The scheme would also have the flexibility to deliver projects jointly with parish councils."
"Benchmark’s proposals * were the subject of detailed discussion and interrogation by Members."
"It was only after a local quack doctor, Dr Wittie, began to tout the town’s spa and sea water as a cure for gout in the late 17th century that the affluent unwell started to wash up on our coasts. And for any urbanites tiring of London 2012 itself, Scarborough still has plenty to offer the jaded metropolitan visitor."
"Fearing that it would bring less affluent visitors and so lower the tone of the resort, the burghers of Scarborough held out against the railways until 1845."
Seven Strategic Objectives ...
The Cosmic Elk...
"(They did get caught in the end but the cat escaped)."
fascinating :-0
Oh, OK:
So erm, putting the "Commonwealth" aside, what place would you like to get 'tribal' with?
Answers on a post card...
Oddly enuff, I am entitled to Eat.
Tooth & Claw
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
""It reflected the policy of the Government in one simple gesture by making it clear that as one door closed, other doors would open.""
Ergo, What is your point of Origin?
My dentist is Egyptian... and so is his wife ;-)
Coyote Management
Submitted by Captain Qalypso on
"On Friday (March 12) North Yorkshire County Council’s Executive Members for Business and Environmental Services will consider proposals to ban vehicles between 10.30am and 4pm on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays throughout the year...
The Whitby Town Deal Board has secured £400,000 of fast-track Government funding to pay for the infrastructure needed to carry out the trial which would be implemented by North Yorkshire County Council’s highways team."
"A key element of the scheme would be to provide signs advising of the trial and redirecting traffic approaching the town centre, replacing the temporary signage that is currently used for closures."
How about a Stop or Go sign that might just stretch to cost a fiver?
"It was announced that two engineering professors are to lead a study into the feasibility of such a link, outlining possible costs, timescales and the work involved. The work is being carried out as part of a major transport connectivity review"
"The Board was set up to oversee a bid for £25m from the Government for projects to boost skills and enterprise, sustainability, digital and transport connectivity, community well-being and to revitalise the economic prospects of Whitby. It is made up of a wide range of groups including businesses, local councils and representative bodies."
"All told the net alcohol excise receipts for the year showed a 2.4 per cent decline suggesting that the public finances have experienced little impact because of the pandemic experience."
Cheltenham.... Clippity Clop ;-))
"“If you’re a broadcaster, you inevitably get drawn into projecting back what your viewers are prepared to tune in for. What interests us in real life is just what interests us in fiction, and the cliches are hugely self-perpetuating."
“We encourage all park users to act responsibly and not to litter. Not only is littering unacceptable, it poses a real risk to pets and wildlife, as we saw in this particular case."
About that Bottle Bank...
Meanwhile "You are four times more likely to get stopped and searched if ..."
Mind I would imagine there will be a lot of Pilgrims heading to Whitby for a 'cracking time'. Etc. Etc ...
Bless their little cotton socks.
"You can leave home to attend or visit a place of worship for communal worship, to attend a funeral or event related to a death, to visit a burial ground or a remembrance garden, or to attend a wedding ceremony."
I stand Corrected.
"It's just presumed women will stay home when it's dark ... forever."
Enjoy your day.
Is that a fact;
Frankly my dear... I don't give a damn wot Whitby does with its Piers. Megan Sparkle or totherwise.
End of.
Fences are down at the Premier Inn ;-))
Nom Nom ...
Sleep Tight.
Best not mention Burritos.