Submitted by Mortal Mindy on

OK. Cambo has called the UK to hold the 'Referendum' on 23rd June. What's the plan? People get to vote. Again. The 2015 General Election results :
With the Tory vote at 36.9% and UKIP's 12.6%, with a turnout of 66% much could be made of those figures. Cambo is asking the public to vote for 'his' EU reforms, and vows to stay in the EU. Most will not. It is lost.
So, starting from a 'lost' position, 'lose-lose' lets loosely look at the cost.
When did the UK last have a Referendum? In 1975 on UK's continued membership to the EEC. 8 general elections later, why now? The last Govt. was co-alition Govt and the Lib/dem's refused to legislate. It is DC and his Conservative Govt. that has called this Referendum. The Tory party should be held to account and pay for it. Can they afford to? The last GE cost political parties £115mil (declared) , the last Referendum (National Poll) £75mil.
It is a National Poll and the public will be paying for it. Is it legally binding? Who is the contract with ... small print - wiki : "Legally, Parliament at any point in future could reverse legislation approved by referendum because the concept of parliamentary soverignty means no Parliament can prevent a future Parliament from amending/repealing legislation. However, it is unlikely many governments would attempt to reverse legislation approved by referendum as it would probably be controversial and potentially damaging to its popularity."
So, we have established it is a popularity contest, at a rough calc cost of £100mil to the UK to serve the purpose of ...
The BBC? Quite acutely asking "The question is always crucial in any referendum. The original 2013 suggestion from the Conservatives was: "Do you think that the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union. Yes or no". Some people thought this phrasing leaned too far towards the status quo (the current state of affairs) and the Electoral Commission, which has to approve the question, said it was not clear enough and proposed: "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?" Downing Street and MPs have accepted the amended wording." ... linked to To Be or Not To Be, that was the Scottish Question :
Questions, questions : Everything you need to know?
What about Brits abroad? Expats Blogg estimates their are 5 million Brits residing abroad with approx 2 million eligible to vote.
What about Brits Working abroad?
What about Non-Brits in Brit : "The eligibility rules will be broadly the same as for a general election, rather than local or European votes. Irish citizens in the UK are eligible. Residents from two other EU nations, Malta and Cyprus, also qualify, along with others from the Commonwealth." So, it's a Commonwealth vote ... 'exceptionists' ...
Demographically the 'National Poll', 'Referendum', 'Apopolytical Spin', whatever ... will be lost by the postal voting 'UK', British or 'Commonwealth' voting/vetoing public. Ah, so ... Royal Mail...
Anyhow, in my humbly bumbly the UK is facing a 'lose-lose', Cambo has lost the plot. Lost the lot. But, big butts, OK, however ... is it really fair to cast the 'blame' on DC? Abstain.
The European Union has crafted and 'engineered' this UK referendum. Had the EU the 'strength' or 'clout' to tell Cambo to 'do one' then yes, it would be a clear cut campaign. DC is a small fish in a big pond and has been sent by Mama Merkel to the naughty boys step, taking the rest of the UK with him. Tusks.
So, to conclude, in my humbly bumbly logigcal way - the European Union does not want a United Kingdom.
'To serve the purpose of ...' The EU.
Abstain? Abstention. Most unlikely >>>>> ;-)
The forward... left feet. Fleets.
image via :
Oooh somin interesting:
Almost, not quite ;-)
EU: A Hokie Cokie
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
Britain's answer to Duck Trump?
"He is now testing his appeal on the national stage in a contest of historic importance. And that matters because Mr Johnson could be our prime minister one day...." Yo-Go. No. ... "Mr Johnson's decision drew criticism from former Conservative deputy prime minister Lord Heseltine, who called it "illogical"
"If it takes you this long to make up your mind about something so fundamental and you still have questions, then surely the right option is to stay with what you know rather than risk our economy and security with a leap in the dark," he said." Yo - Tarzan !!!
"Among the cabinet members backing the Out campaign are Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith and Justice Secretary Michael Gove." Wot the Nastis want out? Boots.
Sovereignty ... a Twonk thing? Nah, HRH QE belongs to the people, not the Twonks, so don't you go claiming her as your own now Boris J .... (I used to call me ole Gran 'Boris'). Has Boris J, been engraved? Wouldn't want any copyright infringements, eh.
Gaw'd help the UK if owt of global significance comes up between now and erm .... then.
Anyhoos enuff of the 'political' claptrappers ...
More importantly, imhb, some rather well stated points of view :
Now, I would hate to butt into this 'Twonk Twisting T*t' party, but... erm this EU votey thingy .... can there be a third option on the ballot paper, ya know like wot should be on every ballot paper 'none of the above'. Ergo ... 'not my circus' or words to the effect. (dropped)
Seriously, about EU citizenship? Would this be denied? Would the EU build a Hadrian's Wall or block the Chunnel ... will there be a stampede across British exit borders... would UK citizens need an exit visa and be allowed to claim 'refugee' status in Europe... would the EU become empowered to send all those ex pats back? Driving licence. Passport. Toothbroosh. (TTIP ;-)
Just WTF is going on ? Quick send Cambo an application form for the 'navel' brigade.
lol ;-)
PS: Osbo's very quiet. Ssssh.
EU: Shakes Rattles n Rolls
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
lol :
EU: Europe 'Done' ?
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
Ignoring the Independent order ...
lol :
Coco ;-/
"Cocos are seen as riskier than traditional bank bonds because they offer lenders less security.
"European Banks Coco Bond Sales 2016: €0bn; 2015: €45bn; 2014: €46bn; 2013: €27bn; 2012: €5bn," tweeted Lawrence McDonald, a financial consultant and former Lehman Brothers executive.
Banks had planned to issue €40bn of Coco bonds this year, according to Dealogic.
That leaves them facing a financing gap at a time when analysts are warning that Europe's banks must also deal with rising costs and slowing revenue.
Bank results
Three of the UK's biggest banks - HSBC, Lloyds and Royal Bank of Scotland - will report their company results for 2015 this week.
Analysts forecast costs will rise at all three, partly due to the UK bank levy and high bills from mis-sold Payment Protection Insurance (PPI).
Reports also suggest Standard Chartered, the Asia-focused UK bank, will reveal it has fallen into the red when it publishes results on Tuesday."
Silver Linings ...
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
" 'Sensitive'
So far this year, fears of a British exit from the EU - dubbed 'Brexit' - have already pushed the pound down by 3.9% against the US dollar. Analysts said that was likely to continue to direct sentiment until the vote.
"With political reaction to Friday's deal looking more mixed than the prime minister would have hoped for, in the short term it is likely that the exchange rate will be sensitive to news which is seen to increase the probability of Brexit," said Sam Hill, senior UK economist at RBC Capital Markets.
Against the yen, the pound slumped to as low as 160.40 yen, its lowest since November 2013, from 162.10 on Friday, before partially recovering.
"I don't think investors are saying Brexit is good or bad, but it's the uncertainty,"
Humbly. Bumbly >>>
EU: The Science
Submitted by Mortal Mindy on
From the Runes:-)
Past: -
Present: -
Future: -
EU: Hawkings
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
Ssshcom ssshcom - quite quiet
Empty vessels ....
EU: 'Universities'
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
“Leaving the EU would put at risk this funding stream and undermine the UK’s world-leading university sector, including Newcastle and Durham universities, putting our competitive advantage and highly-skilled jobs at risk.”
But Ms Eagle’s comments were lambasted by a leading academic.
Kevin Down, a professor of finance and economics at Durham University accused her of ‘scaremongering’."
"Farming Minister George Eustice who wants to a Brexit, reacted saying an exit would allow Defra to “design and implement policies that really help British farming”."
Oi you get orrfa my land ...
Oh ffs :
BBC getting bored with updating Brexit:
EU: Choose Wisely
Submitted by Capt. 'Bob' on
Da, So ... tis a use it or lose it theory ;-)
...all systems go :
EU: Consumer Protection
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"As much of the food we eat comes from other countries in the EU, it makes sense that consumers are protected by common food safety legislation. This lays down standards for food hygiene, animal welfare, plant protection and food contamination. Suppliers must provide clear information on the origin, content and use of food, and all allergens must be identified."
EU: In the Wash
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
Awwe bless:
Frankly, now the 'fracking' finale is fast approaching - a red herring for UK Energy policy? - if there ever was one ...
Alongside the the EU referendum - a political culling exercise? - if there ever was one ...
Then the grownups might eventually get to discuss the 'N' word.
Until then : Funnel the fun.
Yep, in the comments "Extinction takes time ... "
Now hows that their Pie doing? :-)
Ah, so ... the Lunatics have always run the Assylums.
Small Change.
EU: Angela Merkel
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
World Class : -))
"German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she hopes the UK will stay in the EU, saying that would be "for the benefit of all of us".
Mrs Merkel said that it was up to the British people to decide whether to Leave or Remain in the EU, in the referendum on 23 June.
But, speaking at a press conference in Berlin, she said the size of the EU had helped to negotiate good trade deals.
She added that you needed to be in the room to get the result you wanted."
Yep, I bet they don't tell her to shut up when discussing local assets....
It was EU money that paid for this TIC community asset. According to record dating back to 1998 it is not the Councils to dispose of or demise.
Cambo to Queens
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
Congratulations to Theresa May
"Theresa May has said she is "honoured and humbled" to have been chosen as the new leader of the Conservative Party and UK prime minister...
David Cameron is to tender his resignation to the Queen on Wednesday.
'honoured n 'umbled' ... that won't last... trees are green. Ooops.... though clearly a World Class opponent.
Ah, so .... :
"Ms Eagle said she would "not stand back and allow Britain to become a one-party Tory state"
Erm, the Eagles have all ready landed ;-)
Politics is pants.... albeit big pants.
PS: -))
Big Ants
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
Machetti May
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
First strikes...
"The brief will be folded into an expanded Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy under Greg Clark.
Ed Miliband, the former energy and climate secretary under Labour, called the move "plain stupid".
It comes at a time when campaigners are urging the government to ratify the Paris climate change deal.
In his statement, Mr Clark appeared keen to calm concerns about the priority given to tackling global warming.
He said: "I am thrilled to have been appointed to lead this new department charged with delivering a comprehensive industrial strategy, leading Government's relationship with business, furthering our world-class science base, delivering affordable, clean energy and tackling climate change."
Meanwhile, Andrea Leadsom, who ran against Theresa May for the Conservative leadership, is the new Environment Secretary.
Ms Leadsom succeeds Liz Truss, who is taking over as Secretary of State for Justice after a two-year tenure at the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
One of the most pressing items on the environment agenda is the ratification of the Paris climate deal, which was inked last year...."
Mind, Boris posted to the Dept of Punishment ... is quite amusingly ironical.
G'Reg waste of space. Mr I did Zero for Tees Steel....
If only :
Grayling - SOS Transport
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
I see no donkeys ...
political hats on ... if it landed on your 'desk' the day before your well oiled jolls ...
Global Warming
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
Another tough day for Boris ...
Mind, it could be the quickest ascension to the EU of all time.
Stay in Doors ...
Ah, so ... open doors.
Tin Pots ... Off the Shelf
Submitted by Captain Black on
NTS ... Dash.
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"George Osborne has told MPs that they share some responsibility for the terrible events happening in Syria.
The ex-chancellor said the unfolding tragedy in Aleppo had not "come out of a vacuum" but was due to "a vacuum of Western and British leadership"...
"Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has written to Theresa May calling for a concerted effort to achieve a UN-led ceasefire and UN-brokered humanitarian corridors in Syria..."