Submitted by Captain Qahn on

“Beware the Ides of March, or at least, be aware of when “the Ides” even takes place (March 15). The word “Ides” is derived from the Latin word “idus,” which refers to the middle day of any month in the ancient Roman calendar. The Ides are specifically the fifteenth day of the months of March, May, July, or October, and the thirteenth day of the remaining months. The Ides were the designated days for settling debt each month in the Roman empire and generally included the seven days preceding the Ides for this purpose. No doubt debtors who could not pay their debts considered the Ides to be unlucky days as they were typically thrown into prison or forced into slavery.
Kalends, Nones and Ides were ancient markers used to reference dates in relation to lunar phases. Ides simply referred to the first new moon of a given month, which usually fell between the 13th and 15th. In fact, the Ides of March once signified the new year, which meant celebrations and rejoicing."
“Not only did Shakespeare’s words stick, they branded the phrase—and the date, March 15—with a dark and gloomy connotation. It’s likely that many people who use the phrase today don’t know its true origin. In fact, just about every pop culture reference to the Ides—save for those appearing in actual history-based books, movies or television specials—makes it seem like the day itself is cursed.”
“Another Shakespearean invention was Caesar's last words, "Et tu, Brute?," meaning "You too, Brutus?" in Latin. Suetonius recorded his final words as the Greek "Kai su, teknon?" or "You too, my child?" However, Plutarch says that Caesar said nothing, pulling his toga over his head to cover his head as he died.”
“Yet when heroes in movies, books and television shows are faced with the Ides of March, it’s always a bad omen. Several television shows have had episodes named “The Ides of March.” And it’s never good news.”
“Perhaps it was Julius Caesar himself (and not the famous playwright) who caused all the drama. After all, he’s the one who uprooted Rome’s New Year celebration to their traditional March 15 date from January…"
"The omen was actually “Beware the next 30 days” and was prophesied on February 15, 44 B.C. by an Etruscan Soothsayer named Spurinna."
"The Moon repeats the dates of its phases approximately every 19 years (the Metonic cycle), and the Golden Number represents a year in that cycle. The year of the cycle can then be used to determine the date."
Enjoy the Silence.
'Pigs & Potteries'
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"The Manor of Northstead is a former Medieval Estate in North Yorkshire. The Manor House no longer exists and it's ruins lie bellow Peasholm Park. This ruin is still essential to the running of Parliament...
The park marked the first venture across the ancient town boundaries. Harry W Smith decided to make gardens as an 'Oriental flavoured paradise', which were pretty cool for a small town in the 1900's. He bought sculptures (small pagodas, a Buddha and the two tigers are still in the park) from a Mr Colonel Twentyman, who also had Oriental and 'authentic' Italian gardens in Kirby Misperton, now Flamingo Land..."
"The Naval Battle is the Battle of the River Plate"
"When she landed in Yorkshire after leaving Holland, parliamentary spies discovered the cottage that she was staying in overnight. They got their ship into the harbor and shelled her cottage. She fled with her little toy dog under her arm, Mitte, to a ditch with her ladies and others. There are very vivid descriptions of musket balls* pinging the Earth... She was directly involved in negotiating with parliamentary commanders who turned coat. She gained the Port of Scarborough that way. She sat on the councils of war in the North and expressed her views. She rode with her army. She came very close to helping Charles win the Civil War."
The Mutton Button
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"They claimed that SSI had offered them the former steelworks site in exchange for their 70-acre plot, as the terminal would become lucrative if a company called Anglo American delivered its plan to build a 23-mile tunnel to the world’s largest polyhalite mine."