Submitted by Captain Qahn on

Work is about to start on protecting the Jewel in Scarborough's crown, the Spa. A project overview for the works was presented at Town Hall on 8th September. The three keys working harmoniously include:
(A Walters & J Dewsbury) Planning & Landscape Architect - RPS, P Ellis, Geotechnical - Coffey, G Dewe, Construction & Contracts - Balfour Beatty.
External to 'project overview' the slippery slopes surrounding the Spa have been studied for some time. An anonymous piece .... no doubt a grade A student, provides some background noise: g14 south bay.pdf
The G14 report focuses on the historical Holbeck Hall landslip and gives a broader understanding of cause and effect, identifying key problem areas. Is there a problem? Yes there is.
The Boundary for this remit is primary Area 1 - to protect the asset of Scarborough Spa.
The Project Overview has proffered some soultions. Geotechnical data has been gathered including a rather endearing landslide of 1738 'showing cows still grazing on the block of cliff effected'. Further borehole data identifying movement of the glacial till above the underlying bedrock understood to be sandstone. Wotever ... the underlying bedrock and the surface have been slowly slipping apart presenting two challenges, one deep, one shallow. The solution is to connect and hold these two 'strata' together using steel, soil nails and natural resources. At first glance, it is quite complex and this 'cunning plan' will require some deep piling, cutting and regrading to resist shallow solution pinning, and most importantly community involvement to neccesitate a satisfactory finished landscape. Whilst the technical, cuttings, costing aspects of the project have been crystalised there is still room for public catalysts.
Given the sensitive nature and historical importance of the South Cliff, particularly the gardens, this first stage is to be implemented with a planning application to be submitted 31st October 2016. A full public consultation will run throughout the 12 week planning period. Construction is scheduled to start March 2017 with a completion date for Summer 2018.
Further updates and more information will be posted in due course.
Engagement with the Council, Community Management and the public is encouraged. The Scope of the project, other than engineering and construction will include 'aboricultural' aspects connecting to the landscaping 'Masterplan' for the whole of the South Cliff.
Clause 21 "We Own It"
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"... currently going through parliament - stands to effectively ban local authorities from setting up new publicly owned bus companies. This is an unnecessary and ideological move that ignores the evidence, lacks public support (from all voters) and undermines localism. Please support the campaign by We Own It to get the government to omit Clause 21 from the Bus Services Bill. A model motion to support the campaign can be found here:
"There are three main reasons you should oppose Clause 21:
1. There is no evidence base for it.
There are twelve local authority-run bus companies in the UK. These provide some of the best bus services in the country. Local authority-run bus companies, like Reading Buses and Nottingham City Transport, have won bus operator of the year in four of the last five years.
If we look at the stated objectives of the Bus Services Bill – increasing passenger numbers and improving quality – it’s clear that council-run bus companies are more than able to help achieve those objectives. Nottingham and Reading have the second and third highest journeys per head outside London. Prior to 2014, Nottingham increased passenger numbers 13 years in a row. Nottingham City Transport and Reading Buses also deliver in terms of quality, environmental standards and innovation. This combination has led to the numerous awards. Much of this is made possible by maintaining high levels of investment, even through the recession, and by offering a truly joined up transport policy through strong partnerships with the local authority.
Whilst financial constraints might realistically prevent the establishment of a new public bus company, the evidence suggests that councils should at least be legally allowed to consider following the successful footsteps of Nottingham and Reading.
2. Public opposition to Clause 21
We Own It commissioned polling on Clause 21. Across the political spectrum people were opposed to this sort of arbitrary ban on council powers – regardless of the extent to which they exercise them...
We Own It people would also like to see more public ownership of buses (by a ratio of 3:1) – just as they want to see public ownership of rail, energy and the NHS. People know it works. The point is that Clause 21 won’t even allow this option to be considered by councils – potentially for a long, long time.
3. Localism
We’re told that the government has a commitment to localism and devolution. This is enshrined in the 2011 Localism Act which gave more power to councils to provide services unless other laws explicitly prevent them from doing so. In short, we shouldn’t let ideology get in the way of effective service provision. As a Conservative peer, Lord True, put it when discussing the Bus Services Bill:
“I have no ideological objections—noble Lords will not be surprised, as I am the leader of a local authority—to local authorities running buses or running anything at all, if they can show that they can do it economically and effectively.”
What can you do to support the campaign?
Please put forward a motion (the model motion can be found on the We Own It website) to ask the council to support the campaign against Clause 21 of the Bus Services Bill and write to our local MP to ask them to support the campaign when the Bus Services Bill goes to the House of Commons."
Meandering Paths
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
will sneak in here: Straight liners;
"When the Queen Elizabeth sets sail on sea trials early next year, it will mark the end of an awkward period in the Royal Navy's history.
The scrapping of HMS Ark Royal and HMS Illustrious, in 2011 and 2014 respectively, has left the service without any aircraft carriers and without full maritime power....
In that time the UK has fought wars of choice (Libya, Afghanistan and against Islamic State), and has avoided a war of necessity, such as an invasion of the Falklands.
Had the latter been forced upon the UK, the capability gap would have been ruthlessly exposed....
An aircraft carrier gets you to the action; it takes you where ground based aircraft can't.
In peacetime, The Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales can be deployed on humanitarian missions...
"Their onboard boats, medical facilities, Marines, generators and ability to produce 5,000 tonnes of water per-day, could be vital in disaster relief.
The Carriers are a bullish symbol of defence diplomacy to be sailed into ports around the world, waving the flag and projecting British industry.
But a carrier doesn't sail alone. She is the flagship of a strike group. She must be supported and protected by a fleet of vessels and this is where the Royal Navy has a potentially defining problem..."
Fascinating. No author? And in a parallel universe:
Ironically ... a local entrepreneur wanted to purchase one of the aircraft carriers and park it in the Spa bay where Holbeck slip and turn it into a maritime museum... he down graded to a battleship but that was a long time ago. Oh well.
Sail on.
Peasholm. Pods.
Hisssssy Fitz
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
Ah, so ... Captain Cook v The Napoleonic complex.
Oooh ya know those doors with signs that say 'Stay Out' 'No Entry' etc ... why do they always have knobs on?
L'ing Lo....
Spa Works
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
The SNoooze seems to be updating its web page and is throwing up all sorts of wee gems:
this is where they were WERE planning to put the portacabins... a full CEMP plan is still being finalised by Balfour Beatty using wee diggers and rigs that will go under the Spa Bridge path so no road closures.
Beatty & the Beasties ...
Ostrich Operators
Submitted by Captain Black on
The Sands:
"On this basis excavation of the lower part of the existing slope on the western part of the Site to gradients greater than 1 vertical in 2 horizontal will adversely affect the stability of the slope. The primary risk relates to shallow translational and flow movements through the soils near the baseof the root system of the vegetation on the slope associated with weathering and progressive softening of the near-surface soils on the slope. The risk of shallow failures occurring is assessed to be High and measures will be required so that the development, adjoining land and the local amenity will not be adversely affected by such failures following excavation of the lower slope on the western part of the Site.....
"Retaining structure used to ensure the stability of cut slopes comprise either mass gravity wall structures or pile wall structures. Mass gravity retaining walls are typically suited to retained heights of less than 3 to 4 m. Although they can be used for greater retained heights, given the height of the cut slope and the constraints imposed by the site boundary they are unlikely to be suitable for maintaining the stability of the slopes on the western part of the Site. Mass gravity retaining walls may, however, be appropriate to form any terraces required in the regrading of the lower slope on the western part of the Site. Pile retaining walls formed using a row of contiguous piles may be suitable to ensure the stability of the cut slopes. Given the required retained height, it is expected that large diameter bored cast-in-place concrete piles will be required. Although pile retaining walls may be design and constructed as cantilever structures embedded into the sols below the slope, given the required retained height the forces generated in the wall will be high and it will be more economical to tie the piles back into a stable stratum using ground anchors. A capping beam will be required to ensure that the piles act in unison and localised variations in ground conditions are shed over a number of adjacent piles. It must be noted, however, that a stable level platform will be required to provide safe access for the piling rig. Given the location, length and height of the required retaining wall, provision of a stable working platform will require extensive enabling works; the cost and feasibility of such works may preclude the use of a piled retaining wall..."
The Trees The Trees ... who planted those trees ? Is this another £4mil from the Vaults of Awl?
Pods of Peas
YCR: Cinema D- Day
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"7:56am 6th October 2016
Plans for a new multiscreen cinema in Scarborough could be approved today.
The borough councils planning committee meets at lunchtime and on the agenda is the plans for the new cinema at the Sands Development on the former Atlantis Waterpark site.
Outline planning permission for the cinema, restaurants and apartments was granted in 2015, but today the committe will consider feedback from the public consultation along with comments from the police, Yorkshire Water, ecolologists and other interested parties.
The development is being recommended for approval and if permission is given it would clear the way for the construction of the 7 screen, 1060 seat cinema, along with retail units and multi-storey car park.."
Quite like a bit of Doris
Blimey 92 ;-)
On the Bench
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"ONE of the benches removed by a council because of their 'distracting' nature was replaced by an angry resident in protest - before it too was removed within hours...
"“Rather than spend money regenerating the high street, we should be spending it regenerating people.”... "
Meanwhile SBC's 'The Cabinet' decision for the Public Space Protection Order was approved for Public Consultation ...
Stakeholders ...
South Cliff Stabilisation Works
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
Via Cllr Vesey: "Public information exhibition about the £12million cliff stabilisation work starting next year - Friday 18th, 12-6pm, Methodist church hall on Filey Road, and Saturday 19, 9-12am. All welcome."
I see Parrots :
That was a lie btw.
SN: More Info:
PSPOC & The Daft
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
Is they 'avving a giraffe?
"Shops and businesses on the Yorkshire Coast are being encouraged to become 'safe places' to help vulnerable people feel confident in getting out and about.
Up to 140 public sector organisations across North Yorkshire, including libraries, leisure centres, Citizen’s Advice Bureaux, TransPennine train stations and community and children’s centres, have registered as Safe Places – but more are needed.
Safe Places help people who may need a little extra help and support while out and about in their community. People who might need to use them carry a Safe Places card or wear a wristband with the number for a call centre. If they need help, they can go to public places, such as shops, community centres and libraries, that have a Safe Places sticker in their window and ask staff there for help.
North Yorkshire County Council launched the scheme in the spring, along with North Yorkshire Police, district councils, the voluntary sector, travel organisations and pharmacies, with the aim of helping people to lead independent lives and feel safe.
Shops, services or businesses who agree to be a Safe Place put a logo sticker in their window so it can be seen easily. When a member of the scheme goes to the Safe Place for help, it can provide the help they are looking for or phone the call centre number. The call centre holds personal information about the member and contact details for their responder (family member, friend or carer). Contact will be made with the responder who will go to the Safe Place as quickly as possible to help the person.
County Councillor Clare Wood, North Yorkshire’s Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health Integration, said:
As many Safe Places as possible are needed for scheme members who feel they need the reassurance to go out into their community. Further information about the scheme is available from"
Put this into context with the Turners Turnover and erm ... hey presto ?
Care in the community my effing ar*e ....
Yellow stickers.... is this some sort of sick Authoritarian joke?
Not funny is it.... nice idea... lack of thought.
Heritage matters....
Mebbe tis just me ...
t'inking ...
nope, don't know anyone around in this Town that wouldn't do that 'help a vulnerable person' without a sticker.
So erm stick it up your ar*e.
Thats cos I know lots of nice people btw ;-))
The Economist at the Seaside
Submitted by Captain Black on
"From Scarborough to the Seychelles...
"IN the 1730s, the bathing machine appeared on Britain’s beaches. A small cabin on wheels, it was designed to allow its upper-class occupant access to the sea in privacy. This unlikely contraption heralded a new habit among the nobility, who began to visit the coast not for travel or for work, but for health and fun. By the turn of the 19th century the machine could be found on beaches across Europe, and reached rare levels of decadence; King Alfonso XIII had a luxury bungalow mounted on rails to allow the royal family to bathe in peace on the shores of San Sebastian. Today the bathing machine may be long forgotten, but seaside holidays are ubiquitous.
The story of how this British affectation spread across the world is told in a new exhibition, “Tous à la plage!” at the Centre for Architecture and Heritage in Paris. When the fashion for the seaside began, it was firmly rooted in an interest in the health benefits of seawater, promoted by a number of 17th and 18th century British physicians as a kind of miracle cure. Richard Russell was one of the doctors who managed to profit from this growing interest among the rich and afflicted. “This wondrous collection of waters,” he declared in “A dissertation on the use of seawater in the diseases of the glands”, his unlikely bestseller, “performs the will of the omnipotent”. In the latter years of his life Russell set up shop in Brighton, the waters of which he recommended above all else. He administered therapeutic access to the sea in recommended doses to an assortment of wealthy urbanites and royals.
"Russell’s effusive recommendations helped to transform Brighton from a little-known fishing port into an international destination. Architect John Nash helped to cement the town’s reputation in 1815 by designing the Royal Pavilion for George IV in an extravagant and extremely fashionable orientalist style. Soon afterwards, industrialisation and the advent of railways created a whole new class of international holiday-goer, and increasingly urbanised seaside towns sprang up across Europe to cater to the newly-mobile masses. Ever more elaborate structures—such as the winter garden at Nice or the pier at Blackpool—were constructed in the hope of tempting more visitors. Casinos were increasingly banned on the continent after their emergence in the 1850s, but were tolerated at the seaside, becoming the economic drivers of most of the resorts well into the 20th century.
Even as the conservative woollen clothes of the Victorian era gave way to more skimpy fashions, the idea that the seaside was good for one’s health continued well into the 20th century. Coastal holiday camps were set up in fascist Italy and Spain during the interwar period with a view to moulding children into perfect healthy national subjects. The Germans followed suit, with the Nazi leisure organisation Kraft durch Freude (“Strength through Joy”) constructing a vast facility called Prora between 1936 and 1939 on the Baltic, designed to hold 20,000 sea-goers. It still stands on the coast today, monumental and dilapidated.
The second world war wreaked havoc on many coastal towns, but by the 60s and 70s they had once again become the focus of fashion. Companies such as Butlins and Club Med popularised the idea of purpose-built beach “colonies”, imposingly realised in buildings like Jean Balladur’s Le Grande Motte on the French south coast. Today the seaside still attracts the grand plans of developers and architects, from the artificial islands of Dubai to the more modest i360 tower in Brighton. But the rising sea levels and extreme weather of the modern era bring new threats to this global industry; last year it was predicted that even if global warming is restricted to 2˚C, sea levels could still rise by at least six metres, irrevocably changing coastal areas around the world. After almost 300 years of revelry, the long-term future of the seaside holiday looks a little more uncertain.
“Tous à la plage!” is showing at the Centre for Architecture and Heritage in Paris until February 12th 2017"
Prospero eh?
Hmmm .... Peru or Paris. Pluto.
ping pong ...
YCR: South Cliff Stabilisers
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
"6:02am 18th November 2016
The draft planning application for the Scarborough South Cliff Slope Stabilisation Scheme has been completed and details of it will be available for public viewing for the first time at two drop in sessions later this week.
The drop in sessions, which form a pre-planning public engagement exercise voluntarily organised by Scarborough Borough Council, will be held over two days at South Cliff Methodist Hall.
The first session will be held on Friday 18 November between 12.00pm and 6.00pm, followed by the second session on Saturday 19 November between 9.00am and 12.00pm.
Scarborough Borough Council representatives will be joined by representatives from previously appointed consultant Royal Haskoning and contractor Balfour Beatty to show local residents and businesses the draft proposals. People will be able to comment on them and comments may be able to be taken into account prior to the formal submission of the planning application later this year.
The Scarborough South Cliff Slope Stabilisation Scheme comprises of works to stabilise the slopes behind Scarborough Spa, work on the seawall to address some significant defects and the implementation of an interim Risk Management Plan for dealing with wave overtopping and landslides.
Lisa Dixon, Scarborough Borough Council Director said:
Anyone unable to attend the sessions will be able to access the draft planning information at from 12.00pm, Friday 18 November.
Once the planning application is submitted, it will be subject to statutory public consultation in the normal manner and residents will have a further opportunity to comment during that process. The exact timing of this is yet to be confirmed."
Paddy in an 'S' Suit ....with bells on : -)
Chimneys? Might need a bigger pole ....
SCSSS ....
Submitted by Benefitz Betty on
Last chance today to pop along ... (Saturday) between 9am and noon at Sth Cliff Methodist Hall ... tis the one first past the Ramshill on the left ( a very special place in its own right btw)
£14mil investment is not to be sniffed at (tis in the vaults of SBC, fit for purpose n all ...)
Anyhoos noone can find the original 'engraving' dug out of the Cow on the land of the first recorded Landslip (dug out by RKH) 1737 ....
tis a treasure hunt... anyone find its origins or whereabouts gets a prize ;-))
Slide 4:
Cliffs R Dangerous
Submitted by Captain Black on
Walk this Way? Things to do with a tourist?
"When on the cliff top:
from Dada, Dado to Dahli ...
wotever next :-))
Ah, so ... that cold light of Day.
Oh, OK:
Baldrick !!!!
Eh, So ... tis a map .... found it : tis for a new diet ... girthwatch
Nah tis not Wind in the Willows .. hi ho hi ho ne'er watch the end of a movie nor read the last pages of a book.
Oh, OK: Here's the deal ... for every crazy comment taken off screen another will be added.
Dancing 'Queens'
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"The first phase of the multi-million pound South Cliff Slope Stabilisation Scheme in the gardens above Scarborough Spa will start next week.
Starting on Monday and lasting for approximately six weeks, the first phase will involve vegetation clearance and the removal of some trees.
The trees being removed are not the subject of tree preservation orders and replantation, where appropriate, will form part of the reinstatement phase of the scheme following the cliff stabilisation works.
The £14 million scheme is vital to protect the Victorian Spa complex below and the many properties situated at the top of the cliffs.
In the interests of public safety, a number of footpaths in the gardens will be closed during the clearance works.
The closed footpaths will be marked accordingly and alternative access will be clearly signed. The Spa cliff lift is unaffected by the works.
The work is being carried out for Scarborough Borough Council by its contractor, Balfour Beatty.
Claire Firbank, Balfour Beatty public liaison officer said: “The clearance work is critical to enable us to prepare the area for the stabilisation phase of the scheme, which is due to start later this year. We apologise for any disruption caused during this first phase and ask the local and visiting public to bear with us as we carry out the work.”
Cllr Mike Cockerill, Scarborough Borough Council cabinet member for project leadership, harbours and coast and flood protection added: "The overall stabilisation scheme is crucial to ensuring that the protection the cliff gives the areas above it, and the reputation of the gardens in the area above the Spa as one of Scarborough’s most loved outdoor spaces, is secured for current and future generations of residents and visitors. It is therefore very heartening to see the first phase of works get underway.”
"Scarborough Borough Council is to host a briefing session for anyone interested in becoming a North Yorkshire County Councillor. The County elections are to be held on 04 May 2017.
The session is on Wednesday 08 March from 4pm at the Town Hall, St Nicholas Street, Scarborough. We will talk attendees through the election process, the nomination forms, and key dates. We expect the briefing to last around 1 hour.
At the end of the session attendees will be able to obtain information packs containing:
• Information from North Yorkshire County Council on their Council structure and other key information
• A complete nomination pack
• A form to request a copy of the register of electors for a specific County division (which may be needed to help complete the nomination forms)
Please can you inform us of any attendees by replying to this email ( If you have any questions about the briefing session please feel free to get in touch.
Kerry Russett
Electoral Services Team, Scarborough Borough Council
w :
t: 01723 232309 Fax: 08702 384 139 "
Time flies ...
The Sphinx
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
"Italian miners dynamited and tunnelled for four miles through the heart of the Eiger and the Monch and excavated a cavernous station just below the summit of the Jungfrau. The railway opened in 1912 after a mammoth building project that took 16 years and cost CHF15 million and the lives of 30 navvies.
The cogwheel train traverses the high snowfields for a mile or so before vanishing into the Eiger and stopping briefly at a station inside the North Wall where everyone steps out for a glimpse through a glass panel of one of the most treacherous climbs in the world. Rescue missions are still mounted from here.
The final ascent is by high-speed lift to a viewing platform at The Sphinx, an observatory and research station where scientists measure atmospheric pollution, climate change and stratospheric radiation. It is closed to visitors, but computer screens and display boards explain their work.
Meanwhile the snack bar is doing a roaring trade in instant pot noodles as Korean families fuel up before visiting the Ice Palace, a distinctly chilly grotto with sculptures of Arctic birds and animals...."
Ah, so ;-)
insert your own ...
Gnome Convention at Spa
Submitted by Captain Qahn on
In the Garden
Submitted by Captain Qahn on