Hüpfen in Berlin

Captain Qahn's picture

"Almost 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a new poll has exposed the enduring political divisions in Germany. The nationalist Alternative for Germany party (AfD) has surged to first place in the former communist east, with 23 per cent support. But it has failed to make a similar breakthrough in the former west, where it is in fourth place with just 12 per cent.

The figures for the Green Party, which is in second place in the national polls, are almost a mirror image of the AfD’s. In the former west, the Greens have 25 per cent support, but in the east it is they who are mired in fourth place with just 13 per cent. Just three months ahead of national celebrations to mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Wall, the findings of the poll for Bild am Sonntag newspaper have laid bare the deep divide that persists across the old Cold War border.

The AfD looks set to dominate the headlines in the run-up to November’s anniversary, with the polls suggesting it could come first in regional elections in three eastern states this autumn. The party's anti-migrant platform has proved highly effective in the former communist east, where the city of Chemnitz saw violent protests last year.

But the east accounts for less than a fifth of Germany’s population, and the party has failed to make the sort of inroads in the west it would need to challenge for power.

The poll’s findings suggest Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) are the only party that can claim nationwide support. They are first in the west with 27 per cent, and second in the east with 22 per cent — a single point behind the AfD.

Support for Germany’s other traditional main party has collapsed: the centre-Left Social Democrats (SPD) are third in the west on 13 per cent and a dismal fifth in the east with just 11 per cent.

While the AfD is unlikely to win a majority in any of this autumn's regional elections, and will probably be kept out of power by a coalition of rival parties, coming first would be a shot across the bows of Mrs Merkel's government."


"In addition to the national and international celebrations, exhibitions and events that take place throughout the year and beyond, the grand finale is the festival to mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall from 4 to 10 November 2019. Berlin will be transformed into a unique open-air exhibition and event venue. Along the route of the revolution in the city, important events of the history of 1989/90 become comprehensible at seven original locations. At these locations (Alexanderplatz, Gethsemanekirche, Brandenburger Tor, Schlossplatz, Kurfürstendamm, East-Side-Gallery and Stasi headquarters in Lichtenberg) large projections with historical pictures, films and sound installations will be shown. There are concerts, lectures, readings, contemporary witness talks, poetry slams and film screenings in addition. This impressive festival will conclude with the evening of 9 November, when the entire city will become the largest concert stage in the world, featuring renowned musicians, orchestras and bands. Berliners and guests from all over the world are invited to celebrate the festival of freedom peacefully and exuberantly. 

More information can be found here or on the website of Kulturprojekte Berlin."



Jemand muss etwas erforschen .. ;-)

'Harder than the Greek economy'




Captain Black's picture

Shake A Spear

"The setting is Carthage, in ancient times: the hero Aeneas flees from burning Troy and arrives in North Africa via the Mediterranean Sea with his fleet of ships, where he meets the beautiful queen Dido. They are lovestruck – and yet fail to bond because of fate’s intervention. Aeneas continues on his journey to form a new kingdom in Italy, while the abandoned Dido is left no alternative but to stay."


Eeek ...

Adonis, eh ;-)



Captain Qahn's picture

Royal Endorsed Quackery


Ah, so ;-)


Ohm ...

“We usually collaborate very closely with the United Kingdom on environmental issues.

“Both countries are gravely concerned about the state of our oceans … And then you just leave thousands of tonnes of contaminated water in the North Sea? I don’t get it. That isn’t consistent with an environmental policy that has advanced Britain’s reputation.”



Captain Black's picture

The Lives of Others

"It seems almost incredible watching this clever, poignant little movie from director Wolfgang Becker, that delivers the shock of the new and the shock of the old. We get a reconstruction of Berlin in the old German Democratic Republic: the Alexanderplatz's tatty architecture, the spluttering Trabants, the borderguards doing their pompous and sinister Paradeschritt. The lost world of communist East Germany looks so distant that people in the street might as well be discussing the Versailles Treaty..."



"Horribly, this party official is later shown reduced to humiliatingly minor clerical duties, presumably because of this one, ill-timed joke. The pettiness, the spite and the quiet desperation of East Germany are all there in that desolate punchline..."




"“At all our meetings in the past, we have given floor space to those who have differing views from our own. We think we’ve heard enough from them now. So as a result of wanting to keep our focus, we are only inviting those who support our cause.

“The invitation has not been extended to BID directors or employees.”"

"A Rip Van Winkle parable unfolds here, showing a world that changed, or seemed at the time to change, with extraordinary speed."


"Mr Goodwill said: “It was great to see how Winkler Services are helping EU citizens who are working here on the coast, and making such a contribution to our local economy.”


"Without knowing it, Alex has mobilised almost every agency of a communist state. He distorts and concocts the news media; he coerces people into acting against their real natures and principles by a mixture of bullying and emotional blackmail, manipulating their loyalty to a "leader" figure. It is a farce, founded on dishonesty: like the old regime itself. And Alex has become the neurotic, control-freak prime minister, acting on behalf of an ageing, debilitated monarch."

Grrrr ...




"a great Pirate does not require such intracacies"

Capt. 'Bob''s picture

The Final Curtain

"World events often move fast, but is hard to match the pace and power of change in 1989.

It culminated in one of the most famous scenes in recent history - the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The wall came down partly because of a bureaucratic accident but it fell amid a wave of revolutions that left the Soviet-led communist bloc teetering on the brink of collapse and helped define a new world order... Berlin was split four ways, with British, French and American zones in the west of the city and a Soviet zone in the east. West Berlin became an island surrounded by communist East Germany.

The wall was eventually built in 1961 because East Berlin was haemorrhaging people to the West."


"It is clear that Westminster isn't working. Yorkshire deserves better."




To Urge ...  "to find and task someone who had no previous connection to the authority to carry out the investigation."


"The heliosheath appears to vary in its thickness. This is based on data showing that Voyager 1 had to travel further than its twin to reach the heliopause, where the solar wind and the interstellar wind are in balance."


Captain Black's picture

'Boot Camp'

Captain Qahn's picture

'Hand on Hip'

"The agility of middle-aged gatekeepers to control the agenda has been usurped by a new generation of activists who can spread information through their own networks, allowing them to challenge narratives promoted by the status quo."


"“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear..”

"These missions - which have included the US robot rovers Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity - have shown that Mars must once have been lush and warm but was doomed as a cradle for complex life because of its size. The planet’s diameter is half that of Earth’s, which means it has a much smaller core at its heart compared with the one at the centre of our own planet. The Martian core, once molten, cooled and solidified billions of years ago while our larger core has remained hot and molten allowing convection currents within it to generate a magnetic field around the Earth."

"Surely the author of Nineteen Eighty-Four would understand that people don’t want to hear that 2+2=5?"



"“the way to defeat bad ideas is by exposure, argument, and persuasion, not by trying to silence or wish them away”."


Uploading ...

""Winston Churchill is often portrayed as the lone voice in the wilderness as World War Two approached - his warnings about the danger posed by Adolf Hitler falling on deaf ears.

But according to Labour MP Chris Bryant, there is another story - the story of a group of gay or bisexual MPs whose opposition to appeasement exposed them to persecution.

He tells their stories in his book, The Glamour Boys: The Secret Story of the Rebels who Fought for Britain to Defeat Hitler.

Mr Bryant became fascinated by their stories when researching for a book on the history of Parliament.

"Every sentence I read about Jack Macnamara was intriguing," he says of the Conservative MP for Chelmsford 1935-1944.

"His researcher was Guy Burgess [later uncovered as a Soviet spy], he went on sex trips to Nazi Germany and he ended up being a colonel in the London Irish Rifles.

"Who's not going to be intrigued by that sentence?"

As well as Mr Macnamara, Mr Bryant's book documents the lives of MPs including Robert Bernays, Ronnie Cartland (young brother of the novelist Barbara Cartland), Victor Cazalet (godfather to Hollywood star Elizabeth Taylor), Harold Nicholson and Ronald Tree."







tis not funny...


"The bill would explicitly authorise MI5, the police, the National Crime Agency and other agencies that use informants or undercover agents to commit a specific crime as part of an operation."



The Plot Thickens.




Capt. 'Bob''s picture

The Pledge

"Last month tribes discovered that the date for the completion of a crucial environmental review process has suddenly been moved forward by a full year..."

"For most tenants in the UK – conditioned to the prospect of rising rents, poor living conditions and the ongoing threat of eviction – the very idea of receiving a letter from their landlord outlining a reduction in their monthly rent would be absolutely unthinkable. And yet this is exactly what has happened to thousands of renters in Berlin, as the second stage of the city’srent cap or Mietendeckel (literally a “lid” on rents), came into force on Monday."



funded by Sirius Minerals ...




"The next theme is "in the kitchen" and the deadline for entries is 6 August 2024."
